_Page 2 * TERRACE ERRACE Btily THE. CHURCH ATTEND COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev, J.Raymond Anderson 9,00 A.M, -- Sunday School - Grades 2.and 3 9.30 A.M. - Sunday School - Grades 4and up 11,00 A.M, -- DIVINE WORSHIP - Legionnaires Church Parade No Eventide Service during June, July and August, ST, MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev,Dean E,A,Gallagher SATURDAY -- Confessions 3-4 P,M. and 7-8 P.M. During the week Masses are at 7.45 A.M. and on Saturdays at 9.00 A.M. Q OT, MARTIN'S Open from 2 to PARISH LIBRARY 3 P.M, every Saturday v BOS 3S PO 8 Ft ST, JOHN BERCHMAN*S CHURCH .Mass every Tuesday evening at 7,00 P.M, GOSPEL MISSION QO. Sunday School at 2 P.M. every Sunday = ae eat" CS [ve / POST OFFICE NOTICE Observations by the Postmasters in Schrei- ber and Terrace Bay require that we respect- fully bring to the attention of our Patrons the following Post Office regulations which we find are being more frequently ignored:- 1. Box holders are required to carry their keys at all times. The Staff is not per- mitted to open boxes except in emergency. 2. Patrons having a representative pick up their mail must. furnish such person with a note over his signature. 3. Employees are not permitted to reveal the presence of mail at the Post Office for | Jagger either personally or by telephone, We have found that some children carry- ae keys are trying to open other than their own box and hereby warn parents that we are forced to take action to stop this serious offense, | R.W. MacAdam, W,E, Cavanaugh. STRPRISE PARTY HELD FOR SHIRRIFF BOYS A surprise farewell party by friends of John and Bill Shirriff was held at the home of Lynda Lawrence on May 18th, Entertainment consisted of dancing and a light buffet lun- cheon, Gifts were presented to the boys along with a farewell cake, Attending were John and Bill Shirriff, Lynda Lawrence, Lorne Turner, Michael Moore, George Schmeidchen, Stephanie Synishin, Karen Moore, John Rowson, Beth Hopper, Fred Erickson, Jill Crandlemire, Kathy Phillips, Gary Gusul and Molly Harris. | Se | COMMONWEALTH STUDY GROUP ENJOY STOP-OVER | Some 150 members of the Commonwealth Study Conference group, presently enroute across the Dominion, enjoyed the only rest halt of the Tour last Sunday, Somewhat overwhelmed by the number await- re a are re ooo BAY NEWS May 31, 1962 OF YOUR CHOICE SCHREIBER °S ANG 9,00 A.M. - Holy Communion 10,00 A.M..- Family Service 11,00 A.M,.- Morning Service 7,00 P.M. --- Evensong -~Rev. R.J, Inshaw ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Rev, R, Crook 9,45 A.M, - Sunday School 11,00 A.M, - MORNING SERVICE 7.00 P.M. - Bible Study HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev. J.M, Cano | Daily Mass - 7,30 A.M. | Saturday Mass - 9,00 A.M. Saturday Confessions - 4,30 to 5,30 P.M. and 7.30 to 8.30 P.M. | SUNDAE MASSES - 8,00 ~ 9,30 and 11,00 A.M. 4 ' EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH -- Rev, M.F, Kaija 10,00 A.M. - Sunday School - every week 7,00 P.M. - Evening Service - 2nd and 4th Sundays - Bible Study on Fridays following Sundays Services, GOSPEL MISSION. - Mr, Ron Sheffield | Sunday - 11,00 A.M, - Family Bible Hour \ 7,00 P.M. - Gospel Service )) | Wednesday - 7,00 P.M, - Prayer Meeting the arrival of their special train at 2:30 PM the guests were quickly whisked away by their waiting hosts to be shown the sights of the | district and taken into their homes. | Coming from all parts of the Commonwealth, different things impressed different members of the group. A young lady we were fortunate enough to entertain was greatly impressed | with Canadian homes and the appliances we are apt to take for granted. Industry, living | conditions and unions, culture, education | and attitudes were all discussed - pictures were taken, addresses exchanged, new friend- ships formed then, after dinner, the guests | were somewhat regretfully put aboard their waiting train to continue their trip across -_ COMRTE Te: en "TERRACE BAY "BAY HOCKEY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting will be held in the large meeting room at the Recreation Centre on Monday, June 11th at 8:00 P.M, to elect new officers for the coming term and to vote on proposed changes in the Constitution, | NOMINATIONS 1. The executive will appoint a Nominating | Committee who will then suggest a slate of officers for the following posts: | | | (a) President - (b) Vice President - (c) Trea-, surer - (d) Secretary (e) Publicity Manager - | (f) Finance Chairman plus a two man Committee 2. Nominations will be accepted from the floor if the nominated person is present to signify his willingness to run OR if the nomi- nated person is not present but has previously; written to the Secretary signifying his will- ingness to run, CHANGE IN CONSTITUTION All proposed changes to the Constitution must be in the hands of the Secretary (Eliza- | beth Burns, 88 Hudson Drive) in writing, four-| 1 teen days BEFORE the annual meeting. eo af -- ene « A Friend is one who knows all about you and| likes you just the same. | se = --~ + er ny ene mnanenteinanaatpeyaeeaecenaaniennie {