AWARDS NIGHT CHANGED .TO WEDNESDAY COMETS TAKE 3-1 LEAD "IN SERIES Due to unforseen difficulties, the Annual The Fort William East Ends bombed the Summer Awards Night has been changed to Terrace Bay "Comets 16-7 last Tuesday night Wednesday at 7 P.M. at the High School Aud- to deadlock the series at one game each, itoriun, Lefty Tait went the distance for the East ALL THOSE RECEIVING AWARDS FOR-MINOR BASE-| Ends holding the "Comets to just seven, vale BALL, RED CROSS SWIMMING, ROYAL LIFE SAVING, Carl Kolody and Rick Polhill were tagged with ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION CLASSES, PHYSICAL FIT-| 18 hits. - NO PLAYGROUND. PROGRAMME AFTER AUGUST 31, inning, The "Comets"? defeated the Fort. William - NO BEACH SUPERVISION AFTER AUGUST 31st. chipped in with a standup triple in the = | | | NESS TESTS OR PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES WILL BE Russ Cliff led the "Comets" at the plate | HONOURED. ENTERTAINMENT AND ARTS AND CRAFTS with a double and a single, while Nipper ; DISPLAYS WILL BE PRESENTED BY PLAYGROUND. Osmar has been playing fine defensive ball Let*s have a good turnout of parents and at second base. | children alike. . There are over 300 awards to The "Comets"bounced back from Tuesday's be presented, so don't miss it, setback to beat the East Ends 5-3 and take a 2-1 lead in the series. SUMMER PROGRAMME CLOSING It was Rex Taylor who tamed the Enders, to pick up his second victory in the series. Parents and children should note the Jerry Jarvis. started for the East Ends but following, in regard to Summer Programme later gave Scavarelli, while Dixon closing: finished the game, and Jarvis taking the loss.| - NO FORMAL SWIMMING CLASSES AFTER AUG. 22. Rick Polhill, Russ Cliff, Bill Hanley and -- NO BUS. SERVICE AFTER AUGUST 31st. Ken Ward each had two hits, hile Rex Taylor THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF East Ends on Sunday 6-3 to take a commanding | TERRACE BAY 3-1 lead in the best of seven semi-final. NOTICE Carl Kolody pitched the victory, while Sc tmtt Tt Lefty Tait who started for the Enders took Next week, August 28th or the week follow-| the loss. He was relieved by Scavarelli and ing, the Town will be recapping Princess St. Lipka who finished the game. and Elizabeth St. There may also be some The scoring was all confined to the fourth | work done on MacDonald Avenue. This recap- inning. The Enders took a 3-0 lead in their ping will be built up from cold mix, that is, | half and the Comets came back with 5 runs in crushed gravel and bituminous oil. The their half of the fourth and then hung on to contractor has good equipment and a new win the game, method is being used. The East. Ends now have their backs to the | Every care will be taken to reduce the wall, while the Comets need only one more inconvenience to. residents of these streets, win to enter the finals, They meet the East but as the sides of the streets or boulevards | Ends again on Thursday night at the Port | have to be primed there will be a certain areal Stadium at 8 ofclock. amount of mess, Streets to be worked on will be closed off for one full day, DISTRICT COURT NEWS | The Cooperation of the Towns-people is nbtliisiints requested, District Court, scheduled for Tuesday, | Aug. 22, was cancelled. A Schreiber res- ident was, however, convicted in a careless driving charge when he appeared before Magistrate P, T. Hake in Port Arthur on LABOUR DAY EVENTS: : . Monday, August 21st, The conviction carried a $50.00 and costs penalty. (signed) J. A. Ferrier, Reeve, The Pulp Sulphite union local 665 and the Electrical union will hold their annual field | TRAGEDY AVERTED AT SWIMMING AREA day at the Moose Hall on September 4th, from nn EE ES RR a AEE LS CLIO ea 1 P.M, to 5 P.M, Quick action by Lifeguard Ron Schock | There will be races for all ages, free averted a tragedy at the Dam swimming area treats for children 14 and under. In the last Saturday... Alerted by chums of David event of rain it will be held in the Arena, Mercier, Ron dove into the deepest pool and A free dance will be held in the, evening rescued the youth, Although unconscious when for adults only, from 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. | Ron pulled him from the water young Mercier ACCIDENT VICTIM RECOVERING quickly recovered, Terrace Bay 'josnital reports. that J,Stinzel | critically. injured in a highway accident on' PRESERVE OUR pre agen ae BE CAREFUL |_ +z. 13, is showing marked improvement, ee ee cae