May 4, 1961 TERRACE BAY NEWS Page 7 [aR a ene se ee! . sHop Now tF you | PERM A--ALUMINUM @roo) TO MAIL? 180 N,Cumberland StyPort Arthur, Ont, COSMETIC BAGS PHONE DI 41832 CARDS MANUFACTURER OF ALL ALUMINUM fae aa WINDOWS, DOORS, AWNINGS, SID- COSMETICS - CANDY INGS AND RAILINGS - - ' BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Drop in and see ou Sb Bee ANY Rete assortment SELF STORING ALUMINUM DOORS - $69.50 Cs Wee prams 9 DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE oe gp 2K << bb : ads EARLY _ 59 LAURIER AVE. _ SCHREIBER H OME & SCHOOL - Conttd from page 4) - of the association and , Stating that more men should attend as : education concerns both parents. She , expressed satisfaction with the succes ' of the Schreiber High Association, Mrs, _S, Chicoine received her Past Pres- ; ident's Pin from Mrs, A. Thingstad, ' Installation of new officers was con- _ ducted by Mrs, J, Cropper. They are , aS follows: President -Jack Handel; ' Vice-President - Mrs, McParland, Mrs, - D. Rummery, E, Gordons Secretary - Mrs, . F, Bryson; Treasurer - Mrs, A. Needham; ' Honorary Member - Mr, Korchuck,Princ~ ; Epali;, -- ae c S NOTICE TO PARENTS Once again the problem of children arriving at school too early has arisen, During the past few weeks numbers of children have been found nuddled near the entrance of the school long before 8.30 in the morning| NORTH SHORE NURSES TO HOLD DINNER FRED VAUTOUR HONORED ON RETIREMENT On Friday, April 28th a group of friends gathered in the Moose Hall to honor Fred Vautour whose retirement after fourteen years service with the Kimberly Clark Mill in Terrace Bay becomes effective May 8th. Adults of the community will miss seeing Fred on his rounds and the school children will no more run to Fred for candy hand-outs. During the evening a purse was pre- sented to Fred on behalf of his fellow workers by Ken Weppler and Red Valiquette made a presentation on be- half of local 665 of a cheque. Fred has no definite plans, saying that "if the train is going west when he gets to the station hetll get on it or if - it's going east at the time he will do likewise." and as early as 12,30 in the afternoon The North Shore Nurses Association This ptaces an unfair problem of will-hold their annual dinner meeting supervision on the caretaker of the in the Everest Hot ehryBerethon, ei F school since the regular supervision qaeree HBF R? too Re A ete eter, ie eae Se ret eee enadad graduate nurses, active or inactive, are welcome to attend, Please contac Mrs. L. Hopper, TA 5-3335 if you wish to attend this dinner, The cooperation of the parents is requested in seeing that children are not allowed to arrive at the school before 8.45 and 1.15 each school day. MINOR HOCKEY BANQUET signed) W.F.Colborne : fats ) Principal The Minor Hockey Banquet will be by authority of the Public School Bd, | held on Saturday, May 13th at 6 P.M, | in the Moose Hall. -- IWWO ner's Day Ball ¢ Moose Hall 9-lpm May 12th. Cabaret style -- adults only CORSAGE Music by Moose-Niters {| FoR-THE OLD TIME & MODERN DANCING ee Ores. - | PRE-DANCE TICKETS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM £3.00 F, Hanna, W. Sadowick, W.Stachiw, G.Dakin & M,Diduch, Schreiber, A COUPLE ne