April 20, 19¢ | held on April 29, TERRACE | MOLY ANGELS CWL (Cont'd from Page 4) Billie Anne Cocks, Judy St. Jean, Crystal Kusik, Mrs. Jos. #usebi was head cook and assistants were Yola Cebrario, Carla Marons sé, Clara Zusebi, Marko Zusebi, J. Eusebi, Mrs. W. Cocks and Mrs, P, Guina were in charge of the coffee and salads were made 'by Mrs, P, Mulligan and Mrs, G, Cebrario. Desserts were in charge of Mrs. R. Spadoni: and Miss Babe McBride, Kitchen arrangements were handled by Mesdames H, Prescott, J, McCouan, H, Lalonde and Mrs, A, Moorey was in charge of serving, Cashier was Mrs, D, Connelly, "£VENING GROUP OF ST. ANDR&WS CHURCH MEET The Evening Group of St, Andrews United Church met on April 11th with Mrs. J.Morris presiding and 18 members present, Mrs. R, Nesbitt was welcomed as a new member, The devotional period was taken by Mesdames Rose Cringle and Lil Christie and Lyla Walker was in charge of Christian -- Stewardship, Mrs, J, Gellert read the minutes and Mrs, D, Slater gave the Treasurerts report, Final plans were made for the Smorgasbord to be An invitation was ex- | tended to the WMS and CGIT groups to attend the May meeting, Mrs, J.G. Scott and Mrs, Pearl Petrushak | will convene the Curlers! Banquet on April 22nd, Lunch was served by Mesdames Pearl Petrushak, BD. Scott, R. Cringle and L.Christie|, i PARENT-NIGHT DANCE TO Bi HELD IN SCHREIDER A Students! Council Meeting was held Tues, April 11, in Schreiber High School to plan for a Parent-Night Dance to be held at the Town Hall on April 21. Music will be provided by Schreiber's talented "Twilighters", Students? Council President, John Cosgrove ,| 2 Stated that he hoped this get-together would encourage more parents to attend and take further active interest 'in future school social functions, . Novelty dances, eats and refreshments will add to the evening's enjoyment, The Council would' encourage as many parents as possible to attend this social. The proceeds will go towards sports activities | in the school, THE FAVORITE Leciee of C. wecdllats from Coast to Coast It's the surest way thes" : found to get the things they want most. Here are the ingredients: * A few dollars set aside regularly ~ * A dash of determination = s A Savings Account at the B of M Result: a fast-growing "nest-ogy". omasnaenppaptoon Join the more than two million Canadians who call the Bof M "My Bank"... Start your savings account today. BAN' OF WEGNTREAL Cauada's "First Sauk Schreiber Branch: Al "AN 'CUTHBERTSON, Man teer BAY NEWS SCHREIBER SOCIAL NEWS A Shower Tea will be held in honour of Mrs. Bruce Morgan (nee Alva McGregor) in St, Johns Anglican Church on Monday, April 24, from 8-10: P M. : 'Mrs. Ralph Miller entertained for her daughter Darlene's second birthday on Wed, Those present were Mrs, PD. Souliere, Johnnie, Michael, Billie and Schelly; Mrs. R. Campbell, Laura and Rhonda; Mrs, 9. May and Donnie; Mrs. J. Richardson, Joan and Jackie; Mrs. R. Camp- bell and Joey; Mrs, W, Campbell and Billie; Page 7 Mrs, Neil Nesbitt, Pamela and Patty; Mrs. R. Nesbitt and Sharon,Michael. and Sharlene, Darlene's grandmother Mrs, J, Campbell brought the all important birthday cake, and sisters Susan and Glenda and brother Danny were also present for the fun and festivities, Mr, & Mrs, £,D,. McCanna and Barney of Red Rock were week-end visitors at the home of Mr, & Mrs, H. McCanna. Mrs. Martha Hmller has returned from. Sydney N.S. and is presently residing with her son and daughter-in-law Mr, & Mrs. Ron Burton, Mr, & Mrs. H, Scott of Rutherglen, Ont, are visiting with the W.J, Scotts, FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MRS, STROCEN HELD Funeral services were held on Saturday, April 15th at 10.30 A.M. from St, John's Anglican Church, Schreiber, for the late Mrs, Viola Strocen, suia 47, wife of Mr, Michael Strocen, who died suddenly at her home on April 12th, Rev. R.J,S, Inshaw officiated, Pall- bearers, all from Terrace Bay, were L, Moore, E, Brown, H. Duriez, G, Weaver, J. Delaronde, W. Mallais. Attending from out of town were Mrs. Helen Johnson of Ft, William, sister of Mrs, Strocen and a son, Henry Archer from Nakina. ~~ CARD OF THANKS - I should.like to take this opportunity of thanking my many friends who _ sent flowers, cards, and visited me.while I was in Port Arthur Hospital. .°:. . +: (Signed) . Isabel Thomas = - CARD OF THANKS - I.wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friends for kindness shown me during my recent bereave- ment. in the loss of my mother. (Signed) Mrs, T, LaTour BADMINTON CLUB NOTICE.- There will be no , Meeting on Wednesday, May 3rd. This evening is being given up to allow the Ladies! Choir to have the use of the Auditorium for their annual concert, LADT&S CURLING CLUB WILL HOLD MEETING The Terrace Bay Ladies Curling Club Annual meeting and wind-up. party will be held on Tuesday OVPnANB st ADT « 25th in the Curling Lounge, . Come and elect next year's executive. Following the business meeting a socialj is. planned to. include movies, games, refreshments and a good time for all. as LADIZS TEN PIN BOWLING Ruth Boudreau bowled high game last week. 175, Liz Malashewski high three 459, Ruth Shirriff 458, Ruth Boudreau 414, Marion Pluto 411, Kay Weppler 412, Phyl _ Turner 404, Elsie Ostling 402, V.Manna!'s | Beatniks took the hishest points 11,