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Terrace Bay News, 6 Apr 1961, p. 3

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April 6, 1961 ry TERRACE BAY NaWS -- ---- ; TERRACS BAY NaWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario, Published weekly each Thursday, Circulation covers f Terrace Bay, Schreiber and District, News Rats deadline for advertisements is NOON EACH ae MONDAY, other items Tuesday Noon, Office 'Phone 3747, Classified ads - Minimum charge 50¢ (20 words and under) - Cards of Thanks - minimum charge $1.00 (30 words and under), | Sub sription rate - $2 per year local - $2.50 'for outside points - mailed weekl FOR HLECTROLUX CLEANERS, POLISHERS, PARTS & (SERVICE, contact EMIL SEPPALA, dealer, 325 JA" 'Argyle St.Pt.Arthur, Ont, PHONE DI 4-1175, PHONE ei ieee DI 5-5411 PRINCE ARTHUR Hote. l Port ARTHUR, ONTARIO When visiting the Lakehead plan on making the PRINCE ARTHUR MOTOR HOTEL YOUR HEADQUARTERS, Room accommodation from $5,25 single and up. Special weekend family rates, MODERN DINING ROOM & COFFZE SHOP - TV in ALL ROOMS, Write or phone for reservations to - - THE PRINCE ARTHUR MOTOR HOTEL - She Corporation of She Sownship of Visite Bay OWING TO OTHER MHHTINGS SCHEDULED TO Be HELD ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12TH WE FIND IT NECESSARY TO POSTPONE TH PROPOSED PUBLIC / MELTING OF THE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL UNTIL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th, AT 8:00 P.M, IN THE RECREATION CENTRE, Organizations or persons desiring Banquet Per- mits in the Moose Hall must fill in Applica- tions in usual manner and give to our Treas- urer, Joe Nejonghe, at least fifteen days prior to the event, a7 A form, signed by the Governor, Secretary (Signed) "WeF,Strutt" -- yw" and Hall Manager, will accompany application Clerk-Treasurer and sent to our regional Director in Toronto | who turns themin to the Liquor Control Board who then return them to the interested par- (| | SPADONI BROS, NEYD LATE MODZL fet) | Cies, CARS we Applications sent direct to the Liquor | Control Board will not be processed for use in the Moose Hall, | The time limit must be observed to have it | back for your event, Spadoni Bros, Garage in Schreiber require good, used late model cars, If you are thinking of making a change sée them NOW - ° Supreme Lodge of the World, :CARD OF. THANKS = Mrs, Joe Campbell, Schreiber, Loyal Order of Moose eeeeet wishes to thank all those who sent 'flowers and Cards during illness in hospital, GUIDE ASSOCIATION (Cont'd from page 2) London, Ontario, gee signified their intentions of attending, < ' o 7 Teatowels, pots and pans are needed for the ene: Sen ees sectee om local cami, Mrs, S.Dorman,proposed April 29 es tentative date for the Girl Guide FOR SALE - Mary Maxim White wool curling eee om revit 0 sweater (curling design on back) with toque: Bist OF Wile "ecdived + 4s y the Association [fo "match, Size 38--$35,00-Phone 427 Schreiber.| ¢yom Very Rev.Dean £,A.Gallagher offering ; ROUND - one 4 Ft,Meteor toboggan, Same may be | the basement of St.Martin's Church for meet- Catt picked up at the L & L Food Market, CHECK ings of the second Girl Guide Company to be | YOUR BASEMENT - it may be yours, nfe~ formed with Mrs,Roger Beaulieu as Guide FOR SALZ - MUSCRAT PUR JACKET - SIZE 14-16, Captain, | Phone 3363, past. ae One of the Guide who will attend Camp at / Doe Lake will be assisted financially, pro- ROOM & BOARD FOR TWO MEN - 60 Laurier Avenue : = ; : Terrace Days Z '4 * | vided that she or any other Guide who is so helped, will remain in the Guide Company for one year after she attends Camp. Future oe | | | WHYZ21T COLUMN help to Guides wishing to attend Camp was | A reader would like to know - "WHYZZIT also discussed, the passageway between Tony's and Soughton's The next meeting of the Association will Jewelery is so dirty and WHYZZIT not cleaned be held at the home of Mrs.S.Dorman on April up3" 24. The evening closed with luncheon served Another reader asks WHYZZIT donors of by the hostess assisted by Mrs. H.Lang. "player of the week" awards don't consider | extending their idea - "Safe Driver" awards? ART CLUB NEWS The regular business meeting will be held DONALD G,. BENO on Thursday at 8:00 P.M. sharp to be follow- a Pear f INS Br ed by a demonstration in the application 0 SNSPRANCE AGENT "cray-pas" pastels by Mrs. S.Gaulin, . | | | Representing ; : | > DANS Members are advised that art supplies have POMINTON Live ASSURANCE COMPANY been received and that tickets to the April | HAVS THE ASSURANCE OF 27th lecture (in the Lakehead) by Professor a INSURANCE Swinton will be available at this meeting. - PHONE 195 ~ - OFFICH, TOWN HALL For children, ages 8 - 10 years, classes will begin on the 13th & 14th (Cont'd P, 7) SC a me mn a RS eR RN ANE TNR we Hey et ee

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