A EONS net ee SAAD A eel eS NONS sr Sty cps eet phe wasenpatsraninpcneendnenstaentotnanereaneasieeseiataene 4RT COURSE (Cont'd fron Page 7) curiosity. -He also admitted that he was go- | ing away with a most favourable impression of the art movelicnt in this area, What im- pressed him most, he said, was the group's presentation of the Canadian Landscape and its desire to paint outdoors. He felt that isolation from other groups, movements and painter's styles was 2 contributing factor in the emergence in district artist's work ofoa true and rugged redntion of the Cana- dian landscape which is being lost in other parts of our country. He was also greatly impressed that a group like this provided the opportunity for talented youngsters to participate in instruction thet would develop and 'keep their interest. This course was sponsored by the Terrace Bey art Club in conjunction with the Recrea- tion association and the Northwestern Ontario arca art vissociation, Menbers from five art Clubs participated as follows:- fram Torrace Pay - P,Boudreau, B,Pineault, J.Cunmings, C,Smith, G,MacUonald, H.Farrel, weiicKechnic, :..Middaugh, S.Gaulin, G,Boyd; from ited Ruck - L.crown, N,Currie, L,Swanton, CaHall, P,Kadzielawa, REgans; from Marathon, MeJohnston, &.McDonald, H.Ruasby; from Schreiber - N,Gray, S,Sivitski, #.Stewart; from Nipigon - M.L.ilann, TENDERS ------ ee ee ce Quotations will be received by the under- signed up to NOON on Wednesday, June 15th for the construction of a Type C#4-2 resi- dence for the Public School Board, The lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted, (Signed) W.F.Strutt, Secretary-Treasurer, S.S. #1 CORRECTION In last week's issue of\thne News it was announced that 'Sunmer! hours of the Recreas tion Lounge were as printed, This should have read SUNDAY hours would be as follows: Open = 1 P.M, - Close 8,80 P,m, BLACK BEAR BaNTER (by Jism Hoyes) Tuo May 26th mecting opened at 6:30 with twenty-one boys and four leaders present, 4& colour party was formed by the Fox Petrol, , The, boys then went outside to play games, This.was followed by "Patrol com- ners." "Bill Shivas was elected new P.L, of the Fox Patrol, On Saturday, sy 28th the Kiwanis Club treated the scouts to a trip to the Dorion Fish Hatchery which proved very interesting and enjoyable. We are all grateful to the Kiwanis Club for their kindness, FaLCON FOLLOWINGS (Outdwor aetivities) The meeting of May 6th was held at the Mouth of the River, Each patrol went dow on its own and we assembled at 6:30. after flag break Don Colborne of the antelope Patrol .brought forward Gary Gusul to be invested, We then played a revised version of Capture the Flag. after the game, cach patrol built a firc, Cocoa was supplied by the Leaders, Marshmallows were distri- buted by the Lion Patrol, The flag was then Whi bal | abi | nee me cerns area inta i Seeeie aetep tenement near ened asennad n-ne «se neater erent -teeeseentr enter lowered and we were dismissed, (Cont'd next col. Page 9 On the weekend of May 7th and 8th an over- night hike was held, 'There were six hoys and one leader. When they arrived at the Mouth of the River they pitched the tents. after a delicious lunch they cleaned the campsite and passed tésts, after supper a campfire was held, then "lights out." The following morning Scouter Sam was served in bed, Several tests were passed after lunch, At 2'o'clock | they began to pack up and were home by 4:30, The mecting of Friday 13th was also held at the Mouth of the River, After flagbreak | Shawn Hayes of the Lion Patrol was invested, Next, for practice, the Lion Patrol built a | reflector fire, the Panther Patrol built a | | 1 aaa chariot and the antelope Patrol built a re- flecto trapper's fire, after the flag was lowered the mecting was dismissed, (Submitted by.Scott lade) REMEMBER OUR PARADE OF ROSES ON FaTHER'S DaY THE KiWaNIS CLUB ee od Lt. Governor, E, Rowson, of Kiwanis International District No. 1 will attend the Kiwanis International Convention in Miami, Florida on June 26th. Mr. and Mrs, Rowson, daughter Betty, and son John will leave by car for Miami on June 19th, SCHREIBER CADET CORPS INSPECTED The Annual Inspection of the Schreiber High School Cadet Corps #2201 was held on Tuesday evening May 31, in the High School grounds, Inspecting Officers were L.G.C, Lillie D.S.0.-C.0., accompanied by H.G.L. Hutton C,0, from Central Command, Oakville, Ontario. The Corps is under leadership of Bruce Gordon, Chief Instructor and Instructor,| D, Tees. The General Salute was taken by Brig; Lillie, The program included the following: March Past in Column and March Past in Column of Route under direction of Cadet Lieut J. McCuaig and Cadet Sgt.Major Vincent 'McInnes, A detailed outline of the Cadet role in the event of a National Emergency was given by Sgt. Major V. McInnes. The Cadets gave a demonstration in First Aid to the injured. Boys presented for successful examinations in St. John Ambulance First Aid were Cadets Jim Gellert, Leonard Godin, Rodney Bryson, John Stortini, Peter Christie, Fred McColeman, Jack Gordon, Wm. Scott, Brian Webb, James Arnold and Robert Legault. The Master Cadet Award was present- ed to Cadet Sgt. Major McInnes by Brig. Lillie. The Bren Gun display was put on by Brian Birch and Peter Chicoine. Brig.Lillie also presented the Lord Strathcona Shield, which was won for Annual Competition in 1959, to Cadet Lieut, J. McCuaig who accepted it on behalf of the Corps, Invited guests attending were members of the High School and Public School Boards, Members of St. John Ambulance Brigade,Schrei- ber Division, Members of the Clergy, local businessmen and interested parents and citizens, Do right and fear no man; and fear no woman, don't write,