June 9, 1960, hd MINOR BASEBALL The first full week in the Minor Baseball schedules»saw two games postponed because of rain, These two games - Tigers at Indians in . the American League, and Dodgers at Pirates . in the National League - will be re-scheduled at a later date, Games that were played were closely con- tested, with the following results: American League Bantam League ; Yankees 11 Indians 7 Whites 14 Reds 6 Tigers 15 Yankees 9 Reds 7 Blues 6 Blues 9 Whites 8 ' National Lea Giants 7, Braves 7 (to be completed) Dodgers 8 Braves 4 Lack of coaches and umpires is still a . Major problem, We need umpires for the Ameri- can and Bantam Leagues and coaches for one _ team in the American League (8 and 9 years), - for one team in the National League (10, 11 and 12 years) and for two teams in the Inter- national League (6 and 7 years), IF YOU ARE _ IN TED IN HELPING, PLEASE CONTACT THE RECREATION OFFICE Now!! You will be required to give a maximum of three hours per week, 'split into two sessions of 1 1/2 hours each, CRIBBAGE FINALS The final night of the Ovibbaxe Tournament will be held in the Small Meeting Room of the Recreation Centre at 7 P,M, this Wednesday. All games that are nat completed by the end of the night will be forfeited. Let's have a full turnout!! " ROLLER SKATING EVERY THURSDAY FROM 7 - 10 P.M. FIRST &LD COU.SS RESULTS Examinations for the recent First Lid Course has been» completcd by Dr,McCausland and following is a list of those who SUCCOS S~ fully completed the course. lirs, bsDowney E.Stobart ~ Mrs. Lindberg Miss E,Berry Mrs. N.Coates Mrs.S.Stojko Mrs .F Whitfield G,CrandLemira These people receive the St.John Ambulance Certificates -Instructors for the course were Rollie Wills and Sid Naylor, In addition to the Senior Course there have been courses run by the Guides and pcouts in which twenty-two Guides and twenty Zoy Scouts recoived St.John Proliminary First pid instruction, In conjunction with the St.John Save-a- Life-Weck, thirty-five local people took advantage of the Artificial Respiration class, Future First Aid Courses will be arranged in accordance with Local damand. ~~ Mrs « Jeowect THANKS "FROM" TEEN TOWN The Terrace Bay Teen Town would like to express their appreciation to all those who. _ had their cars washed, Last, weekend, making / our first "Car Wash" a success. . AL PRECIATION. EXP RASS BY HIGH SCHLOL. STULENTS The Terrace Bay High School students; would | like to extend their grateful appreciation to , all those who contributed in any way to make _ their Bake Sale on June 4th a huge success. Thank youd FATHER'S DaY TEA PLANNED IN SCHREIBER The fathers of SteJohn's anglican Church are gotting in "shape! to serve at their tea TERRACE BAY NEWS at Page 7 on June lOth, This is an evening affair ~ from 7 to 10.P,u., and a feature on the Menu will be strawberry shortcake, GRADE IX ASTROLOGY COURSE GIVEN BOOST Mr. J. Ferrier kindly helped out the grade , IX Science class of the Terrace Bay High | School in the study of the Stars and-Planets with his home made telescope, He kindly volunteered two nights of his time to help out in this study of astrologye l HERE & THERE IN SCHREIBER (Cont'd From Page 4 ) HOLS SHOWER Mrs, Earl Holmes, Mrs, Harvey McCanna, lirs. Ed,Holmes and lirs,John Santerre of Terrace B Vo et Table attendant was Mrs. E.wiLloughby and servitors were Mosdamcs L.Halonen, Jerry , Thrower, W.eOlson, Jean McLellan, H.McBride, , LeBryar and liiss Beulah Grover and Miss Pat | Murphy.' The tea was brewed by Mrs. A, Gore don and Mrs, 4.Morris, Mrs, H.McCanna and lirs. WeCollinson replenished, l LONG-TIME SCHREIBER RESIDENT DIES SUDDENLY } Thefuneral of Mrs. Lucy #nn webb aged soventy+five was hold at 2 P.M. on Mon-day, June. 6th in-St.John!sanglican-Church, Rev, Red eSelnshaw officiated. 'Mrs. Webb,' who! passed away suddenly on Friday, Jum *srd-at tho family residence, mi resided in Schreiber since 1912. The alter. of the Church was:adorned in memory of the deceased with beautiful floral tributes, Pallbecarcrs were BE. Holland, D.Neylan, i E,Singleton, L.Small, GeGauthier, Weiilson. | Mrs. Webb is survived by her husband and | one son, Thanas, of Schreibers-a brother in |} England and a brother and sister in Australia. Interment was made in Schreiber cemetary with the Gawley Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. attending the funeral from out of town were Mr,& lirs, C,Lyttle of Fort William and Mr.J Harris of Chapleaus ANTENDING (SLY. ORDINATION Gordon Sly. of Ottawa and Mr. & Mrs, ReGray | of Schreiber leave on Wedre sday. for Winnipeg. In Fort..Williem they will be. joined by Cheryl | Sly and Mr.& Mrs. Fred Priske and Mrse We Strang. The group will attend the ordina- tion service! next Thursday evening, June 9th { in St,andrews River Heights Church of Douglas | Sly, WEEKEND ART. COURSE 4n enthusiastic group of twenty-five peopl 'spent the past weekend stiidying the techni-~ que of Canadian landscape painting. The course, a first of its kind here, was under the able direction of; Mr.Willian Roberts, ARCA, OSA, CGP; CSPWC." Impressive?,..It certaikly was; for, both instructor and pupils, ~dilso, at times, it was. cold, windy,, sandy, (when the. gusty wind blew the canvas, down) rainy, "fly-bity", sunny, and much more» fun, than.the rest. of the Terrace Bay, population has, all, week The course consisted, of Friday, night's session of comment and criticism--outdoor painting and sketching-all day Saturday and Sunday and evaluation of work and quick sketching on Saturday night, In an interview, Mr,Roberts frankly ad- mitted that he came out of (Cont'd Page 9) a na se ee oe tn nee mene sem 2 1 RR m= SORE GER REE