"TERRACE AD AY NEwSsS ctusistiassiteinsins . wathorized a8 2nd Clags mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Circulation Terrace Bay f & Schreiber EDUCATION WEEK ~- NOVEMBER 6TH TO 12TH November 6 = 12 inclusive has been desig- nated as EDUCATION WEEK in Ontario." by the Ontario Teachers' Federation, iin | . co-operation with the Department of Education and other groups interested in the products of our schools, Education Week is designed to rekindle the interest of the public in Edu- | cation, Open House will be held in St,Martin's Separate School and the Public School on Wednesday, November 9th from 7:30 P.M, to 9:00 P.M. Parents are invited to visit the teachers, classrooms and to look over the display of text books, work books, library books and other school equipment, The Principal of St.Martin's, Mr. Ray Kenney, urges parents to confer with their children's teachers as "We are each part of a team on whom the children's future depends. It is everyone's business to give construc- tive criticism so we, in the schools, may meet the challenge - Education - Key to the Future," The thought-provoking article which follows was submitted by Mr. W, Colborne, Principal of the Terrace Bay Public School, "The story is told of a crude sign planted beside a country road in Tennessee which reads: "Pick your rut here, You'll be in it for the next five miles." At least the driver knew at the outset just how long he would be in the rut, Educationally, we must get out of ruts as soon as we realize we are in them, and try to avoid such roads as much as_ possible, If society were static in our Western countries, and if life and ways of today were the life and ways of tomorrow, then the rut would be the easy, and quite satisfac- tory, road. We are, however, living in a fast-moving age of new discoveries and rapid advance, and the sort of world into which our children must go is unknown to us .today, Where is the man:who said in 1930 that everything has now been discovered, there is nothing new to learn! There are today complete industries and professions that were unconceived at the beginning of World War II, The more that is learned of the great secrets of the earth, 'the greater are che vistas that are thrown open to the wondering human intellect, In the 1960's such adjectives as "fabulous," "fantastic," and "amazing" will have lost their meaning. The challenge to parents and educators today is to provide a curriculum and environment of learning for our children that will suit their needs as they enter this rapidly-changing era. How may this be done, By realizing, first of all, that the job of education is one of the most vital responsibilities of each generation; that, as the world becomes more complicated, the task of educating becomes more expensive; that our educational system must be pro- gressive and flexible in our day, as never Vol.3, Sponsored i i [ MEN'S FITNESS CLASSES THURSDAY No. 44 November 3, 1960 before, to meet the needs of our changing times, COUNCIL QUOTES | The Terrace Bay Town. Council, at their last regular meeting, adopted the proposal presented by. the Fire Committee, (Reeve Ferrier and Councillor, Heenan), as follows:- 1... That, Council act on. the suggestion by Kimberly Clark Pulp & Paper Company to set up a Town Fire Department, 2. That the fire truck and,equipment; be removed from its present location to area in basement of the shopping Center, presently occupied by Townsite crews, 3, That greater responsibility be placed on the volunteer Fire Brigade. 4, That Council advertise for one Acting Fire Chief to be hired on a five or five and a half. day week basis, That he will be on call duty on his days off, Acting Chief "to arrange and pay, if necessary, for his own relief, No uniform required, 5. That the-present Chief act as relief as far as. possible when he is out of 'town, 6, That Fire Hall be unmanned on week ends and from 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M, week nights, That the. fire alarm alerting system be used in. these hours,. Designated drivers (of the volunteer Brigade), will. despatch imme- diately to the Fire Hall to. take. truck to the source ofthe fire. This would include acting Chief or Chief," Constable J.P,Carson of Port Arthur will replace Constable Hayes who leaves November lst for the Nakina. Detachment, Forty-two. applications for. position of Chief Constable have been received to date. Council agreed on a standard of salary, hous- ing, car and relief and it will remain with the Police Committee to make the preliminary selection before final decision by Council, Reeve J.Ferrier presided over Council and there was a full representation of Councill- ors, Bouchard, Heenan, Evans-Smith and Duncan with the Secretary-Clerk, F,Strutt and Assistant W.Hanley also attending, The Men's Fitness Class. has resumed: work outs for the coming season, Sessions are held Every Thursday from 4:45.P,M,.to 6:15 P oM., at the High.School Auditorium. COME AND JOIN THE FUN Everyone is welcome to take part. If you must come late or if you.must miss occasion+ ally, be there when youcan, You'll enjoy yourself and get in trim at the same time, by playing volleyball, doing calisthenics or joining in other games,. Let's see you out this Thursday. VETERANS PLAN REMEMBRANCE DAY ACTIVITIES Terrace Bay Veterans are arranging a full day's schedule for November 12th ot:servance of Remembrance Day. The dance in the evening will he gpg Kootite ipubkiazo t