tenement } t | | | ; SCHREIBER, ONTARIO Ls Page 8 [957 ForD custou TWO-DOOR SEDAN RADIO, ALMOST NEW TIRES, 2-TONE BLACK & IVORY, This car will serve you proudly} ~ SPACTAL Wey, 54 BUICK FOUR DOOR SEDAN RADIO - AUTO,.TRANSMISSION Be) See 9.96. 1954 FORD FOUR DOOR SEDAN - 1954 CHEV. 4---DOOR DJLUXE -~ Radio and auto.transmission $ *795. g95. 1953 BUICK FOUR DOOR SEDAN - 4953 BUICK FOUR DOOR SEDAN 1952 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR SDAN -- automatic transmission 1952 CHEVROLET TWO-DOOR SxDAN | almost new tires - Radio 438. 1951 METZOR FOUR DOOR SEDAN automatic transmission. if 34 8. 1950 BUICK - TORPEDO BACK automatic transmission _ PHONd 171 "308. Pe age ae mee ee aged et SCHREIBER LIONS (Cont'd from Page 7) the skating rink was badly in need of réu pairs and this was done by the Lions Club at a cost of $175 and assistance was given in the form of Christmas Hampers costing another $53.16, Band-instruments were donat- ed conditionally to the Terrace Bay Band, the purchase of these amounting to $203,40, A further donation of $25 was made to the local group in charge of Christmas Hampers, We have not as yet finalized our cost of paying ice time for local minor hockey but this should run approximately $225, Again this report is made to the public to let them know the Schreiber Lions Club is making every effort to assist those in need, and to show the public the monies we collect are being well spent, The Schreiber Lions Club wishes to thank all those who have 2esisted them in any way and trust we can solicit your support in the future, oneness eater cesiaen teen iemeee ie nn: REMEMBZR TO CLEAN UP - DONIT BURN UP THRRACE BAY NEWS 56 Dlymouth TWO-DOOR SEDAN POWER-FLYTE. PUSH BUTTON DRIVE - RADIO -- N@WLY PAINTED 2-TONE RéD AND BLACK - SEAT COVERS - SE& AND TRY THIS FAMILY CAR FIRST BEFORE BU ¥! nN 5 395. SPADONE April 13} 1961 55 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR SEDAN - REBUILT MOTOR - N&W TIRES - SEAT COVERS ~ RADIO - é ~9.95, 29 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR SEDAN RADIO - SEAT COVERS - NEWLY PAINTED - YOU : 1095, (| 1954 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN - 5 1954 METEOR FOUR DOOR SEDAN ~ Radio 2795 1954 OLDS 4-DOOR SEDAN ~~ _ Radio - auto, transmission - | 557 1953 FORD TWO DOOR SEDAN - S "299. aE ae cal irae ertnape ars eee 1952 BUICK FOUR DOOR SEDAN - ghLor auto.transmission & Radio 479 1951 BUICK FOUR DOOR SEDAN < automatic transmission "9 8: 1951 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR SEDAN 6 Y 39 5, 1950 CIZVROLET TWO DOOR SEDAN | G. metlirh, | | : 9 8. PHONE 153 BR OS SCHREIBER, ONTARIO FIR& DZPARTMENT NEWS With the rapid disappearance of snow comes the hazard of FIRE, Grass fires in particu- lar are now becoming 4 danger to the Commun- ity but we believe that if children of the municipality can be impressed with the dan- ger and keep matches out of their reach we will eliminate the danger before it starts, Children or adults should know that under the Fire Marshal's Act, Section 375 and under Forest Protection Act, Section 12, anyone who wilfully or for fraudulent purposes sets fire is likely to end up with a heavy fine or im- prisonment or both. We would not like to see this happen to anyone here, Your Fire Dept, asks everyone to impress their children not to take chances and not to start fires with- out proper supervision and away from grass, trees or buildings, REMEMBER -~ A MATCH HAS A HEAD BUT NO BRAINS --- LET'S SHOW THAT WE HAVE BOTH, FIRES ARE "THIEVES" -- DON'T GIVE IT A GHANGE TO GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING IN OUR COMMUNITY, ll ete maemo i t= chennai