"TERRACE Bay News _ ' Circulation Terrace Bay & Schreiber Another Labour Day observance is just ahead Once again our country will celebrate the out- standing achievements of the working men and women who are helping to make Canada a great industrial nation. One of the ideals of work- ing people throughout the country has been and is the prevention of death and tragedy, dis- ability and hardship...with safer work, safer working places and safer workers, Labour organizations have worked hard to promote safety on the job and great records have been achieved by workers in all types of industry, One of the basic ideals of unionism is the protection of the working men's health and happiness but so often these same safe practices we use on the job are forgotten at quitting time, For every worker killed in an accident on the job two or more are killed in an accident away from the job. We must learn to take our safe work habits beyond the plant into the home and on to the highway. During the Labour Day weekend we urge every: one to be alert; don't take chances; drive with caution, courtesy and common sense, Im- patient drivers are potential accident makers. Drive at a sensible speed--avoid alcohol and watch out for the other guy] Following the Labour Day weekend our child- ren will be returning to school, It is ovr duty to drive with care and protect them from accidents so as to protect their future. Make this a safe - and enjoyable - Labour Day Weekend, (Signed):-- Pulp Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers, Local 665, P, Romaniuk - President, Electrical Workers, Local 1861, P, Stuart - Président, |r ee in eh _ LABOUR DAY CELEBRATION SPONSORED BY LOCAL 665 } This is the first one in Terrace Bay so let's make it a big success}] First there will be a Field Day for all children in Terrace Bay and the children of Union Members only who live in Schreiber and Jackfish, There will be treats, games and fun for all, The Field Day will start at _ 1:00 P.M, at the Moose Hall and, in case of ' rain the activities will be carried on inside ' the hall, In the evening, for Union Members, their wives or girl friends (Union Members Only) there will be a dance in the Moose Hall ; Commencing at 9:00 P.M, until 1:00 A.M, with a six piece orchestra, served, Refreshments will be There is one exception -- NO TEEN- _ AGERS WILL BE ALLOWED at this dance under any circumstances, Hoping everyone will turn out and make this a big event, et LABOUR DAY MESSAGE F ROM MILLUNIONS Vol.2, No. 35 September 3, 1959, | aon ema lannasncinrnsteaen EMPLOYEES CHARITY FUND (KC-ECF ) FORMED The Board of Directors of the newly formed | Kimberly-Clark Employees Charity Fund has been authorized by the Department of National ! Revenue to collect and disburse funds for | charitable purposes and to issue receipts for | income tax purposes to members, } Letters are going out to various chari--+ | table organizations requesting pertinent information from which a budget will be drawn | up for 1960, i All Kimberly-Clark employees will be given | the opportunity to join in November. The | minimum donation will be $1.00 per month for | 10 months (January to October). Copies of the Constitution and By-Laws will be posted on all bulletin boards in the near future and are also available from the Personnel Department. Your comments and suggestions are invited. COUNCIL QUOTES]? Reeve Ferrier, Councillors Bouchard and Evans-Smith, Secretary-Treasurer W.F,Strutt | and his assistant W,Hanley, met in regular session on Wednesday, August 26th. Minutes of the last meeting and treasur- er's report were read and approved, Corres- pondence regarding asphalt curbing indicate that it is unsuitable for local requirements. No further action will be taken this Fall. Council drafted a strong protest to the Department of Highways on speed restriction through Terrace Bay. A study of the situa+ tion has been promised once the Highway is completed to Sault Ste.Marie. The volume of traffic shows a marked increase since | completion of the road to White River. Hydro and Township accounts were approved and passed, Reeve Ferrier, as Chairman of the Utilities Board will act as Council rep- resentative on future Bell Telephone con- struction, T.Angus Duncan, Optometrists were given permission to hold office once a month in Hotel Terrace. Councillor Bouchard reported that the Recreation Association is in excellent finan- cial condition. Two members, Mr.Norman Coan, Chairman and Mr. Joe Adamo, having resigned, were replaced by Council. Ed Brady and Joe Kennedy will serve until January 1, 1963, Present member, Jack Phillips will serve until January 1, 1962, Mrs.Mary Hales and Alex MacDonald until January 1, 1961, along with Councillors Mrs.B.Bouchard and Joe Heenan wo are Council representatives. Councillor Evans-Smith reported on an inquiry from Canadian Oil Company regarding an establishment in Terrace Bay, Council agreed to receive their application and, providing they meet the required building code, would be accepted. Approval was voiced on a proposed Trailer Park west of the Agua- sabon Bridge with the area around the Falls to be built up and beautified.