AEROS eerie cate Se RR aS a ES SEE er cece ae cor aay He me mee on mers ep So eR SE scons Tel ern se; EN Re EC LE Ae ES Re LSE ST ' llth in St, Martin's:Hall; Terrace' Bay. ST,.MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev, Dean £,A, Sm mA A RT er a oR I RN se A a meeting rooms Page 2 ERRATE iTE RAY ay COMMUNITY CHURCH _ how, a Raymond Anderson 9.30 AM,.- Junior & Senior Sunday School - DIVINE WORSHIP - Descipleship" | 7.00 P ~M. = EVENTIDE SERVICE - "Launching the Mediterranian Mission" Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 in _ the evening, Mass during the week at 7.45 and on Saturday at 8,30 AM. "The Word of' ST.MARTIN'S PARISH LIBRARY . Open from 2 to 3 P.M, every y sotyosay, R.-0;8--S <P 0 R T ST. JOHN SetRANis CHURCH Mass every, Monday at 7.30 P.M. GOSPEL MISSION Sunday School at 2 P.M, every weer 'Toy INI ini ES The TebPace: Bay" Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, while not conducting a door to door campaign, urge everyone who does not donate to the Mill Charity Fund, or who would like to make a direct' donation, to calleMrs. Ann Latour and she will arrange to pick up same. NORTH SHORE NURSES HOLD M&aTING The: regular meeting of the 'North' Shore Nurses Association was held on Tuesday, April An = interesting film.on modern surgery was Shown -- followed by a short business 'meeting, The Marathon group kindly consented 'to' * have the dinner meeting in Marathon in May, the date to be' announced later, Mrs. P, Buck gave an interesting talk on the changing ideas concerning several common' drugs, She also spoke on poliovirus vaccine, ° stating that it is unlikely that oral tablets: will be-on the market before'1962, The?con-: | tinued use of Salk vaccine is being vigorously that. as many people as possible under the age of 50 will» be protected by the full series of four inoculations, Mrs, J. Plummer then spoke on-the month's refresher course' on nursing which she. took:at the Lakehead, noting the changes in technique and modern trends, in nursingi. esting talk was followed by a spontaneous question and>answer. period which' proved that the group, while mostly inactive nurses, are still very interested in MERGES; nursing procedures, Lunch was served by Mrs, V. Hopper aha ler Terrace Bay group. ART CLUB NEWS A travelling exhibition of paintings from the Ontario Institute of Art entitled "Fine Art from the Commonplace" will be on display Thursday. evening from 8-10 P, the large The Art. Club will be "at home" i TERRACE BAY NWS UNITED CHURCH -- Rev, April 20; 1961 SCHREIBER TS, ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. R. Inshaw 8,30 A.M. ~-Holy--Communion. --. 9,30 A.M, ~ Family Service 11,00 A.M, - Morning Service 7,00 P.M, - vensong }.. Crook 10,00 A.M. - Sunday S: :hool 11,00 A.M, =~ MORNING jERVICE - 7,00 P.M, - Adult Bi>le Class HOLY ANGELS CHURCH + lev. Father J.M. Cano Daily Masses - 7,30 Ay M. Saturday Mass = 9,00 A.M Saturday Confessions = 4-5.30 & 7-8.30 P.M. Sunday Masses - 8, 9,30 and 11 A.M. C.Y,0. --- meets 1st and 3rd Sundays C.W.L, & C.G.C, meet 2nd Sunday each month EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Reve Davis 10,00 A.M, = Sunday School 7,00 P.M, --- Hvening Service GOSPEL MISSION Sunday - 11,00 A.M, - Family Bible Hour 7,00 P.M. - Gospel Service to callers - everyone welcome} NOTE: The first lesson in the Adult begin- ners oil painting class begins 1.30 P.M. in large meeting room at the Rec, Centre on Sat. April 22nd, AFTERNOON AUXILIARY GROUP PACK CLOTHING The afternoon group of the Community 'Church Ladies'Auxiliary met*in the Church' on: Monday afternoon 'andj after a@ short business session conducted by Mrs. J. Ferrier, inthe 'absence of the President, members present sorted and packed used clothing for distribu- tion to needy: families in Heron' Bay and for shipment to the Society for Crippled Civilians "an Tororto. .Her: very inter-=| - son Oliver in Sault Ste. Minutes and correspondence were read by the Secretary Mrs. 0, Mason and the worship' 'period conducted by Mrs, L, Harris." Future projects discussed included the making of layettes for the Childrens*Aid' Society. 'Lunch was' served by Mrs. A. 'Farrow and Mrs, &, Seren ao & : SOCIAL NEWS Mrs, Gordon Savoy of Atikokan, and child+ ren Chris and Drad visited her"mother Mrs, Don LaPorte"and Mr, LaPorte last week. Mr. & Mrs, George Savoy visited their -- famizies' here recently. George is enroute to Thurso, Que, where he ao ees gee a = ition, : 4 ' ; Seen in the Lakehead abt weekend were Mr, & Mrsi'H, Lohr who brought their daughter Donna, Student Nurse in' Port Arthur General ~ 'Hospital, home for a vacation; Mrs. 2, Young; Miss C, Adamo, Miss Pat Romaniuk, Miss Sharon Marquisy-Mr.°& Mrsi J. Phillips & family; Mr.-& Mrs. H, Marsh & family; Mr. K,.Ward; Mr, & Mrs, N, Kelly; Mr, & Mrs..D.. Gunter ,, and daughter, Mr, & Mrs. Geo. Lehto, and Doris travelled to Sudbury over the daster, holidays. where they visited their daughter and, son-in-law Mr. & Mrs, Wm, Anderchuk, and Mrs, Lehto!s brothers. . Enroute home they visited with, a Marie.