TERRACE BAY NEWS _ TERRACE BAY NEWS. Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. 'Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation, Terrace Bay, Schreiber and district. Deadline for advertisements. isNoon each Monday, other <j). ; items Tuesday Noon, Office phone 3747, Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa for payment of postage in cash. Mp a . fan Without Burn see _ our selec ion of quality pre- "Sh i If you oie eese Classified ads - Minimum sabi 250¢ < (i words and under) - Cards of thanks - Minimum charge $1.00 (30 words and underQj cet ee FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS, POLISHERS, PARTS & SERVICE, contact EMIL SEPPALA,; dealer, 325 Argyle St. Pt. Arthur, Ont, PHONE DI 4-1173 CARD OF THANKS -I wish to thank the nursing | staff, also Dr. Lee and Dr, Cornell for the excellent attention I/re ceived, also to those who sent cards during"my stay in Terrace Bay Hospital, (Signed) Alex Lamb. FOR_RENT - new three-bedroom house with gar- ; » age, 205 Newman Stréet, Schreiber. Phone 156, RENE GAUDET!S : roe" teriirts ISLAND VIEW. iS SURE ery' wa LOST - Green fishing bag with fishing tackle SERVICE: STATION WE SUSE HOW" BE at the Hydro: Intake, Rader please phone - GORNER OF ees = TA 5~3524" or" house" 52) -- Rs JHUDSON..& HWY,.17.... Terrace: Bay "? CARD "OF: THANKS scare to express wipes : felt thanks to all my friends.for the many PHONE TA 5-3638 | Te 00 Tee lovely flowers and. cards ; a during my stay in St. Joseph's Hospital. uff CARD OF THANKS - I would like to thank Doctors| igned) Mrs. Alex Furyk, McCausland and Lee, the Nurses and Staff of | o7z, BURNER INSTALLATION »FO a: Thon Tien. Terrace Bay were Lee their care during my man Burner - 250 Gallon-Tank, Phone TA 5<3665 recent illness and ali the school mites and ee friends for their kindness and cards received.) DON!T BE A "LITTERBUG": (Signed) Anna Spadoni Lands and Forests Minister, the Hons JeWe he ------- | Speoner appeals to campers, picnickers, vaca= FOR SALE. 2 1956 PL th § 'a a , |. tionists and the public generally not to be RA = $100 h ao k edanwreod a = "litterbugs", for litter not only is a fire | tion cash and take over payments, \f@ : Phone 458 or Write P.0. Box 307, Schreiber, hazard but also detracts from the beauty and cleanliness of parks, woodlands and all out- FOR RENT - four bedroom house < large living doorse room and kitchen - full basement, oil heat- Ample provision is made in provincial er and large garage, Phone 759, Schreiber, parks for garbage disposal and visitors are --~| asked to co-operate, particularly where aban+ CARD OF THANKS - I wish to thank all my doned cans and bottles can become dangerous, friends for the lovely cards, letters and especiadly to childrens , Be flowers sent to me while in Hospital in Ter- When vacating camp, make certain that it _ race Bay and Port Arthur. They were certain- is left clean and tidy for the next camperse ly appreciated, (ts fo et ee ate a (Si Hubert Weaver ROLLER SKATING ' Don't forget roller. siting sessions every CARD OF THANKS = Mrs, Ev,Garvin expresseg sin Th Sund cere gratitude to all who sent cards, flowers uredaya from. 7. 0:30 Rela and SYOny ~ and gifts and to those who visited he a from 8 to 10 PeM, caste n hospital, A. special thanks to the @. | for their good wishes, G@OLOR_CHANGES ROOMS You can re-design rooms through your color | selection, To "shorten". a long: room, use a COOKS WANTED = For the two Cub Camps to be ale dark-shade_ ofa -warm color (red, orange and | | held July 13th to 17th, and July 20th - 24th. | -yeijow) on' the end walls, To"'widen" a Any person ~ lady' or gentleman - who may be narrow room) use a light shade of a oak interested in making a little extra money color (blue, green, or violet) on the side and help our Cubs at the same time, please | walls. contact the Group Committee Chairman - 5. | Brend - TA 5~3553, COR GENO. toes cea cite kai ss Naituitidadic 4 To increase all-around spaciousness, use the same light, cool shade on all*four' walls, woodwork and. cod hing, | tS. YOU. Willy the fewer. ' "haves . dhe, more .¢ friends you