'ganuary 25, 1962. mr TERRACE BAY NEWS at Page 9 P.T.A. (Cont'd from Page 8) by Sharon Webb, M, Pearson, G, McGrath, and L, Bedard, The poodle raffle was won by A. Bryar, anniversary, and with a spot dance won by Mr. 7 Mrs, A, McColeman, ' a KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OFFICIAL HOCKEY RESULTS PLAYER G ASST WINNER AMT Mahavolich C.Marchioni 2.00 Brewer S.Spadoni / 2200 Nevin L.R. Jolicoeur _ 2.00 Baun : K.Weppler 2.00 Arbour E,Niemi, 2.00 Stanley / 1 _AA.MeParland 11.45 CANADIAN LEGION The Royal Canadian Legion, Br. 109 held its inaugural joint installation of officers with its ladies auxiliary on January 19 in > the town hall, F, Ginn, past zone commander, was installing officer and N. Ross M.C. for the evening. The color guards were F, MacDonald,. acting .74, / "Be Gra: 2.00 sgt. at arms, C, Willoughby and J. Sawyer, | quatlan et L.otBrin 2.00 fp "L.R.McCuai 11.75 at arms, P, Moon, wardenj L. Hiller and J, eee f 1 WSernesky 11.75 MacCuaig, secretaries; A. Pearson and P, S$ SHarris 1 E, Swanson Lis 75 treasurers; L.V. Bourke, Branch service Pulford 1 J,Beddard 11.75 Executive committees; T, Bolan,' N. Ross, Stewart 7. M, Randa 21.50 L, Small, L.V. Bourke, R, Campbell, J. Sawyer, Olinstead 2 Mrs,C,Boon 21,50 J. St. Pierre, "Butch" Moore, G, Cataford, Armstrong 1 R, Dakin 11.75 B, Paradis, E, Paradis, Vi, Rigelsford, L. Goal W. Wilkes 2.00 | McColeman, E, Lidkea, I, Lidkea, and E. Ross. | N. Ross, J. Winters, B. McCuaig, R. Hiller, , vice presidentss; F, McKenna and 5, Johnson, presidents; Mr. McKenna thanked the members for his | re-election saying he was aware of both the bonor and the responsibilty the position carried, Mrs. Johnson, saying this was a new experience for her, asked for the confidence and assistance of both the auxiliary and the Legion since without harmony and co-operation little would be accomplished. Mr. Ginn spoke with deep feeling of the ten years of comradeship he had enjeyed with NEEK WEEK*S SHUTOUT POOL $110.00 $141.25 (Signed) A,Gauthier coment . een a a ne tnt ne An Open House will be held in the Knights of Columbus Hall, Fort William, in honour of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs, C, McCarvill formerly of Schreiber, on Monday January 29th from 8 P.M, to 1 A.M, Old Friends and Acquaintances will be cordially welcomed, ' MIXED NOVELTY BONSPIEL SATURDAY JANUARY 27. the Schreiber Branch which he is now leaving | "ths Saturday another popular eight rink to join the new unit in Terrace Bay where his mixed movelty Bonspiel will be held, for a eof dauenentod ta ak members and associate members, Entry fee 50¢ a We PSE A IAI: ROW: r person for prize purposes. Enter your auxiliary president by the Legion president, hah' oF rink tiie rodteh at the rink or call | Aniong the guests who spoke briefly were H, Alex Crawford. Refreshments will be available, Officers installed were:°C, Dinmery, sgt. | Kerr, president of Br, 183, Marathon, E, Guests may be invited if a guest card is pro- Jordan, president of the Marathon Br. ladies | gured from house committee members. One draw Auxiliary, Mrs. E, Hamre, of Kakabeka, only at 7 P.M, Saturday January 27th. district representative, Ladics domiieries, |--accitcsinsure Ieisyer soi W. Bailie, president of Terrace Bay' Legion, TWO RINKS IN PRIZES AT MARATHON Br, 223 and Councillor Inez MeCuaig, for the ~~ Len GOrockford, D. Knight, D, Whitley and Municipality. } A, Crawford won the 2nd event in the Marathon Regrets at being unable to attend were Annual Bonspiel last weekend, Five successive sent by J, Hawke, president White Riwer,( Br. | tins were' climaxed by a tied game in the eee and from F, Somerton also of final end, with Crockford having to make his e River, last shot to win the event, The J. MacDonald, A vote of thanks was passed to. Peggy Small | jy, Chapman, B, Forbes, 3. MacDonald rink won who had convened the wonderful buffet dinner second prize in the fourth event. i { i which preceded the installation rites, Congratulations fellows. Over 100 attended the occasion, out of nl td cel Ee tin tee enterica town guests including Mr, & Mrs, F, Ginn, Mr | NORTHWESTERN ZONE PLAYDOWNS THIS WEEKEND IN Mrs, M. Chepelsky, Mr, & Mrs. J. Corrigan, | NIPIGON Mr. & Mrs. C. MacDonald, Mr. & Mrs, F, Gould, Terrace Bay will be represented by L, and B, Baillie of Terrace Bay, Mr. & Mrs, J. Duquette, L. Crockford, J, Benko and D. Kenney i Jordan and H, Kerr, of Marathon, and Mrs, E, Red Rock, Nipigon, Marathon and Terrace Bay | Hamrie of Kakabeka, will compete in the playdowns, The winner will { i | | R, Campbell, chairman of the. building go on to the District playdowns., Best Wishes committee spoke at length on plans for the go with our Curlers from all club members, new branch, saying it is hoped to provide a : kitchen large and well enough equipped to LADIES THT PIN DOWLING LaAcu2 allow for catering, a large auditorium and a age oneal ; . eventually, bowling lanes, Althouzh the sun deomtalik ick « tee PF roggns Sees wy: already deposited in the building fund is : ' gratifying it is far from the amount which | will be required, said Mr, Campbell, and continued to outline some fund-raising pro- - ee ; jects under consideration, : Many folk's worst fault seems to be telling The evening ended with a cabaret dance, a | other people theirs. : | Sveéia) Jbquoning. the Cond' weddings covih of | Points taken; Alibiers.19; Pats 16; Honey- Bees 143; Splits 103; Moaners 8; Nites 8; fnchors 733 Good-Fellows 133 + ome ee bene