a an Pere ON REE OTE IER Oe » Ron Dakin, Maréh 30, 1961 ____TMRRACH BAY NEWS ak J wa Page 9 MIHOR HOCKEY (Cont'd from Page 1) Fort William Midgets - Gillespie goal, Gander Margarit, Munson, Tookenay, Busby, "verett, Twardowsky, Angus, Margarit,» Pauleénko, Smith Diakow, Serduik, , Kenora Norman Stratton Juveniles had a tough semi-final against the Schreiber Juven- iles, edging only with a 8-7 victory, The Schreiber squad iced a heavier team than either the Kenora or Ft,Williamites but lacked polish in their plays and flunked around the nets, Tookenay was their deadliest with a hat trick, Cosgrove, McParland, Brown and Costell singling, The Kenora little mites, Ted and Tom Kosak were hat trick with Garrow and Perron singling. Fort William Canadiens won a 10-4 victory over the Kenora Juveniles who played the game under protest, The Coach of the Norman Stratton!s and Manager Mickey Corbett lodged a vigorous protest with the Thunder Bay Amateur Hockey Association on Monday and, backed by the Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Association, deliv- ered an ultimatum which, we understand, has resulted in the protest being allowed and the Chapple Trophy which was presented to the Fort William squad being given instead to the Kenora team, Lineups - Fort William Canadiens - R,Feroso goal, J, Reynolds, G, Simpson, J, Trevisan, P,Kailik, V, Bortolussi, G,Tocheri, W. Tocheri, L,Covino, D,Kells, B,Croome, T,Scavarelli, M,Bushby, C,Munson, L,Ganders, Norman Stratton Kenora - Hogg goal, Lacombe , D. Garrow, Ames, W,Garrow, Ted Koza, Tom Kozak, V.Ross, Hemminger, Perron, Hamill, R.Garrow, S,Forbes, R,Chagnon, Sundmark, A,.McDonald, : Sylvia Duquette and Lou Duquette, On the Consolation side Len »@rockford'ts four of Aggie Sinkins, George Riley, Norma Crockford and Len Crockford beat Ed.Wests's: consolation runner-up team of Audrey Rowley, Kent Johnson, Barbara Haughn and Ed, West. The LongLac Trophy will be presented to the successful Olson rink at the Annual Windup Banquet to be held on May 6th at the Moose Hall, CURLING CLUB M&ETING POSTPONED The Terrace Bay Curling Club semi-Annual meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 29th was cancelled in anticipation of a Terrace Day Superior victory Tuesday night. The Semi-Annual meeting will be Held April 12 in the Curling Club Lounge, REMEMBER THE DATZ, WEDNESDAY ZVZNING, APRI 12 at 8:00 P.M, Accompanying the Terrace Bay Superiors to Fort Frances for the weekend games were Francis Hanna, Fred McMillan, Len Swirhun, Art Tanner, Art Mercure, Leo Phillips, Bill Stachiw, Rex Taylor, Dr, John Whiteside, Joe Desaulnier and George Burns. Kay Graham had her parents, Mr,& Mrs. R, Pugh of Fort William down visiting for the weekend, Mr.& Mrs, W.Robbins of Rorketon, Manitoba were visitors with Rose and Jim Garriock and Mrs,.Mitchell last week while enroute to Toronto. » GUIDERS HOLD M&ETING Guiders in Terrace Bay met Monday, March 20th at the home of Mrs, K,Kelly, Chairing the meeting was Mrs, P,Helmink and minutes were read by Mrs. B,Peterkin, Church Parades and presentation of the colour party were topics of discussion, Fly-Up time will be changed to December and June, next month's scheduled Fly-Up now post- poned till June when it is hoped to be held outdoors, The Chairman motioned that more time be given to Guiding work and reading at the meet ings and possibly discussion of Guiding work By a Speaker, Mrs. L.Downey read an article on Canadian Guiding which was followed by an Snlightening discussion, Guide and Brownie meetings will close Mar. 30th and resume following Haster vacation, The next meeting of the Guide Club will. be ~ held at the home of Mrs,Pat Lindberg on May 15, Mrs,Kelly served luncheon at the close of the meeting, FIGUR2 SKATING COSTUMES TO Be TURNED IN There are still a number of: figure skat- ing costumes that have not been turned in, Would you please return these costumes to Mrs, Lil Harris, 92 Hudson Drive, or phone Mrs, Harris at 3241 to have them picked up. THANKS FROM VISITORS! It is the wish of the manager and coach of the Fort Frances Midget Hockey Team that the people of Terrace Bay be informed that their hospitality, integrity and co-opera- tion is unsurpassed, We would like all who assisted us in any way to know that their consideration is appreciated more than words can express, (Signed) "Ronald Cooke The executive of _ the Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Association would like to extend a hearty note of thanks to all those people who billeted or offered to billet the play- ers of the visiting teams, The assistance of all those who helped in other ways is also very much appreciated, I wish every one could have been present to hear the most sincere words of apprecia- tion spoken by the departing teans, (Signed) Forbes Cruickshank, President, T.B.M.H,A, The winner of the attendance draw is SUPERIORS WIN (Cont'd from page 1 of Marathon was crowned Miss North Shore dur- ing the Superior-Thistles game, OLSON RINK WINS MIXZD BONSPIL A mixed Bonspiel was held Tast weekend b y the Terrace Bay Curling Club, to declare a Winner of the LongLac Trophy. Fourteen teams participated in the three day event, The final draw at 8 P.M, Satunday saw the Olson rink of Stella Gusul, Warren Robinson, Dene Clancy and Thor Olson win the Trophy when they downed the runner-up rink of Marge Hamilton, Scotty Hamilton, THY STAFF OF THE TERRACZ BAY NEWS TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY AND JOYOUS EASTER ne mm LT LL SI TE | ANCE eS STEERS SNE TO ST Hin eEONRENEE hanenenianamerianaiennesntiniis: