age 2 i | Ueeur Het eee eer sem es Da a, a vent TOWN | tiem este tense poselncemneenteenseteenent ann Rr OEE | ern eee TERRACE BAY CHURCH SERVICES COMMUNITY CHURCH - Dr, A. Lavender Sunday, April 3, 1960 9.30 A.M. - Senior Sunday School 11,00 A.M. -) Junior Sunday School 11,00° A.M. = MORNING WORSHIP. -- "Were you There" 7.30 P.M. - EVENING SERVICE + On Sunday, April.20th, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at the morning service. There will also be a recep- tion service for those coming into the fellowship of the Community Church, At both services on Palm Sunday and at both sessions of the Sunday School, offerings will be taken for the World Refugee Fund. It is hoped that this appeal will meet with a generous response, ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev. Dean E,A,.Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 in the evening, SUNDAY - Masses 8.15 and 10 A.M, - Evening Devotions - 7.30 P.M, Mass during the week at 7.45 and on Saturday at 8.30 A.M, = ST.MARTIN'S 'PARISH LIBRARY Open from 7 to 8 P.M, every Wednesday night, TOPICS CUB-SCCUT FATHER AND. SON BANQUET. COMING. UP The eleventh Annual Cub and Scout Father and Son Banquet will' be held on April 23rd at 5.30. P.M, in the Moose Hall, eee A letter will be mailed to all parents of Cubs and Scouts during the coming week, Tickets for the dinner must be bought before April llth from Harry Coe, ticket chairman, This is the highlight of the Scouting year Dad so plan to attend with your boy. . The pro- gram will be completed earlier than in other years due to the earlier starting time. CHILDREN'S ART COURSE The Spring Art Course for the youngsters will open soon, Registration forms will be mailed to each home so make sure they aren't destroyed, Registration fee will be $3,00 for the eight-week course, fee to cover cost of materials, FIRST AID COURSE" ' Registrations for the Adult First Aid Course will close on April 1st..-Fee--is $3,00 for the six-week course, to cover cost of instruction, literature, bandages and certi- ficates. The course will be -held on Wednesday nights and each 'session will 'be twé hours. Successful, candidates receive a St.John!s certificate. REGISTER AT THE RECREATION OFFICE, NOWLE: © Sympathy "is extended to Mrs Rh. wilds on the passing of her father, Mr, Edward Winstone in Bristol,' England, on Monday, 'March 28th. Mrs, Gwen Olsen entertained for her daugh= ze 'TERRACE BAY NEWS se March 31, 1960_ SCHREIBER 'CHURCH SERVICES ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. R, Inshaw 8.30 A.M. = Holy Communion 11,C0 A.M. - Choral Eucharist 7,00 P.M, - Evensong 9.30 A.M, - Church School UNITED CHURCH -.Rev, R. Crook 10,00 A.M, - Sunday School 11,90, A.M, = Morning Worship 7,00 P.M, - Evening Service . HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev,Father J.M.Cano DAILY MASSES, ~ 7,30 A.M. Saturday Confessions - 4 to 5,30 P.M. _- y aR 8 to 9 P.M, SUNDAY MASSES - 8,00, 9,30 and 11.00 A.M, Sunday Evening Devotions -. 7.30 P.M. Baptisms by appointment only. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 10.00 A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHREIBER GOSPEL MISSION Sunday ~ 11,00 A.M. - Sunday School, all ages 2.00 P.M, - Rossport, Sunday School 7.00 P.M, - Gospel Service Wednesday - 8 P.M, - Prayer and Praise ROSSPORT - ST.JOHN BERCHMAN!S Mass every Monday evening at 7.30 P.M, ter Kristine on Saturday afternoon to cele-+ brate her ninth birthday. Kristine invited sixteen girl friends and a gay time was had with a fish pond and playing games, A birth- day lunch was enjoyed and the girls left for home'with candy baskets and favours. Jack Hayes had his Mother, Mrs, W.J.Hayes of Emo and Aunt, Mrs, Ducharme of Fort Frances, visiting last week, | Mrs, Emile St.Venis returned home to Sud- bury with her daughters Mrs. John Sedelsky of Sudbury and Mrs, Romano Gauthier of Mata- wa Last*Thursday. "They had'been visiting with her*son Eddie St.Deniis and family: during his illness, Also visiting were his brothers Lucien, Emilien and'Ernest of Sudbury for a weekend, WOMEN OF TH MOOSE HOLD MERTING women of the Woose Chapter 1426 held their regular meeting March 16th at' the Terrace Bay Moose Hall, Senior Regent Betty O'Neil -cHaired the meeting. Correspondence was réad and various business discussed, 4 very delicious St.Patrick's Day Lunch was'-served by annie Todesco and her committce The door prize was won by Betty O'Neil, The next meeting will be held on Wednes- day, april 6th. 'Everyone is-urged to attend, The Ladies Auxiliary will meet in the Terrace Bay Community Church Monday, april 4th at 8:15, Members are. reminded this will be the special Easter service conducted by Dr. di. Lavender, The afternoon Group of the auxiliary will meet inthe' Community Church et 1.45 P.M, Last year more than a hundred cancer re- search 'projects were supported by the Nation- al Cancer Institute of Canada which gets more than 80%.of its,funds from-»the 'Cancer Society