i' | | representative NOW!} neem eres te ee ete reer meinen, A eS es a May 12, 1960 The Spring cribbage tournament commenced last Wednesday evening, with fifteen regis- tered contestants. A governing body was elected as follows: - Chairman ~ F,MacMillan, Secretary - K,Ward, Scorer .~.D,.Whalen, Trea- surer - F,MacMillan, Wind-up & Prizes - E, Pineault and C.Brassard. ! Registration fee was set at $1.00, payable in advance, plus a 25¢ nightly fee for the wind-up. - Any others wishing to take part have until Wednesday of this week (May 11th) to enroll, They may do so by attending the session in the Small Meeting Room of the Recreation Centre at 8:30 P.M, MINOR, BASEBALL Registration forms for Minor Baseball will be distributed through: the school next week, ROLLER SKATING ois Mono LI First Roller Skating session of the year will be held on Thursday, May 19th, from"? to 10 P.M. provided the floor sealer has dried by that time. See next weekts "NEWS" for final details, ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION CLASS On Wednesday, May 18th, there will be an instruction class in Artificial Respiration, Held at the Terrace Bay High School at 8:30 P.M. The class will be run in conjunction with the St. John's "Save=a-Life Week" and will be handled by local members of the St, John's group. Demonstrations will be given by the people now taking the St.John's First Aid Course, » but anyone attending will have the opportun- ity to learn various methods of resuscitation and to receive their Artificial Respiration cards, Take advantage of this opportunity to learn something that may help you save a life. Be out on Wednesday, May 18th, at 8.30, HOUSE LEAGUE SOFTBALL The organizational meeting for this year's House League Softball was the most success- ful held for the last)fewsyears. Turnout was relatively small, "but those who attended showed a keen interest in the future of the League, An executive was elected, as foll- ows:- President - Bill Kurylo, Vice-Presi- dent - R.Slattery, Sec.Treasurer - J,Kennedy, Unpire-in-Chief - R, Stachiw. The new executive plans another meeting in the very near future, to outline plans for the year, Those interested in playing House League Softball should contact the following team Kepresentatives IMMEDIATELY: Shift 1 - F, Whitfield or E,Knight, Shift 2 - Maurice Osmar, Shift 4 - Dave Whalen, Salary - G, Kelly or M,Campbell, Day Workers - Recreation Office or Mill Tool Crib, In addition to House League, discussion was held on the entry of a Terrace Bay team in the North Shore Fastball League. It was decided that a team will be entered and will be handled by a coaching staff appointed by the House League Executive. Other teams in the League will be Schrei- ber, Marathon, Manitouwadge and White River,' REMEMBER. ,.if you want to: play softball this summer, getiyour name in to! your team TERRACE BAY NEWS CRIBBAGE TOURNAME i iy, hy LAR Jlrs, Vetapke; proertm = iirs.B.ilacFadyen; pro- ' from 9 to 11 in Adamo's showroom. {essatAUASUiGA AEA i na i! ~ "TOWN HALL == SCHREIBER -- Page ¢ LADIES AUXILIARY (Cont'd from Page 7) membership - lirs, GsSoughton; publicity - grai,- tlys, H.Brooks, who announced next month's 'program would deal with "C in Peace-- Christian Living,'\. Samuel Boyd Sr., and Mr. J.Wede will be present to talk about the Sun- day School and to present a»recording of their opening, lirs.Audrey Smith» reported on luncheons. Families planning to attend the Pot Luck Supper on.ilay 15th are requested to contact Mrs,L,Hopper, Mrs,=,Evans=Smith or Mrs,Helen Farrell, 3704, leat, milk, tea and coffee: * | will be provided by the auxiliary. Plans are also complete for the rummage sale. Mirs.Brooks introduced the!'Hawmony Belles | under the direction of lirs.E.Hodgkiss who delighted members with their selections, They were thanked. by Mrs,I,Goodfellow. MirssE Maitland gave a talk on Way® to help in aid of peac®.which, was followed by a re+: cording made in Owatonna, iiinnesota.of.dis- placed persons welcomed as new americans, lirs.Brooks displayéd many fine and precious articles, of handicraft from many countrics around the world, The evening closed with tea and-sand+ wiches served by Mirs.G,Cotton and.her commit- tec. The rummage. sale' will be held on May,@8th | Clothing and articles will be picked up on Friday, the e7th, Mrs,Brown requested remnants for the novelty table atthe bazaar. TT Te TTT i de UMS ONSTE 3INGO MAY» 16% 8 P.M, SHARP s10Q.°° -- Gackpot 20.1». games for $100 | $5,00 PRIZES : ONE_FREE GAME _ : i EXTRA CARDS. .25¢ EACH CANADIAN LEGION _ BRANCH 109 -- SCHRETRER a