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Terrace Bay News, 28 Jun 1962, p. 10

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2 = ae eee eC A - OEL S Ne REA AREA ZtSS h ne . aa mee on ee ee EE EE A NN NE EE aE et Ne OTT | De ee nt SN Re Je eng, ase ee I Se BICYCLE RODEO (Continued from Page 8) Page 10 . 4th - Terry Black 5th - Lorne Turner - 580 ~ Mud Flaps - 575 - Plastic Streamer mM demansiselgiahMbelaaDaar ae at emterencaas age CHANGES IN DEMERIT POINT SYSTEM A number of important changes will be made in the Point System to make it a more effec- tive means of improving driving behaviour, with effect July 1, 1962, Nine new offences which will mean loss of points have been added, Points have been in- creased for 12 of the present offences, In- stead of wiping off all the points as at present the suspended driver comes 'back on the road with 7 points, -The first violation will bring him back in for an interview at which time he may be again suspended, A con- viction for failing to remain under the Crin- inal Code which now is assessed 9 points is removed from the Point System and carries with it an automatic 3 months suspension, All other Criminal Code offences such as ability impaired, dangerous driving, criminal negligence, etc., also have been removed and will carry mandatory suspensions of from 3 months to 2 years. The suspension level has been raised from 12 to 15. points so as.to extend the opportun- ity to send advisory letters and conduct in- terviews. All motorists reaching the 15 point level will be off the road for 1 month from the date the driver*ts licence is surrendered, If a driver accumlates 15 points a second time within 2 years he will be suspended. for 6 months. "It is not the purpose of the Point. System to. suspend drivers, " Transport Minister Rowntree stated, "but rather to get at and improve the small minority of motorists who seem to fail to appreciate the need for good safe operating habits behind the wheel, I am confident that the changes will assist us in our efforts and will benefit all users ot the streets and highways.* ARCHBISHOP WRIGHT CONDUCTS CONFIRMATION The Sacrament of Confirmation was admin- istered to seven Confirmees in St, John's Anglican Church by the Most Reverend Wn, Le Wright, D.D.C. Les Archbishop of Algoma, at a special' service on June 20th, Rector, K,J.S,Inshaw, Rural Dean of Superior, Rev. G.S,Honour of Marathon ae Rev, K.Gibbs of Nipigon, assisted the Arch- bishop, f Those confirmed were Michael Evans-Smith, Warren Morrill, Katherine Smith, Margaret ~ McCausland, William Turner, Patricia McCausland and William Hodgkinson, Following the address to the candidates, His Grace dedicated the Communion Rail and the Credence Table donated by Bernice Seeman and Jack Arthurs to the memory of their late parents, James and Martha Arthurs, former parishioners of St,John*s Church, After the religious service the congrega- tion met in the Church Hall where colored slides were shown of the Archbishop's visit to New Delhi, India where he attended the World Council of Churches as Anglican Repre- sentative. Lunch was served and His Grace enjoyed visiting with his many old friends in the congregation and district. (Cont?d next col.) en | TERRACE BAY NEWS was enjoyed, | NOTICE IN DOCTOR'S OFFICE: June 28, 1962 Mesdames J.0.Bryson, Godfrey Birch, Cyril Sparkes and Jack Corbett, Following the Sunday Morning Service on June 24th, those confirmed were served a Com- mmunion Breakfast. parc, ERIC SNOW ATTENDS A/N DINNER Those serving on' the lunch committee were nie ee The dinner given by the officers and members: of the Schreiber A/N Division and Schreiber- Terrace Bay Branch, St, John Ambulance, was attended by thirty guests. Honored guests were Brig. Eric Snow, Pro- vincial Commissioner, Toronto, F,.N.Farwell,- Area Superintendent, Miss Gertrude Mitchell, Area Nursing Superintendent, Reeve J,Heenan, Terrace Bay, Councillor Mrs. L.R.McCuaig, Schreiber and W,LeSauvage, Toronto, Director of the Ontario Motor League, In the absence of branch president, G.L, Crandlemire, Mrs, J,R.Rummery was M,C. for the occasion with Supt. W.J.Cringle giving the address of welcome, Mr. Heenan and Mrs, McCuaig expressed the satisfaction of their conmmmities in having the services of traincd workers of St, John available for emergencies and Roland Wills, branch secretary and A.W. Cuthbertson, branch treasurer, spoke briefly, as did Mr. LeSauvage, The latter said the many first aid posts on the Highways in Ontario are maintained on a 50% cost basis between St, John and the Ontario Motor League. Brig. Snow expressed Priory's satiefactiteti in seeing the Schreiber Brigade, which at one time seemed about to disband, now growing in membership and interest, He explained the function of the recently organized Branch, which is to assist the Brigade in all phases, in an advisory capacity. He commended the Brigade on its excellent record in number of classes conducted in artificial respiration in the Save-A-Life campaign. The dinner was followed by inspection of the Brigade in the Town Hall, after which Mrs, Rummery set the scene for a first aid demonstration by describing an imaginary car accident in which the driver suffered chest injury, fractured wrist and head wounds and a passenger was' discovered unconscious with head in water, - ~ First Aid men Ed,Zielke, Chuck Levigne, Rene Dedard, Wally Cringle, Bob Krause and Jim Krause and Bill Olson responded to the call for help, very quickly giving artificial respiration to Phil Inshaw and bandaging and Trussing Jim MeCuaig safely on stretcher for conveying to hospital operated' by Mesdames Margaret Johnson, Helen Jartus, Hilda Relph and Dorothy Rummery. Brig. Snow applauded the efficiency and despatch with which first aid was administered and later, following presentations were made by the various officers:- second labels to Supt., Cringle and Robert Krause, Jim McCuaig and David Riglesford, _ Jim McCuaig, who trained the Brigade for inspection, was complimented by Brig, Snow, The evenirg ended with an open discussion of the Brigades aims and how these may best be accomplished, after which a buffet lunch Ladies in waiting room are asked not to exchange symptoms, It ' gets the doctor hopelessly mixed up. t se wee ee Fa Sr are ees mete Seer store terme ern ce te EE AS OT ECCT SR IE AIS

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