'~ August 10, 1961 TERRACE BAY NEWS Page 3 TERRACE BAY NEWS PHONE Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario, Published @: weekly each Thursday, Circuation covers D1S-54 41 | Terrace Bay, Schreiber and District. News PoO-O4 | deadline for advertisements is NOON each Monday, other items Tuesday Noon, Office Phone 3747. -- Classified ads -- Minimum charge 50¢ (20 words and under) - Cards of Thanks $1 - (30 PRINCE ARTHUR MOTOR HOTEL words and under). PORT ARTHUR, OMTARIO Make the PRINCE ARTHUR your Lakehead Head- FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS, POLISHERS, PARTS &) | |. quarters. Room accommodations $5,25 single SERVICE, contact EMIL SEPPALA, dealer, 325W""| and up - weekend family rates, MODERN DINING Argyle St, Port Arthur, Ont. PHONE DI 4-1175. ROOM & COFFEE SHOP - FREE TV - FREE PARKING 5 -~e~} . SWIMMING POOL - VISIT OUR FOUNTAIN ROOM. ere eee ee oe ee WHEN IN FORT WILLIAM stay at the Colonial Write or phone for reservations to House (behind the Odeon Theatre). Family . THE PRINCE ARTHUR MOTOR HOTEL rooms, reasonable rates. ob ox 4 > aaa a ait CARD.OF THANKS - We can only say - ank you FOR SALE - Baby carriage, with in ect netting | so much" -- to our neighbours, relétives and | Colour - off-white, Phone 3352.: acl i many-friends for their kind expressions: of | FOR SALE - Torrid Heat"Oil Burner, with stack! sympathy, floral tributes and acts of kind- controk and oil. we .-, Good condition. | ness that helped/us throtgh these days of Phone Schreiber| 1 ptok, 5 et sorrow in the lgss ofa loving wife, mother evi daveb > a @ = 5 a 5 Q Be 5 m and daughter. , ' WANTED - Sales representative or dealer to (Signet) Henry and Ruth-Ann Paske-- sell the world famous ' and Innes West For further particulays, write to ELNA ¢ é | CARD OF THANKS - I would like to express my |.4_Lisgar St., N. - Sudbury, Ontario, | thanks to Doctors and Nurses of errace Bay BROUGHT HOME FROM CUB' By mistake -a | | Hospital, also to those who sefit cards and pair o = and' Lost on dark green | cigarettes: to the Schrei Legion for the pyjama pants, . Wale « ;use of their Television wile I was a patient ----~~----- . in Port Arthur hospital And a special thanks FOR SALE - Three-piece bedrog i uite - chrome to the Schreiber Kinsmen for their generous Kineton slike and sixcha fot Ve - donation which was Sréatly appreciated. camp cot-- baby carriage" ehest ef. drawers. | | (Signed) Bill Weaver Phone 349, Schreiber,» F teukm ets CARD OF THANKS - We wish to thank Mr, R,E, 'CARD OF THANKS - To all the wonderful people | who Sent Spirit thy cards rson and his daughter and Mr, J,Schritt al gene i eg a a and one Toronto nurse, unknown, and Mr. th th i flowers and the many other expressions of Boudreau, Dr. McCausland ot 9 the staff | sympathy during our bereavemént of a loving husband and dear father, we say a sincere | Of the Terrace Bay Hospital and all those who Thank You." co-operated to save the life of the two boys Cornell, Father Cano,} 2t Jackfish Lake on Aygus 6th. Siw - Special thanks { & Clemence Morin, | Doctors and Nurses \of T¢rrace Bay. Hospital (Signed) Eucl! (during his illness\), Yall Bearers, Honorary Schreiber, Pall Bearers, Kinghts"of Columbus, Trainmen's [~~~ : =r Lodge, Canadian Legion, those who loaned FOR SALE - Swimming poo) 10 to 12 fect in. cars or helped in any way to.make our loss diameter and 2 feet p. Heavy guage plas- easier to bear. tic. Phone 677, eiber. Mew - ' Your kindness will always be. remembered and appreciated, (Signed) Elsie Jewell, and family gu LOST - Girl's Timex watch, goléwith leather | strap. May have been lqst-dt Dam, Ph, 3611 WANTED - full time girl clerk for groceteria, Experienced preferred, Apply in. own hand writing to Box 58, reiber, (seen? FOR SALE - Upright piano ~ fumed oak finish - in excellent condition. Phone 3286. pje . Effervescent SALTS Y REFRESHING, COOLING, Gramps, getting married for the second time was asked why he was marrying a chorus: girl instead of a woman of his own age, replied, "I'd rather smell perfume than liniment," HEALTH SALTS RELIEVE MINOR STOMACH D WALD G . BENO s NOFARY PUBLIC UPSETS, PICK UP YOUR FAVOURITE BRAND |: and en i se, Bonin walls | INSURANCE AGENT ~ Ot I. fdaeand 84 | CCMNDKLIOe ASOURANOR co Waghorn §. Ieharm acy PHONE 195 TERRACE BAY, ONT. Phone 3666 _ prof , OFFICE, TOWN HALL, SCHREIBER