Page 8 MARVIN STEEN(Continued fr.Pg 7) Marvin, who was President of the Student Council and Valedictorian of his Gradua- ting Class from Terrace Bay High School, has taken his TANOWLEDGE Manitoba, United College. Through his-four years Marvin ten, | has worked on the College News paper, been President of the Ments Residence (Graham), Vice-Chairman of Theatre for United College, a member of the Third and Fourth Year Council, Leader of the Mono- n tones, a participant in Varsi Varieties, Don of Men's Resi- dence for two years, Executive TERRACE BAY NEWS FULL AND A LOT, WHEN IT COMES } studies at the University of [TO TY, = RADIO SERVICE - [THIS WECVE GOT. l 7 A COMMUNITY T.V. SERVICES May 31, 1962 __ & LADIES PACK CLOTHING Yrs, L, Williams, President, led in Devotions Monday after- noon for the Afternoon Branch of the Ladies Auxiliary, held in the Terrace Bay Community Church, The opening hymn was accompanied at the piano by Mrse JeK,Andersone | Minutes of the previous meet ing were read by the Secretary, Mrse EeSchock, The ladies agreed to select a picture of the Church from which to have Hasti-notes made for the Christ mas Bazaare A combined meeting of the Afternoon and Evening Branches would be held next Monday, for OPER SURE MEANS! erence sate sepsnee Se? fe fy Ji * - ee | . f : Terrace Bay, Ontario : i d the of Liberal Club, and concluded ot their June meeting an his active years by being a- PHONE TA 5-5305____" afternoon Group would not meet and a Manitoba Government Bursury. Education this summer at Toronto, accepting a teaching position at the Terrace Bay High school for one year, Concluding that term he plans on entering the faculty of Medicine the following semester, eee «cave eee oe Neem Mrs. F, Hanna was hostess Monday evening to a meeting of the Guiders Club presided over by Mrs, Lois Downey. The meeting opened with the Guide Prayer, followed by Minutes by the Secretary Mrs, B, Peterkin, June 10th was set for the next Church Parade and it was stressed that Leaders en- courage all girls to attend, Methods of choosing a representative from each Pack to carry the Pennant at Church Parade was dis- cussed, It was decided to pair Guides and Brownies off together for the Cookie Day Canvas, May 26th. The Summer Fly-Up will be held at the Mouth of the River on Saturday, June 16 at 4,00 P.M, and, in the event of rain, would be transferred to the High School Auditorium for the same time, The Local Association would be responsible for ordering refresments and be reitbursed by each Pack or Company.' Fly Up practice would be held on Wednesday, June 13 at 5,30 in the Auditorium, Mrs. Downey illustrated her interesting talk on the Guide Promise and Law as the building of a house, demon- strating each part 'as a section of the house, built upon the other, "An open discussion followed, , The next meeting was ar- ranged for Monday, Sept. 17 at 8.30 P.M, at. the home of Mrs. R, Hales, Mrs, Hanna was assisted in serving tea and lunch by leaders of Pack one, to conclude the meeting. LADIES AUXILIARY TO MEET The Ladies Auxiliary will meet on Monday, June 4 at 8,15 in the Terrace Bay Community Church, MrssHelen Brooks, Convenor, plans to dramatize the Hymn "I Would Be True' by Howard Walters All ladies of the Church are cordially invited to attende bimaibee warded the United College Major Service Medal| again until Monday, BEAUTY & BARBER SHOP TERRACE BAY MOTOR HOTEL PHONE TA 5-3209 yo now I know ite", iat aimee caine ial September 17 at 1.45 PeMe Work parties were active during the after- Marvin will attend the Ontario College of | noon to complete a layette which will be taken down to the Hospital for emergency needs as well as the mending and packing of five cartons of clothing for Overseas Relief and the Childrents Aid Society, Mesdames As Farrow and E, Ostling were tea hostesses at the conclusion of the meeting, SHIRRIFF FAMILY ENROUTE. TO INDTA _- Bob Shirriff, former Mill Manager, with his wife Ruth and sons John and Bill left Terrace Bay Saturday with the good wishes of | the Community, to make their home in Hyderabad India, Enroute to their new home they travel first to Toronto and to Beaver Dam, Wisconsin to join their daughter Margaret for her grad~ uation from Weyland Academy and a stop in Neenah, Wisconsin. oi The Shirriffs were entertained at community, parties and affairs prior to their departure | and will be sorely missed by the many clubs and organizations in wrich they were all so : } very actives Ae PATTISON NEW PRESIDENT OF MEN'S CHORUS The Terrace Day Men's Chorus had their -- annual business meeting Monday, 'May 28th with | | | i ' { f \ 14 of 21 paid up members in attendances Year~end reports from the President and Treasurer were adopteds Retiring President, Norme Kelly, made several suggestions for rovin; ~ | the benefit of the incoming exe~ cutive, Bert Lohr, the Music Director, also had a. few words of constructive criticism, The members then moved a hearty vote of thanks to Bert Lohr and Elle Hodgkiss for their unstinting support during the yeare Election of officers was the next order of business with the | following results:- President, Al Pattison; Vice- President, Ted Brown; Secretary Ron Smith; Treasurer, Ernie , Kettle; Music Secs, Arnold Almos, Directors, Mike McCausland, John Ferrier and Ernie Rowsone es "I always thought you were a gentleman," she wept, as he let her out of his car in front lof her house at 11 o'clock,