| | | March 16, 1961 : -, TERRACE BAY Nai Box 579, foenese Bay, Ontario. Published weekly éach Thursday. Circulation covers Terrace Bay, Schreiber and District. News deadline for advertisements is NOON EACH MONDAY, other items Tuesday Noon, Office Phone 3747, Classified ads - Minimum charge 50¢ (20 sonia and under) - Cards of. Thanks - minimum charge $1.00 (30 words and under), - Subscription rate - yearly $2.00 local and $2.50 for outside points - mailed, FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS, POLISHERS, PARTS @ SERVICE, Contact EMIL SEPPALA, dealer, 325. fF Argyle St. Pt.Arthur, Ont. PHONE DI 4-1175, ob FOR SALE 8 Ft.Grey Roxatoned. bookcase. Rhone SDI Se |. FOR SALE - Complete Brownie uniform. fori 3698 Pork v WANTED TO BUY - a girl's or boy's or both, Junior Bicycle, Contact time card #96 or. house 443 Superior, aw FOR RENT = apartment - three rooms and bath, heated, For more information call Spadoni \ Brothers, Schreiber -- Phones 12W or 100 Od. NOTICE The office of the Ken Weppler Insurance Agen- cy will be closed from March 9th to April 2nd, 1961 for vacation, In case of serious mishap it will be in order to call LAKEHEAD ADJUSTMENT SERVICZ, 106 South May Street, Ft.William, cnptect, at Mayfair 3-7414, he YW" BIDS WANTED - Bids will be received for painting 2 rooms in each of the eleven hydro houses; nine in Terrace Bay and two in Schreiber, Painting to be done in May. The lowest bidder will not necessarily be ; chosen. Bids must be in this office not later than April 3, 1961. Hydro Area Office, Box 310, Terrace Bay. NOTICE TO SCHREIBER RESIDENTS Owing to the unprecedented cost of operation of the Water Department due to service freeze up this winter, it has been decided to raise the water service charges to $5.00 a ea | effective April lst, 1961. As an alternate for those wishing to effect a small saving, Council offers a flat $12.00 fee for the balance of the year to. those already having paid the first quarter. 'This action has been taken to meet exist- ing debts and the debenture shortly due and will exist until the financial situation im- proves in the Water Works Department, THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, J Township of Schreiber. FOR SAL& - HOM AT WALK&RS LAK% - Lakefront property. Phone 51, Schreiber. ow Among those in the Lakehead to see the ice show "Fantasy on Ice" over last weekend were Mr. & Mrs. A, Pattison, Mrs, L. Phillips. Mrs. J. Jeanneret and Marcia, Mrs, J.Heenan and Jane, Mrs, B&B. Hayes with Elizabeth and Linda, Mr. & Mrs, T, Delaronde and family, | (continued bottom_of next column) TERRACE ms -- i i 3 "PHONE PRINCE ARTHUR Hore. PORTARTHUR, Ontario |g # R ee When visiting the Lakehead plan on making the PRINCZ ARTHUR MOTOR HOTEL your headquarters. Room accommodation from $5.25 single and up. Special weekend family rates, MODERN DINING ROOM & COFFE SHOP - TV IN ALL ROOMS, Write or phone for reservations to - - an ae AREHUR. MOTOR ar. ~ IN 1 eet, Se LaniinmOn In leving memory of our dear mother, who passed away March 12th, 1960, One long and lonely year has passed, Since our great sorrow fell, The shock that we received that morn, We still remember well. Our hearts still ache with sadness "And secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you Mother Dear, No one will ever know. J When we are sad and lonely And all things seem wrong, We seem to hear you whisper "Have Faith and carry on." Each time we see your photo, You seem to smile and say "Don't cry I'm only sleeping, We'll meet in heaven some day. Sadly missed and always remembered: by husband Alfred and children. pe, ! HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY (Cont'd from Page 2) and could be given to Chairman iva Connors or any.member of the executive. A discussion on 1961 premiums found the i majority desirous of a repeat on last year's premiums, so aneriones will again be ordered. The Junior Program Committee brought in a recommendation to order the same seeds and onion sets as last year, as these had proven most acceptable. The Suggestion Box developed into a very busy Question and Answer period with prac- tically every member present taking part and covering subjects on propagation of roseés, how to grow good carrots and kohl rabi,. use | of insecticides and handling dahlias.. During a coffee session, Mr.Farrow gave a demonstration and led in a discussion on the propagation of gladiolus and splitting of dahlia roots. He was thanked by the Presi- dent for his timely address, now that all gardening preparations should be underway. Members of the Guiders Club are reminded of their meeting Monday evening, March 20th at 8:15 P.M, It will be held at the home of Mrs.Catharine Kelly, 473 Princess Street. Mr. & Mrs. J. Cumming with Pamela and Jamie, Mrs. J. Duncan with Wendy and Cheryl, and Marcia Hamilton, Mrs. I. Delaronde was also a visitor in Fort William, the guest of Mrs. Mary Cerka. eee ce nee