Seg SOO hm mW eRe er tae ee TERRACw BAY, ONTARIO - PHONE 3221 SPaCIALS FOR FeBRUARY 16 - 17 - 18TH we 'our Discount Book @lan. a a ae ' u : i : MEANS L/Ouble Buying S-ower " en for your dood Dollar!!! JUST THINK: Nationally adverti'sed household supplies and other merchandise all available to you at discount prices, CONVENIZNT CREDIT TERMS for as long as 36 months may be arranged to pay for large purchases. All you neéd to take advantage of these fabulous savings "are your L & L cash register receipts, They are worth their full value 'to you when used to make up the differetice between the 'discount and retail price of the items you select. YOU CAN BE SURE ALSO OF LOW FOOD PRICuS AS THIS AMAZING PLAN DOdS NOT ADD TO OUR OPsRATING COST, Start saving your L & L cash register slips NOW, Come in and let our staff give you full details of this plan, Se emma BRIGHT!S BALLARD 'S _ LeVeR BRAND NATURE'S BST CHAMPION DOG FOOD CHOIC# MUSHRO CHOIC' TOMATOUS CHOICH PHACHES 2¢ off ' 20 oz.tins 15 .oz.tins Lb, PYREX FUSES 15 oz. tins 6 65¢ KLEENEX HEINZ KLEENEX LIGHT_BULBS TOMATO JUICE HAoTAh tissues 15 té 30 ep incl- inside frosted 48 oz, tin ee 15, to 100 watt inclu- ke mah sive - WITH EACH ORDER OF $10 or ; Cc over 6 § OO = 2iepel 3/8 ge} 25 /$).00 put fish on YOUR MENU. <3 HIGHLINER - HADDOCK FISH & CHIPS 59°¢d Check our prices} ie cae | 24 oz. package - We have a complete line of Smoked, : Frozen & Cook fish items to add variety to. . MEA tp ' those difficult Lenten Meals, Shrimp, Scal- _ lops, Kippers, Tulibees, Goldeyes, Smelts,etc BLADE ROAST OF BEEF - Blade removed resh S?roduce. ele § rapt, Tear eee Pte « _ PRIME RIB BEEF ROAST + wae _ large heads ~ size 24:s ? | 35¢ | per' ihe '6 O¢ ; FRESH SROUND BEEF NEW_GREEN CABBAGE ----py ance aero . imported from Texas - = 3 LBS,. suf ¢ 2 ue. SOC CALIFORNIA CAULIFLOWER : Firm, white heads - vEACH 29¢ | CHICKEN LEGS .OR_ BREASTS per 1b. O¢ SNOBOY_ BRAND ---- ne : A SHAMROCK BREAKFAST BACON - Ist. grade oz. cello pkge - : 2 a3 . 21,3/¢ mans esate OE MEXICAN TOMATOES SAUSAGE PATTIES