y > "TERRACE Bay NEws i f t i i t ! 4 4 f j q ( { { f x f 4 d ¥ 4 i 1 'al Requirements in the Jet Age," Circulation Terrace Bay & Schreiber DISTRICT DELUGATES RETURN FROM CONFERENCE Local delegates to the Northwestern Ontario Youth Conference, held at Kenora | last week, returned on Sunday evening after }a hectic but profitable four days of dis- cussions and social programmes. Among the speakers heard from were Mr. H.Parsons, speaking on "Society--1980" and Dr. Michael Grapko, speaking on "Zducation- Both of the speakers not only provided much worth- while information for the youngsters but managed to create a great deal of discus- sion among them about the importance of education, Over 300 delegates from Teen Clubs all over Northwestern Ontario, along with their adult counsellors, attended the conference, which proved to be one of the most success- ful ever, proof once again of the type of 'planning and programming that the young _ people can carry out when given the oppor tunity. --NOTICH TO HOUSEHOLDERS At this time of year many peddlers and sales representatives canvass the town, door- to door to sell their products, Our By-Law _#25B states that all such agents niust have obtained a license before canvassing, Residents of Terrace Bay should report any annoyances of this nature to Constable Pil- lings or the Clerk-Treasurer, W.F,Strutt. | QUEEN SCOUTS. AT INVZSTITURE IN WINNIP2G rT fh Cop. 3. 84 a Bee cL eT Te ee On Saturday, April 7th Brian Peterkin, Assistant Scout Leader of Falcon Troop, to- gether with Bob Hopper and Jim Hayes of the Black Bear Troop journeyed to Winnipeg for ' the presentation of 1960-61 Queen Scouts to the Hon, dric F, Willis, Lieutenant-Governor _of Manitoba. The ceremony took place at the Manitoba 'Legislative Building in Winnipeg, Present 'Hopper and Jim Hayes, at the ceremony were eighty-four Queen ' Scouts from Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario. Brian Peterkin was first presented to the Hon, 4,F,Willis and, in turn, presented Bob The Lieutenant Gover- for, on behalf of Governor General Vanier, _OShief Scout of Canada, received the Queen Scouts and presented them with their Queen ' Scout Certificates, At the noon luncheon which preceded the presentation ceremony the Scouts and their ieaders were addressed by the Chief Commis- - sioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for Manitoba. Peter Kent accompanied the two Queen 'Scouts and Brian Peterkin to Winnipeg, 'GSANADIAN L&GION NEWS Mr.Whybourne of the D,V,A. will be guest / speaker at the Legion Meeting in the Armour- _ies at 8 P.M, Thursday, April 13th, Veteran Loans and All veterans welcome, Ask all about your pensions, ther subjects, The, Legion .s for service to Vets and ths Crmunitys er eee ne einer rt em WILL BROADCAST 3RD, 4TH AND 5TH GAMES Authorized as 2nd Class Mail, Post Office Department Ottawa ~Vol.4, No.15 April 13, 1961 | -- a. eben a5 Utn mm 'T Terrace Ray Superiors, after coming through in fine style in the final games against Dauphin, Manitoba, lost the first skirmish in the Western Intermediate finals whan, in a game played in Lacombe, Alberta on Monday night, they were defeated by a score of 8-3, The team apparently felt the effects of the long trip, the altitude and change in water, Last Thursday's game against Nauphin was a shutout 5-0 and a fitting final in the Sups bid for the big title. It has just been announced that through the courtesy of Kimberly-Clark of Canada Limited, arrangements have been made to have the last three games broadcast over CJLK Radio Station, Port Arthur, The Droadcast on Friday night will start at approximately 11.30 our time (last two periods)--Satur- day's game will be broadcast at the same time and the time will be announced later for Sunday afternoon's game, Lineup of the team is as follows:- Jorgenson, Dobson, Brassard, Pytyck, Pollard, Matthews, LeBlanc, Desrosier, Marv.Osmar, Maurice Osmar, Lanteigne, Stachiw, disensoph, Whalen, Schock, Tookenay, Adamo, Calder and Polhill, Also'making the trip are Mgr, D,Hayes, J. Schritt, Dr.& Mrs,Whiteside, Ken NcLeod, Mrs.Pollard, Mrs,Calder, F,O,Soughton, J, jutler and G,Purns, FORMER TeéRRACE PAY RESIDENT DIGS SUDDENLY ~~ Residents of the. Community were shocked to hear*of the sudden passing of H.C,Laundy in Niagara Falls on April 8th. Sincere sympa- thy goes to his widow, i#stelle,. son Ken and daughters, Margaret and Helen,