September 10, 1959, | TERRACE BAY NEWS Authorized as 2nd Class Mail -- Post Office Department, Ottawa. i Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation covers Terrace Ray and Schreiber, Ontario, News deadline for advertisements is Noon each Monday, other items Tuesday, Noon. Office i Phone 3747, FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS, Polishers, parts & service, contact EMIL SEPPALA dealer, 325 | Argyle Street, Port Arthur, Ontario, Phone ) 4-1173, | FOR SALE - Piano and bench in very good | \ i j condition -- recently tuned and overhauled, $150.00. Phone Mrs, Locking 3645, FOR SALE = 1955 Chevrolet. 4-Door Station Wagon. Must sell, moving to U.S.A, Price $1100.00 or best offer. N,. Coan, Phone 3349, Town Topics Continued and family. | The Jack Wade family have returned last week | from their vacation in the east. Scott went to Camp Penacka near Bancroft whif Dorelle with the girls visited her sister Mrs, Ashfield |.in Renfrew, Jack joirfd them for the last two weeks of their holiday which they spent at Rideau Lake and seeing the Exhibition in | Toronto, | Mrs George Winn of Fort William is visiting | Vida and Don Laporte for a few weeks, Evelyn Knauff and her brother Douglas and bride Shirley of Fort William*visited her last week, | Debbie Boyd has returned from Sturgeon Falls , where she visited with the Dave Amos family | for the past two weeks, Helen and Wally Shynkaryk and family are home _ from their holiday trip visiting relatives in Winnipeg and stopovers in the States on their | return. Ali € and Bruno Werezynski returned Friday from their vacation in Timmins with Alice's sister Mrs. Ray) St, Dennis and in Kapuskasing with 'her Aunt Mrs,: Paul Plouffe, Betty and Ken Turner and children have arrived MITT home from their holiday visiting friends and | Pekabéves in Kentville, Nova Scotia. 'Mr and Mrs Leo, Godin of Geraldton, spent the holiday weekend visiting with Margaret and Henry Durieéz. 'Mr. and Mrs, Harry Girardin of Kapuskasing = | TRIO MTTTTTTOAOON ATOR CE TT 4 caieiiads IN ae P *HOTEL TERRACE SATURDAY, SEPT.12TH % SCHREIBER HOTEL SUNDAY, SEPT.13TH. | | | HOURS 9 A,M,-5,30P,M. TERRACE BAY NEWS Page 3, with Becky, Patsy, Teddy and Ronny were weekend guests of Mrs, Girardin's brother Ted Brown and family, Betty Ollen-Bittle returned. with her children | from Port Arthur where she has been the guest} of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, A.V, McCallum and enjoyed a trip with her sister Catharine | McCallum to Duluth, Minnesota, Mary and George Dashkewytch and children spen the long weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Tutkaluk in Port Arthur, We express our sympathy to Joe Charban on the passing of his Father Mr, William Charban in Fort William last Thursday. Three local girls, Norma Schock, Betty MacFadyen and Connie Barker left last week to commence their training as nurses at McKeller Hospital Fort William. Good luck Girls, , Dennis Scowen has returned to Pickering College in Newmarket, Ontario. Susan McCausland left Tuesday for Toronto where she will attend Bishop Strachan School. Judith McCausland also left on Tuesday for Port Arthur where she will attend Hillcrest High this season, - a : : Judith received her Grade X111 standing in nine subjects last year at Bishop Strachan School in Toronto, Laurie Mae Marcella has returned for another term at St, Patricks High School in Fort William, Mr and Mrs Fern Turcotte and son Dennis of Wapuskasing visited their daughter and son- in-law Jannine and Dave Desrosier a week ago. They werfaccompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Art Turcotte also of Kapuskasing. Mr and Mrs Nick Chomniak of Port Arthur and daughter Karen spent the long weekend as guests.of Stella and Harry Gusul, HIGH SCHOOL_OP_'S WITH ENROLMENT OF SEVENTY | Terrace Bay High opened its doors on Tuesday with the following enrolment. Grade 12 - 7 students, Grade 11 ~ 17 students, Grade 10- See pageshe WVDUT Ted NUD ARC GU OAA SSH AGUNCMA cH LALLULUOP OULU OL ULDELL ALT LLDDDPonmoemneonenosedg ATT THERE'S ROOM FOR ALL 'NEATH THE UMBRELLA 124 MILLION PEOPLE CAN!T BE WRONG -- That's about the number of Credit Union members today - men and women who know that their Credit Union offers the easiest, friendliest, fastest way to solve personal problems. Belong to the Credit Union, and use it] The officers (your fellow-members) are waiting to help you with savings or loan accommoda- tions, TERRACE BAY CREDIT UNION Mrs. M, Campbell, Mgr., Office 482 Superior Avenue Phone 3250 2s ebb UTA ATTTEEET ERTS TTT SANTO a ETA TETOTS HEP TOOTOGTOOG gee OODCOTOn oon gancantn nyt OPN? 17 ITITUUONELELNUFTTTATUOOIOOO OLOMOUC DDO OO LLTUETUMIDHTCTTMTTT TD cnoseesnnvuarnennnTt