' April 13, 1961 i i | ' RESOURCES (Cont'd From Page 5) Under discussion will be six main sectors of Canada's renewable resources--agriculture and land use, water, fisheries, forestry, wildlife and. recreation and aspects of region-= al development, Special attention is to be devoted to the | interdependence of the various resource | fields in any programme of development, MORE H@RE & THERE IN SCHREIBER Mr.& Mrs. P,Johnson and Carol and Mr.& Mrs, | N.Carmichael of Winnipeg were Zaster visitors jat the home of Mr,& Mrs, Al Johnson, Mr.& Mrs. Colin McGrath and Family are | visiting relatives at Barry's Bay, Ontario. Mrs.Joe McGrath and children spent daster /with relatives at fganville, Ontario, Miss Bonnie Guina, Fort William, visited with the DtArcy McGuires last. week, Mrs, A.Brown, Fort William, visited with the A,Gordon's over Easter, Miss Sherrill Sly and Mr.Dennis Craig of | Pt.Arthur were Easter visitors at the home of Mr .& Mrs..Bob Gray. Mr,& Mrs. John Carmichael of Sand Point, | Ontario yere daster guests of Mrs.Wick . McGregor, Mr, D.McCann of Westport, Ontario, is in town renewing old acquaintances and attended _the Annual Veterans Vimy night at the Legion ' Hall ° Mr.& Mrs,Reynolds of Kenora, Ont. were aster visitors at the home of Mr.& Mrs .Doug _ Reynolds, Miss Dianne Scotten of Winnipeg visited at the home of her Uncle & Aunt, Mr.& Mrs, _#d,Holmes, Mr.& Mrs, Ted Wainikka, Brad & Tracy of 'Pt,William and Mr,& Mrs,Glen Gibbons and Mary _ Cynn were recent visitors at the W,Gerow's and _W,Wainikka's, Mr.& Mrs, D.W.Graham and family, Ft,William _ spent Easter with Mr,& Mrs, H.N,Gellert, Mr.& Mrs,Art Marsh and family of Ft,William _were recents guests of the Alex Gordon's, Home from Teachers College at the Lakehead 'for Easter were Misses Joyce Holmes, Dianne Slater and Glorie Gordon, CLEAN UP ~ --- DON'T BURN UP Jurkey Shoot SATURDAY OPEN SIGHT ,22's - APRIL ISTH THRE SHOTS FOR ,50¢ HIGH SCHORE WINS LOOK FOR DIRECTIONS ON ROAD N#AR LAKEHHAD FREIGHTWAYS, SCHREIBE HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO GaT OUT IN TH# FRESH AIR = HAVE SOME FUN - AND WIN A TURK&Y}! Sch reiber Dod Gun Club TERRACZ BAY NewS Page 7 = Spaghetti...Supper ¥ SCHRETBER GUILD HALL SUNDAY - APRIL 16TH - --- - -- THREE SITTINGS 4 P.M, - 5.15 P.M, and 6:30 P.M. - ADMISSION $1,00 - - CHILDREN UNDER 12 - 50¢ FULL COURSE MEAL Tickets may be purchased from C.W.L, Ladies in Schreiber and in Terrace Bay at TONY'S and TH# FOODMASTER STORES, SPONSORED BY THE CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE Mrs.H.Davis was an Baster guest of Mrs. F.W.Hiller and visited with the Ken Davis! and W,Lidkea's, Spending Haster at home from Business College in Toronto were the Misses Judi Christie, Lucette Chicoine, Jacqueline Mor- ris and Judy Olson. Mr.& Mrs, S,Korchuk accompanied by Mr.& Mrs.Meagher motored to Toronto for Haster, OFFICIAL Ri&SULTS OF ST. JOHN #XAMINATIONS Resvlts..of examinations conducted by Mr. F,Farwell, Field Representative for North- western Ontario and Mrs. H.Jartus of the Senior First Aid Class are as follows:- Successful candidates - Harold Billings and Robert Hoffland of Terrace Bay and Rene Bedard, Patrick Doran, Bart Cebrario, Albert Morris, Sr., Alec Tweedy, Garth Wood, all of Schreiber, Constable James Einarson re-- ceived a Voucher and Constable Jos. Wills was awarded a medallion, Béth are with the 0.P.P. in Schreiber, a HOME & SCHOOL MEETING POSTPONED TILL MAY 1ST The regular Schreiber High Home & School meeting will be held on May 1st when Mrs, Cropper, President of the Ontario Federation and Mrs, Thingstad, District Vice President will attend and officiate in installing new officers, A discussion period will feature Parents VS Teachers and an invitation to interested parents in Terrace Bay is extended, The meeting will start at 8:15 P.M. and will be held in the High School. A social hour will follow the meeting and everyone interested in the welfare of the community is urged to be present, oe SCHREIBER LIONS CLUS REPORTS TO THE PUBLIC 'The last report given on Schreiber Lions! Club projects took 'up to the period ending July 3lst, 1960; the following is for the balance of the year to December 31st, 1960, The cost of repairing the bath houses at Walker's Lake plus the purchase of a build- ing for the Cubs and Scouts amounted to $590, Further assistance to a crippled child and a local widow who was in financial difficulties was $488.31. Medical expenses for an un- employed resident and administrative costs the activities portion of the Club cost $52.00, Another donation to the Schreiber High School Prize Fund and a donation to the Schreiber Teen Town cost the Club another $75.00 The chimney on the (cont'd Page 8) .