Page 12 -« TERRACE BAY NEWS November 9, 1961 OWNERSHIP. CHANGE -- DRESSWELL scureiser. After a tenure of fifteen years as manager and proprietor of DRESSWELL (SCHREIBER) DRY CLEANERS TO THE NORTH SHORE, Mr. P.J.Syvitski announces that he has sold his business to his sister, Mrs. Tom Borutski of Schreiber. He states "I have enjoyed my business relations in Schreiber, Terrace Bay and Rossport i and I thank you for your patronage and ask that you extend this same consideration to the new owner," ' ; THE BUSINESS WILL CONTINUS IN THE SAME MANNER AS AT PRESENT. THE MAILING ADDRESS WILL CONTINUE TO BE P.O. BOX 203, SCHREIBER AND THE PHONE NUMBER SCHREIBER 155, A PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE WILL CONTINUE. The change of ownership will become effective on December Ist. Until then all phone calls will be handled by Mr. P.Syvitski but, AS AN ADDED SERVICE TO (HE: RESIDENTS OF TERRACE BAY, BECAUSE OF {HE LACK OF A CONVENIENT STORE IN. THAT LOCATION, MR. ED sBORUTSKI OF SCHREIBER WILL' CALL AT YOUR HOMES MONDAY AND TUESDAY TO PICK UP YOUR DRY CLEANING AND LAUS™RY NEEDS, WITH DELIVERY ON FRIDAY, OUR NEW SERVICE INTRODUCTORY OFFER TO DRY CLEAN AND PRESS EF REE A PLAIN SKIRT. Ox A PAIR. OF TROUSERS OR SLACKS .- WITH -EACH $5.00 CLEANING ORDER AT REGULAR PRICES WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE END OF THIS MONTHI3 'Mrs, Borutski has stated that all dry cleaning, laundry and repair work will continue to be done by DRESSWELL-DELUXE CLEANERS LIMITED OF FORT WILLIAM. KIWANIS CLUB (Cont'd from Page 8) Pineault or Harry Gusul, | Bonnie Hamilton, Charleston Linda MacFadyen Tt is planned to start regular league curl and Esyptian Bonnie Gunter, Most Frightening Grey and Black - Eddie Kenney. Halloweten Night the younger fry flocked to the High School Auditorium to be judged in their vivid costuming by Mesdames Louise Smith, Marilyn Chisholm and Marj. Stevens and forty of these children went home richer for their costume ideas. Mr. J. Hales as Chairman of the Girls and Boys Activity Committee for the Kiwanis was in charge of the party and was ably assisted by the full Club Membership. Approximately 275 children enjoyed the Tuesday night party and as they departed received a bag of Halloweten treats, A surplus of 150 bags of treats, the Kiwanis Club decided to share with other children, dividing them between the Childrenst Aid Society in Schreiber and the Mission in 'the Lakehead. A rumor to the effect that a small child . lost Hallowefen treats and a UNICEF Dox on Halloweten night has proved, on investigation to be unsubstantiated, ing on Nov, 27. Prior to that some practice curling will be arranged for members and non- members. The Club hopes to be able to use the new lounge about Nov. 27, but there is still a lot of work to do. The skips with their rinks are urged to turn out to help as often as possible All curlers are urged to give as much time as\| possible. The Club needs more help to have the lounge in fair shape for use this season. it ne SCHREIBER LEGION NOTES (by A.Frank Ginn) | The theme this week must, of course, be Poppies. The wreathes and poppies used on | Remembrance Day are made by the injured and | blind veterans of the World Wars and Korea. These men were injured and blinded in the great effort put forth by the free world to maintain freedom and democracy for us against the bullying, torture and slavery of Fascism and Communism, They do this work to help keep alive the memory of all those who did not return, believing, with us, that they died that we might remain free, * Weare what we are today because men are not the selfish creatures they sometimes appear to-be. They can go to great heights, even to. laying down their lives-for what they | believe in. "Greater love hath no man than |! that he lay down his life for another." | | SCHREIBER KINSMEN CLUB DRAW WINNER The. draw for 200 gallons of Fuel Oil, sponsored by the Schreiber Kinsmen Club, was won by Mr, George Walsh of Schreiber. The draw was made by Grandma Weaver, p - | All monies taken in for the work these CURLING CLUB NEWS = men do to help us remember goes to make their | PP Betrtas af ya lives easier and more pleasant, When we say we owe it to them we mat realize we owe our | very existence as free men and women to them, | possible, Individual applications are But for them we could be slaves. Please be welcome also. There are several incomplete generous when you buy a Poppys rinks entered which will leave some spots Dates to remember?-- November 11th = Re- open for experienced"or new-curlers, Rink or membrance Day; Parade forms up at 10.30 A.M, individual applications sliould be turned in o ee neti ee Banquet oat P.M, ey to Alex Crawford, Jim Beddard, Jack Lang, Ed.| #QyKoy J] and Socal, evening followings, Big ingo Nov. e Town TEEN TOWN. BOTTLE DRIVE. NOV. 114, Teen Town Members will be calling at every home this Saturday afternoon to collect empty bottles.secscecseveeehere is your chance to clean out your basement, Entries of rinks for the coming season are being turned in slowly. So come on, skips, get your rink entry in as soon as.