May 24, 1962 TERRACE TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario, Published weekly each Thursday, Circulation, Terrace Bay, Schreiber and District, Deadline for advertisements is Noon each Monday, other items Tuesday Noon, Office Phone 3747, Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa for payment of postage in cash, | | Classified ads - Minimum charge 50¢ - (20 words and under) = Cards of Thanks - Minimum | charge $1 (30 words and under). coerce a weapon gee FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS, POLISHERS, PARTS & SERVICE, contact EMIL SEPPALA, dealer, 325 Argyle St. Pt, Arthur, Ont,, PHONE DI 4-1173, en CARD OF THANKS ~ Mr. Vernon Weaver wishes, to thank his friends and relations for their kindness during his recent illness ~ in particular Dr. Remus, Nurses and staff of three A McKellar Hospital. BABYSITTER ~ Available for the summer months, Well experienced, Phone 338 Schreiber, » one key with initials C.G. Phone 3747 = News Offices OIL PAINTING TO BE WON - tickets available from Art Club members and via a house-to- house Canvas. FOUND = a sum of money without identifica- tione Owler may reclaim same by phoning 3270 giving proper identification and pay- ing for this ad, FOR SALE - Modern, new three-bedroom home with garage. Write to Box 264, Schreiber, \ ener ee eel FOR SALE - two-bedroom homé - write to box 49 iber, UETICO OR TED AN z The Quetico Conference and Training a een nna eee ennmnmntmuestaremennmnenmdsenammmnestiateatentaedtiheteenenrmeaaeemmnenmemmenemammanadand Centre has received a signal honour by the selection of its director, C,M,McIntosh, as -- one of two Canadian delegates to be sent to the International Conference on Residential Aduit Education in Germany this summer. Mr.McIntosh will attend the conference on a travel study award from the Canadian Association for Adult Education, While in Europe the countries being visited will host the delegates and make provision for travel, The conference will be held at the Rends- burg Folk High School in Germany from July 29 ~ Aug.4th., Its theme will be "The Mobile Society and the Residential School," i Following the Conference Mr,McIntosh will} (Signed) Alex Lamb : diane . Were fee. 1 | or voc | | Grescent 7 Finance | 'eeunae "CANADIAN COAST TO COAST AGENT | representing DOMINION LIFE INS, COMPANY PHONE 195 SCHREIBER TOWN HALL } BAY NEWS | age, 106 Galena Street, Seen eeeSaSessesssssssssnss ian ____. Page 3 ete ent ennemm CHEN VISITING i ! sa ocr contest vi er For necogaodation please write: ; PRINCE ARTHUR MOTOR HOTEL RORY ARFHGR, OATARIC. Telapheew 5-541) ae HOUSE FOR $7 O - Large, modern kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 3 piece bath and large living room - full front porch, full basement with laundry room = oil heated. Lawn front and back, Includes small three-room house on back of lot which can be renteds -- Ontario Street, Schreiber ~ Phone Terrace Bay 3576 or Schreiber 11W. RIY FOR S em - 3 bedroom home with gar- Phone C.A,MoGrath, a Schreiber 17. ~ 12 X 18 Frame Garage ~ reasonable, | Apply A, Koski, Schreiber. 0 « 3«piece chesterfield, trilight lam and end table. Phone 3682, FOR SALE - Boy's Bicycle, with basket carrier. Phone 3538. CARD OF THANKS - We gratefully acknowledge the many kind expressions of sympathy receive by us during our recent bereavement, : (Signed) Aggie & Alex Sinkins CARD OF THANKS ~ Lucy and Walli Kilcher leave a sincere You? to all the friends and neighbors, the ¥.M,C,A,Staff and their dangh- ter Lucy for the farewell party, gifts and best wishes. i RUMMAGE SALE COMMUNITY CHURCH BASEMENT - ~ - - 9:00 A, My SATURDAY = MAY 26TH CARD OF - I wish to thank the nursing Staff of the Terrace Bay Hospital, also Dr. Cornell for the kind attention I received while ill and a thank you to all who sent cards. LOANS FROM $50 YO $5,000 HOUSE MORTGAGES a OS Ni Syridicbte St oe Syria: reek EXCLUSIVE : 2 ; 3-WAY PROTECTION Mayfair 3-0467 7 sickness, death, FORT WILLIAM, Ont. accident ? :