February 2, 1962 | oa s eae we "327. 7° TERRACE BAY NEWS ; Box 579 Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published | weekly each Thursday. Circulation covers 'PHONE DI 5-5411 PORT 'Terrace Bay, Schreiber and District. News {deadline for advertisements is NOON EACH ARTHUR , | MONDAY, other items Tuesday Noon. Office ONTARIO, . Phone 3747, . | Classified ads - Minimum charge 50¢ (20 words , and under) - Cards of Thanks = minimum charge : $1.00 (30 words and under), 'Subscription rate - yearly $2,00 local and ' .$2.50 for outside points, _ °RINGE ARTHUR HOTEL PORT ARTHUR, ON', PT When visiting the Lakehead plan on making the : FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS, POLISHERS, PARTS PRINCE ARTHUR MOTOR HOTEL your headquarters, ) SERVICE, contact EMIL SEPPALA dealer, 325. -| Room accommodation from $5.25 single and up. 'Argyle St., Pt.Arthur, Ont. PHONE DI 4-1175. Special Weekend family rates, MODERN DINING -- ss ROOM & COFFEE SHOP - TV IN ALL ROOMS, Write | TENDARS a or phone for reservations. : Sealed Tenders will be received by the under-- yu PL Signed until 5 P.M, Friday, February 10th, HOME BINGO - HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO WIN $100 , 1961 for heating oil requirements, for the on a Moose Home Bingo which starts February alance of 1961, for St.Martin's Separate 8th, There will be an additional $25.00 School, Terrace Bay, Ontario, «© -| given for the autographed coloured betes fon ' . may keep the lucky card till after the Bingo aie oe the lowest tender not necessarily --- ae a aii sauiibi cats ee ate | pted, 3 % in Schreiber - Caccamo's, Costa's and st (Signed) M.D. Campbell, Chapples - in Terrace Bay = at L& L - i Secretary-Treasurer Costa's and Caccamo's, For numbers call - in - Schreiber - 157, 182 and 552. In Rossport che Barber Shop in Hotel Terrace is closed © call 545 J2 and in Terrace Bay 3670, 3548, every Monday, -- : 5 46 | 3296 and 3658, Please just call between. : 7 10 A.M, and 1 P.M, There will be no numbers ARD_OF THANKS ~ The Family of the late oa eters pnd Mendave, ,sorge Taylor wish to express their sincere WINNER OF LAST BINGO -'Mrs. M. Papineau, Ter- )vhanks and appreciation to ail those who sent ne cards, flowers, Mass Cards and letters of dona oympathy, CARD OF THANKS - I would like to thank all (Signed) Mrs.Joseph Campbell, our friends and neighbours who were so kind cribeniplsinpeiessesioniasonaeenidi eee and thoughtful during my accident. _Thanks GOR SALE - Pianogram - This small chord organ also to Reverend Anderson.for his kindness, | practically new. Six books of music with it. (Signed) Stella Brown & family. Reasonable. Phone Taylor 5~3374, --_ - s ae STS 8 z . . . = REIBE OR SALE ~ 24" Westinghouse 4-burner electric NOT e TO SCD ResiDents range - four years old .~ automatic oven con- | THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY COMMITTEE WILL |)erol, clock and large oven ~ $100 cash. Also HOLD A CANVASS ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH. _four-burner Beach Electric Stove - apartment © | FUNDS AR# URGENTLY NEEDED FOR WORK WITH THE |size - in very good condition ~ $50.00; Phone CHILDREN OF THE DISTRICT, OBJECTIVE $500. | Schreiber 749 = =F | : | NOTICE BAKE SALE - The Schreiber Figure Skating Club wishes to announce a Bake Sale, Saturday, - February 4th in J, Cebrario's Hardware, from 2.30 to 4.30, | : ' F /To all members of the Kinberly-Clark Employ- /3es Charity Fund:- The lst annual meeting will be held in the mall meeting room of the Recreation Centre on | BROWNIE FLY-UP (Cont'd from page 2) ;fuesday, February 14th at 8:00 P.M, °C and Little House Hmblem, The Colour Party ._, the following will be on the agenda as per | was dismissed and the Guides joined the : the Bylaws: --| Brownie circle for their Campfire and sing- (a) The Chairman shall report on the ac- song. 'tivities of the organization during the pre- The evening closed with taps by the "vious year, Brownies and the Guides. (b) The Treasurer shall present the finan-- Tea was served to the attending parents :clal statement, and friends by members of the Local Associa- (c) The election shall be held to replace tion to Guides and Brownies, under convenor- 'any retiring members of the Board, ship of Mrs, H.Coe and Mrs. £,West while the (d) Appointment of Auditors. 'girls enjoyed their refreshments, MEMBERS ARE URGED TO ATTEND otygecntesy eneeap ae * DONALD G. BEN Vagage PEAR EA te) 3 Aros tee TH Fh sara BBs op MRTG 8 UG a JOMELA TEP rae Ue ast = sul H ners Dep | INSURANCE AGENT | | Representing Schreiber Grocery . THE DOMINION LIFE FOR PICK-UP AND D&LIVERY SERVICE , ee ey ASSURANCE COMPANY et ies PHONE 195 Phone [56 OFFICE - -- SCHREIBER TOWN HALL TERRACE BAY PICK-UPS WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Ter i 2M ia aig as tliat ustedes tiie, we ee