Page 2. TERRACE BAY NEWS February 15, 1962 TERRACES BAY ALY ATTEND _THE COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. J.Raymond Anderson 8.00 A.M, - Anglican Communion 9,00 A.M, - Grades 2 & 3-Sunday School 9,30 A.M, --- Grade 4 and up Sunday School '11,00 A.M, - Beginner*s Sunday School 11,00 A.M, -- MORNING WORSHIP - "The Church of the Living God" 7.00 P.M, -- EVENTIDE SERVICE - The Hi-C Club will be sponsoring the film 8.00 P.M. -- Hi-C meeting THE CHURCH BOARD will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mr. & Mrs, H,Goodfellow at 8.00 P.M. Elders invited, John Dejonghe will report on Men*s Conference, ST. 'MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev. E,A,Gallagher SATURDAY -- Confessions 3--4 P.M, and 7~8 P.M, Mass during the week at 7.45 and on Saturday at 9,00 A.M. ST, MARTIN'S PARTSH LIBRARY Open from 2 to 3 every Saturday | iR OSSPORT SB. JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH | Mass every Tuesday at 7,00 PoM. | GOSPEL MISSION a School at 2 P.M, every Sunday My | | | ' | | | "Treasure at Bethany'? i | | i | | : | | a | | | | iO the year's fire loss in Terrace Bay was 84 | cents per person, This should have read 8 cents per person, CRAFT CLINIC An Area Craft Clinic will be held at Nipigon on Monday, March 5th, and is open to any North Shore delegates, The program will loom weaving, ceramics and othercrafts, Advisor will be Miss M.E.Muff, Crafts , Advisor of the Community Programmes Branch, through into the evening, Any local people interested in attending February 26th at latest, | WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT : | Mr, & Mrs, Jack Thomas, Terrace te, 'announce the marriage of their youngest 'daughter, Bonnie B, to Mr, George W, McKay, (on Friday, February 9th, Rev, Raymond ' Anderson officiated at the candlelight ceremony which was held at the home of the ; bride's parents, 417 Elizabeth Avenue. LEGION NOTES FROM BRANCH 223, TERRACE BAY mittee for our Branch took place on the 7th of Feb, 1962 at the general meeting held in | the L.S.S.R, Armouries, South Camp. 'approval of the meeting the following full / executive council emerged. President - W. . Baillie, lst Vice President - J, Clancy, ' 2nd Vice President - C, Marcella, 3rd Vice CHURC! | Treasurer - ~~. tC ae 1 It was erroneously reported last week that { | i The clinic will start at 1.30 P,M, and run should contact the Recreation Office by Monday The final selection of the executive con-. With the OF YOUR _ CHOICE. "SCHREIBER ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. R.J.S,.Inshaw 9,00 A.M. -- Holy Communion » -~ Family Service - Morning Service .- peasone HOLY ANGELS CHURCH -- Rev. aily Mass - 7, oM, Saturday Mass --- 9,00 A.M, Saturday Confessions - 4,30 to 5.30 P.M. and 7.30 to 8,30 P.M. SUNDAY MASSES - 8,00 - 9.30 and 11.00 A.M, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH -- Rev. M.J. Kaija | 10,00 A.M. -- Sunday School - every week ' 7,00 P.M, - Evening Service - 2nd aml 4th ; Sundays. Bible Study on Fridays following Sunday service. JM. Cano GOSPEL MISSION - Mr, Ron Sheffield - Sunday - 11.00 A.M, --- Family Bible Hour 7.00 P.M, ~ Gospel Service Wednesday - 7 P.M, - Prayer Meeting Pee ncmen - L. Vezine, Past President - A, | McKecknie, Sgt. at Arms - A, Delaronde, L. Sarka, Secretary - R.Slattery, | Service Officer - J, Campbell, Executive | Committee members - Mrs, N, Coates, G.Daniels, L. Kinmerer, 8B, Hayes and F, Ginn, Comrades J, Clancy, C, Koski, B. Hayes and iA, Delaronde were congratulated on winning the Zone 82 Curling Playdowns. Comrade | Clancy them commented on the good fellowship | and hospitality enjoyed while taking part in the District Playdowns at Red Rock, Better luck next year Jin, The January Bond of the Month was won by Mrs, G, Delaronde and tickets for the Feb, Bond are now on sale. Be sure to get yours, A social evening will be held in the include instruction in box loom weaving, floor} Armourics to celebrate the formation of the Ladies Auxiliary for the Branch. Preceding the social evening initiation will be held and Officers elect installed, .This will be a gay social event as it is to be a mixed party to honour the Ladies'? efforts, and will | take place on Saturday evening February 24th. The next general meeting will be held in the Armouries March 7th, at 8 P.M. Members are urged to attend and take part in the extensive plans being made for the near future. WOMEN OF THE MOOSE MEET Senior Regent Ann Stachiw presided over the regular meeting Wednesday of the Women of the Moose, Chapter 1426 in the Terrace Bay Moose Hall. Recorder Doreen Kurylo read the minutes and correspondence, Two new members, Donna Whitton and Lynn Walsh were initiated into the Chapter. The Senior Regent gave a talk on the Mid- winter Conference she had attended with five co-workers from Terrace Bay at Nipigon on January 28th, The evening's program was under the Hospital Chapter with co-worker Betty Sweet | Chairman, Ann Stachiw and Marg Duriez were __| winners of two contests. (Cont'd on Page 10) _