Page 2 TERRACE BAY COMMUNITY CHURCH ~ Rev, J.Raymond Anderson 9.30 A.M, - Open Session Sunday School Merit award attendance artiticates to be given, including Grade 1 beginners, 11.00 A.M. - DIVINE WORSHIP = "The Inexhaustible Christ* Sacrament of the Lordts Supper ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH -- Rev.Dean E.A.Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P.M. and 7-8 P.M. Mass during the week at 7,45 and on Saturday at 9300 A.M, ST.MARTIN'S PARISH LIBRARY Open from 2 to 3 P.M, every Saturday ROSS PORT : ST.JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH : Mass every Tuesday at 7.30 P.M. ' ' GOSPEL MISSION _ ney School at 2'P.M, every Sunday 'To Vy XOPLES ens ANN SMITH HONO t ' t i 4 Mrs. Ann Smith, one of the early residents of Terrace Bay, was honoured prior to her de- sarture for Winnipeg where she now makes her Aome. She was entertained by Mr.& Mrs. J.Wellings and Mr.& Mrs. B.Ratchford at a dinner in the 'errace Bay Hotel and Mrs, A.R.Ostling held an afternoon tea at which Mrs.Smith's neigh- Sours gathered and presented her with a fare- ro gift, | SHELDREN'S AID DIRECTOR ADDRESSES AUXILIARY Director for the Childrents Aid Society, *r.J.Herbert Dawson of Port Arthur was the guest speaker recently to members and friends attending the Ladies Auxiliary in the Terrace Hay Community Church. Introduced by Miss M.Atcheson, Social vorker from Schreiber, he spoke first of the ' popular miscoriception that the Childrents Aid ,vaS an organization to take children, and was ' frequently used as a threat, not, : . Instead their "ain object is to strengthen home life and cheir dealings with all family problems per- caining to children, was with that in mind, Mr.Dawson outlined the origin of the C.A.5. «t a time when even dumb animals were protec- ved by the courts, but a mistreated child was The depression, two world wars and. changing times have tremendously increased che need for child protection, Alcohol is _cne of the greatest contributing factors. At one time mainly attributed only to the male v:day there are as many, if not more, cases f alcoholism in women, The Society endea- 'ours always to have the man or woman return and accept his responsibility. To point up that this district is not free of cases needing the attention of the Society - "ye, Dawson cited many instances of alarming 'amily upheavals and indescribable squalor in the district where their social worker, Miss -itcheson has, at the present time, ---- ee ce pare nm ens ame TERRACE BAY NEWS ++ + lene eeanatteetndn halaman maine hintinense tenance tester fentier se enfin nent assesment sete RNR RR RR A ATTEND THE CHURCH ° June 22, 1961 OF YOUR CHOICE SCHREIBER ST, JOHN*S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. R.J.Inshaw 8:30 ASM. --- Holy Communion 9.30 A.M. -- Family Service 11.00 A.M. - Morning Service 7.00 P.M. - Evensong UNITED CHURCH - Rev,:R. Crook 10,00 A.M, - Sunday School 11,00 A.M, --- MORNING SERVICE 7.00 P.M. --- Adult Bible Class HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev, J.M,Cano Guild Hall Daily Mass --- 7.30 A.M. Saturday Mass - 9,00 A.M. Saturday. Confessions ~ 4-5,30 & 7-8,30 P.M, Sunday Masses - 8, 9.30 and 11 A.M, C.¥.0. - meets lst and 3rd Sundays C.W.L. & C.G.C. meet 2nd Sunday each month EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH ~ Rev. Davis 10.00 A.M. -- Sunday School 7,00 P.M. - Evening Service GOSPEL MISSION Sunday - 11.00 A.M. 7,00 P.M, families she is dealing with, and must be in regular contact with, despite the fact that her territory covers from Red Rock to White River. He stressed that even a bad Mother or Father was the best parent over any substitute the Society could provide, Removing a child from it's home is like an emotional operation. Mr.Dawson also described the care and ad- vice given to unmarried mothers. He spoke too - Family Bible Hour - Gospel Service process. Criticizing the prejudices of many Canadians, Mr.Jrawson explained that they could place Oriental or Negro children or one of foreign extraction but that doors were frequently closed in the faces of adorable little Indian babies, When asked what the people of Terrace Bay and the Ladies Auxiliary in particular could do to aid the Society, Mr.Dawson suggested the constant need for clothing and layettes as previously sent; membership in the Society - | financial support - reporting any cases found in need -and finally just being a friend of the Children's Aid Society. He concluded his talk with a question and answer period, among them a query on qualifi- cations for social workers and a request to interest local Highschool students in this worthwhile career, Mrs.D.Evans-Smith, on behalf of the members, thanked Mr. Dawson for his excellent talk. Previous to Mr.Dawson's talk, Mrs,.V.Galvin presided over the business meeting, accepting minutes, treasurer's reports and reports of all convenors present. Members unanimousiy agreed to accede to a request from the Sunday School to purchase a ten-volume Bible Story. Mrs,H.Farrell reminded the ladies of the deadline for submitting recipes and stated tha a lucky winner would be picked at the Septembe meeting for a cas: of Canada Starch products. Mesdames E,Lohr, B,Peterkin, &.Stobart and K.Kelly served lunch to conclude the evening's program, COURTESY IS CONTAGEOUS! sa are te a ER AERTS TN te, aemracpenceecearsicennnety ware A, emetic et AGO Nett to i | on placing children for adoption - often a slow ce