TERRACE TERRACE BAY CHURCH SERVICES COMMUNITY CHURCH - Dr, A, Lavender 11,00 A.M. --- MORNING WORSHIP "Man and His Work" ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH --- Rev.Dean E.A.Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 in the evening, SUNDAY - Masses 8,15 and 10 A.M. Evening Devotions - 7,30 P.M, Mass during the week at 7.45 and on Saturday at 8.30 A.M, TOMN IK ART CLUB MEETING SEPT.3RD e Art Club will meet on September 3rd at 8:00 P.M. in the Recreation Centre. Plans for the Annual Exhibit and activities for the: Season will be discussed, All interested are urged to attend, MMUNITY CHURCH AUXILIARY START FALL MEETINGS The Ladies Auxiliary of the Terrace Bay Community Church will commence their regular monthly meetings on Wednesday, September 9th at 8:15 P.M, in the Church, Mrs. Norma Coan will convene the evening's theme and Mrs,Sadie Gaulin will give a demon- stration on floral arrangements, Everyone is welcome whether they belong or not, so come out and have a social cup of tea, : Women of the Moose, Chapter 1426 will meet ' Wednesday evening, September 2nd in the Terr- ; ace Bay Moose Hall at 8:00 P.M. Mrs. J, | Calder will convene the program and luncheon, t Mr.& Mrs. J.Gross vacationed in Winnipeg with Mrs.H.Price. <A niece, Jacqueline Price accompanied them home for a short visit. Mrs.Helen Fedun and family visited her par- ents, Mr.&@ Mrs, A,duchulak and relatives in Keewatin. Veronica remained for an extended ' visit. Donald also returned last week after a trip to Toronto, Mr.& Mrs,George Calder and family from Fort Frances visited the Gordon Calders re- , cently. Another brother, Gary, also vaca- . tioned here before returning to naval duty . in Esquimalt, B.C, } Annette and Yvonne Comeau; spent a month . in Hamilton with Mr.& Mrs. F.Comeau, Mr.& Mrs.T. Latour and. Jac queline spent a week in Pt eArthur with Mrs.N,Polowski, Mrs.J.Rowley and Tanya spent the summer in Smith Falls, Ontario with her parents Mr.& Mrs.A.W.Harris, Mr.Rowley joined them on his , vacation accompanying them to Chapleau where Shey visited Mrs.Pat Burns and family. Vivian and Francis Hanna and family vacation with relatives in Winnipeg visiting enroute _ with Earl and Babe Knight and Earl's parents : in Kenora, September 3, 1959 BAY NEWS SCHREIBER CHURCH SERVICES ST.JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev, R, Inshaw 8.30 A.M. - Holy Communion 10,00 A.M. = Choral Eucharist 9.30 A.M. - Family Service UNITED CHURCH ~ Rev, Russell Crook 11.15 A.M, .- MORNING WORSHIP HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev.Father J,Cano 7.30 A.M, - Daily Mass Confessions - 4-5,30 and 7-9 P.M. Baptisms by appointment, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Vicar J,Tuomisto 10.00 A.M, - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7.00 P.M, service will be conducted in the basement chapel at the F,Eickmeier residence on Kingsway. LO TC OC CY St SEP SRE SO anime eerrnamaseres eaweinsanceneensarneeatecenmenat SCHREIBER GOSPEL MISSION Services Sunday at 11,00 A.M, and Wednesday at 8 P.M, atiop30 | LL CL LL LLL LL CCA LR A LE Eten te eee ence tease! Mr. and Mrs.Jim Gallagher with Penny and John of Virginia Town, Ontario spent a week in Terrace Bay as guests of the Hugh Boudreaus Mr.& Mrs,A,Marquis, Sharon and Ron, with Gayle Sweet and Archie Freed of Schreiber were in Ft.William last weekend to 'attend the wedd- ing of Kenneth Himes to Miss Beverley Harnish, Mr. and Mrs,Himes are visiting the Marquis family at present. Walter Anderson'had his brother Joe of Cincinnati visiting him last week. Jessie and Lou St.Louis returned home on Sunday from a vacation in Eganville where they visited their Mothers, Mrs.M.Valiquette and Mrs.M.St. Louis. Miss Judy Tees of Schreiber was the guest of honour at a Miscellaneous Shower on Friday, August 27th when Gayle Sweet and Marjory Dejonghe were the hostesses at the home of Mrs,Betty Stachiw. Judy is a bride-elect of Saturday, September 5th, Seated in a decorated chair Judy received her many lovely gifts from those attending in a decorated basket, An evening of bingo and games was concluded with a dainty lumcheon served by the two hostesses, RATE OF POSTAGE ON BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS The public are asked to note that partly printed birth announcements, completed in handwriting or typewriting with information such as the baby's name, weight and date of birth, are liable to the letter rates of postage. CUB AND SCOUT NEWS All Cub and Scout fall meetings will begin during the week of September 14th. Meeting nights and starting times are the same as last year--Monday and Tuesday at 6:30 for Cubs Thursday and Friday at 6:30 for Scouts, NEW BOYS wishing to start in Cubs should obtain application forms from the Recreation Office, during week-day mornings, as soon as possible. When Cub meetings resume, applica- tion forms may also be obtained from Cub- masters at Cub me PEE bonttarbage? ac te rte et ete arene eRe were <n!