November 10, 1960 | LADY TRAINMEN (Cont'd from Page 4 The Annual Hallowe'en party followed the meeting and prize winning costumes were worn by Mrs.Connie Weaver (Fancy) - Mrs.Kitty Whitton (Original) and Mrs.Willa Slater (Comic), i A special lunch of home baked beans was served with Mrs. O'Connor and Mrs.Corbett | in charge of decorating the tables in the Mrs.A.Bryson accompanied } Hallowe'en motif, ' the March and games on the piano. { i | TOWN TO Continued from Pase 2 | Mee. Marge Lundberg had a Talent Tea at her hoje last week in aid of the First Prese | byterian Church in Westfort who ere building ; & now Church, and of which Marge was a former | Ienber, lirs, Ethel liaitland assisicd during | the afternoon tea, : tirs, N, P, tiichens and her son George | yeturned hose to Timulns » Ontario Sunday | following two weeks visiting with her brother | John Knight and family, , Gladys and Charlie Sitch are home trom a ; vacation in Duluth and Grand Kapids, liinnes~ | ota, Rainy River where they visited Charlie's | neice Kvs, Jack Glen and a visit in Dryden . | with Betty end Jon Anderson before returning. ' The Women of the Moose Chapter 1426 met on wednesday, November 2 in the Terrace Bay hoose Hall. with Senior iiegent Ann Todesco presiding, Recorder Nat Coates read the min= utes of the past meeting and also reported on the Convention in the Lakchead the previous weekend which she, together with co-workers Betty O' Neil and Jackie Valder had attended and found to be most inspirational and beno= ficial. Books were donated at. this meeting by the ; CO-Workers and Will be distributed where need~ ed, 4 Penny duction was held and proved popular end successful, 'The draw prize was won by Hlsie Berndtsson, the Women of the Moose decided to have a Cinderella Doll for their Christmas draw and tickets are being distributed to all members, Members of the Library Committee were luncheon hostesses at the conclusion of the meeting, The next meeting will be held on November 16 and will include a practice for the initi~ abion, All members are strongly urged to ae Sulla ee eed ale elise e Catholic Women's League will meet on _ Sunday evening November 12th at 8 o'clock in St. Martin's Parish Hall. _ a HI LD ' Qnee more the spooks and goblins gathered , With clowns, TV and comic characters to haunt | the High School Auditorium at the annual ' Kiwanis Halloween Party for Terrace Bay child~ ; ren. The youngest group, aged three to nine | om at.6.30 in the Auditorium where races and treats wero enjoyed and the very difficult job | of costume judging handled by Miss Natalie |Kochan, lirs, Brian MacDonald and Mr, D. Lake, 'Master of Ceremonies was Mr, W.F. Colborne who | dispensed prizes to the following for thoir ; costumes: Clowns = Jimmy Kennedy, Lorne Rey= 'nolds, Pat Heenan; Tramps = Theresa.Ramsay, -- William Hartman, David Ramsey; TV or Comic character Jacqueline Turner, Steve Payette, 'Uchael Payette; Most Original ~ Barbara and , durray Woods, Joey Hale, Kent Stobart, The , Grand Champion was Jacqueline Turner who. , appeared in the yarb cf Moonbeam McSwinc. ' Chairman of the Halloween Parties was Jack uittle. The races were run off by Thor Olsen TERRACE BAY NEWS EEE pg owmmrnenscnemernerwemncin Page 9 and Sam Boyd Sr, and with an excellent turn. out of Kiwanians, the threo parties wore effi- ciently. handled, Ten to Thirteen year old children gathered at 5 o'clock for a Treasure Hunt near the C.P.R,.station, calling in at the High School at 7 o'clock for their rewards and treats. Ur. H. Roberts was in charge of this groupe The Students Council of the Terrace Bay High School organized their own party for Lone day evening. admittance was by costume only. Financial assistance and supervision were provided by the Kiwanis Club who were repres= ented by Mr, and lirs, J. 'Cfirly' Hale and lir, Ralph Lindberg, Kiwanis President, TERRACE BAY C.GeO. HOLDS MEETING - The Saint Martin's Catholic Girls Organize ation held their monthly meeting in the church basement on Sunday October 30th. commencing at 8,00 Pl, The programme began with a prayer led by Miss Annette Boudreau, President and then the reading of the Treasurer's and the Secretary's reports by Darlene Gombola and Paulette Boudreau respectively, Following this the various committee chairmen gave their reports on their committee's programmes during the interim from the last meeting. 4 most interesting and informative speech on the "Practical Catholic" was delivered by lirs, Helmick, the guest speaker. She also suggested that the girls start a project to gather Christmas gifts for the mission at Squaw Bay, Reverend Dean Gallagher was present for the mecting and before leaving gave his blessing to the groupe The meeting came to an end with lunch served by one of the appointed committees and enter~ tainment by Veronica Fedun and Lila Petrus who both performed on their accordions, LADIES TEN PIN BOWLING RESULTS Standings: after 7- weeks of play Dreamers - Captain Phil Turner 56 1/2 Good Fellows ~ Capt. I. Goodfellow 56 Beatniks - Capt. Vivien Hanna 48 1/2 Honey Bees = Capt. Bea Fawcett 45 All Stars ~ Capt. Doris Chopty 41 Discs ~ Capt. Freda Knight 37 1/2 Alibiers = Capt. Zvelyn Knauff 30 1/2 Hi-Single Grace Banks 176 HimSingle w/hcep, Ruth Boudreau 225 Hi-three Liz, MaLashewski, 444 Hi=three w/hep, Lorraine Desaulniers 593 Jop Ten Averages Liz, MaLashewski. . 139 Ruth Shirriff 134 Julie Stachiew Les Bea Fawcett 126 Evelyn Knauff 126 Kay Weppler 125. Vivian Hanna 124 Grace Banks Le4 Doris Chopty Le} Marion Pluta (ede FALCON TROOP NEWS (Continued from Page 7) Seouter Brian-called the troop to the alert and Chris Cavanaugh, acting P.L. for the Panthers, lowered the flag and "Doc" Teniuk received it. JOIN THE K~C CHARITY FUND eee ae meen ee tee