June 15, 1961 Pe EP, TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday, Circulation covers Terrace Bay, Schreiber and District, News deadline for advertisements is NOON each - Monday, other items Tuesday Noon, Office Phone 3747, ; Classified ads - Minimum charge 50¢ (20 words and under) = Cards of Thanks - minimum charge $1.00 (30 words and under). : Subscription rates, mailed weekly - $2, per year local - $2.50 outside points FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS, POLISHERS, PARTS & SERVICE, contact EMIL'SEPPALA, dealer, 325 Argyle St.Port Arthur, Ont. PHONE DI 4-1175, FOR_SALE - RCA Victor Radio~phonograph Com- bination also Connor Wringer-type Washer, Phone 3597 or call at 7 Pine Crescent, | HOUSEKFEPER WANTED - for the month of July. Phone 680, Schreiber, FOR SALE IRONWOOD Custom Model 285 1954 HOUSE TRAILER New Condition, reason for sale - land lease expires, For all particulars and inspection phone TA 3-3354 OR 2: 32 FOPLAR CRESCENT TERRACE BAY. SAVE 1000. or mere on original cost. CALL ATI FOR:SALE = 1952 Ford four-door custom line ~ two~tone blue - $150, Phone Schreiber 592, CARD OF THANKS - We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all those who were so very kind to us in our recent be- .reavement, Special thanks to Dr. R.C.Bull, Nurses and Staff of second private wards, McKellar General Hospital, Jenkins Funeral Home, Mr, W.J,Handel, E,Zielke, Pallbearers, Rev, R.A.Crook; those friends who sent cards, flowers, baking--loaned cars or helped in any other way. Your kindness is more deeply appreciated than words of thanks can express, | (Signed) Innes West & Family. | FOR SALE ~ Budgie, cage and stand - child's | Piano and stool. Phone TA 5-3650, i : = | FOR SALE - 7 1/2 H.P, Evinrude Outboard Motor | $150.00 Cash. Phone 3378, J, Wellings. DONALD G,. BENO INSURANCE _ AGENT representing DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Phone 195 and ask Don to let YOU see his unique method of presenting insurance informa- _ tion to the public. OFFICE TOWN HALL,SCHREIBE: a a TERRACE BAY NEWS Page 3 PHONE DI 5-5411 PRINCE ARTHUR MOTOR ROTEL PORT ARTHUR, ONTARIE Make the PRINCE ARTHUR your Lakehead Head- quarters, Room accommodations $5.25 single and up, weekend family rates. Modern Dining Room & Coffee Shop - Free TV - Free Parking ~ Swimming' Pool - Fountain Room, Write or phone for reservations. eee an eee eee ee ea tmme pecans oman CARD OF. THANKS -To Rev.Father Cano, Very Rev. Dean Gallagher, Dr. Cornell, Drs.Whiteside and McCausland, the nursing staff and attendants at the Terrace Bay Hospital, we offer our gratitude and appreciation for spiritual minis trations, professional care, kindness and. attention on the occasion of the illness of our late husband and father, R,J.McGrath, dur- ing the period of his illness in the hospital. - We also appreciate the tributes of so many who came from outside points to attend the funeral and the wonderful kindness ofthe people of Schreiber and Terrace Bay, all of which was a great source of consolation to us. (Signed) Annie McGrath, Rosemary & By11 Sernesky. Apply Wally FOR SALE - Minnows and Dew Worms. Richardson, Phone 776, Schreiber. RIFLE RANGE CLOSED Effective immediately the rifle range on the beach road is no longer in use by "D" Coy, LSSR.~ The butts will be filled in and as of this date the Crown will accept no respons- ibility for anyone using this area. CHILDREN RECEIVE FIRST COMMUNION Thirty-one children of St. Martin's Parish received their First Communion on Trinity Sunday, May 28th, Classes were trained by Mrs, Lorne Vezina and the Parish Priest is Very Rev. Dean E,A. Gallagher, Over 3100 cars have entered Canada at Pigeon River in the first eleven days of June - each carrying an average of 34 persons, OPTOMETRIST D, AEDEY, 2.0. OF T.ANGUS. DUNKIN & ASSOCIATES WILL BE IN THE TERRACE BAY MOTOR HOTEL JUNE 20TH, & 21ST. APPOINTMENTS FOR EYE EXAMINATIONS SHOULD NE MADE IN ADVANCE BY CALLING - - Mrs, S, Lundberg, TA 5 - 3698, REMEMBER THE DATES --- JUNE 20th & 21st.