'Vol.5, No.19 LET?S STOP VANDALISM Like the "flowers that bloom.in the _ Spring" our annual outbreak' of petty vandal-. ism has:again blossomed forth in the form of broken bottles in play areas, rocks and glass in the wading pool, marks and writing en the walls of buildings, broken swings and benches and all the other damaging and cost- ly acts that are so dangerous:and unsightly. LET'S STOP THIS VANDALISM $3 'As adults it is our duty to discipline .. our children against these thoughtless habits and to set good. examples ourselves, 'As children it is our.duty to see that we, and others, are not guilty of such acts, AS CITIZENS OF TERRACE BAY ~- ALL OF US - IT IS' OUR DUTY TO KEEP OUR TOW, IT'S FACIL- ITIES, ITS PLAY AREAS. AND ITS BUILDINGS, AS SAFE AND ATTRACTIVE AS WE POSSIBLY CAN, BO. YOUR PART $3 SPRING CLEAN-UP 'Although no announcements have been made officially regarding a clean-up campaign, the warmer weather has encouraged many. house-holders to start raking up Winter's accummlation of rubbish and to generally tidy up their premises, Keeping in mind that the season when many visitors will be looking over our Towns it.is only fitting that we present a clean and orderly appearance, Let our visitors take with them a remem- brance of beauty - not one of unsightly and untended property. (Sce' Page 13)" De BENO HEADS SCHREIBER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE On Monday, May 7th, a general meeting of the Schreiber Chaitber™ of Commerce was held in the Town Hall at 8 PM, The newly elected executive, Don Beno President, JeCs Nesbitt Vice President, Mrs, Eva Gordon Secretary and D, D'Amours. Treasurer, 'conducted the affairs of the meeting, Jn appeal was issued to Schreiber resi- dents for a new site for a tourist infor- mation booth, If no suitable sites are forthcoming tourist, information will again . be dispensed from the lobby of the Schreiber Hotele oe The Chamber are sponsoring a Clean-Up Week.- May 6th to 19th, A determined effort to complete a town clean-up is urged before arrival of the Duke of Edinburgh!s Common- wealth tour arriving on May 27th.and also the other tours which will be stopping in the Town, It is planned to hold a concerted clean-up of Main Street with the merchants, on a Wednesday afternoon, ReBe Spadoni, De Beno and P, Inshaw are rking on production (Continued on Pge 8) i e Sorting the District 4 in which we live | Le ea a es May 10,-1962 GENERAL MEETING OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TONIGHT - aceite ititasitaattaaaisiiiiiiaieasiiieaaaiimiiaiameamaaialily Advancing rapidly towards another tourist season, the Chamber of Commerce meeting of their Council Wednesday evening made pre- parations to ready tourist information and conveniences prior to the anticipated influx. Presiding was CeEs Paget and the Secretary -- Jack Kelty who accepted a sub-committee re-- port from Jack Caccamo advising establishment - of the town's official tourist bureau in the Imperial Motel, With consent of proprietor Joe Adamo, the Secréetary-Treasurer will write to the Ontario Depts of Travel and Publicity advising of the location approved by the local Chamber of Commerce, of a tourist information centre in the Imperial Tourist Room, Following up a suggestion for beautifying the shopping centre, it was agreed that Pe. Boudreau!s: committee would approach. the Horticultural Society to see if this group is interested in establishing flower beds, A motion was passed to have the Chamber of Commerce take an active interest in the . | Comnthy of tourist rooms in the town, Neil | Cornthwaite was appointed to head up this committee, visiting homes" which wished to have rooms listed and make recommendation on rooms inspected, It was agreed that only -- Chamber of Commerce members may list roomsSe A committee of J, Adamo, CoE. Paget, Ne Cornthwaite and Je Kelty was appointed to finalize on the entire matter. J. Adamo reported that the Golf Club has apparently no immediate need for assistance from the Chamber but will advise if and when such help is requirede Mele Houston and P. Boudreau were dele~ gated to follow up on moving the 40 Me Delle '| speed limit sign further east and also re-. open the subject of establishing a speed dinit of lower that 40 mpeh,. through the town, It was agreed. that the Chamber of Commerce should endeavour to have the LeCeBeOe store open six days per weeks A general' ineeting was arranged for Weds May 9th at 7,15 PeMe in the small meeting room of the Recreation Centre, with the next meeting of the Chamber's Council to. be --_----- as needede eo! le ee AWARDS AND CERTIFICATES PRESENTED. a FIRE iE DEPARTMENT . Lorne tee of the Fire Marshall's Office in Port Arthur, was in Terrace Bay | lionday evening to formally present to Reeve J, Heenan the 2nd: place award presented an- nually to Muni¢ipalities in Class F ( popu- lation of 2500, to 25000.) This is the eleventh time the award len been received by Terrace Bay since 1950, Reeve Heenan, in turn, presented the award to Fire Chief Hofland. Terrace Bay has won | $ wo p | an award more times (Continued on Page 14)