TERRACE Bay NEws Circulation Terrace Bay & Schreiber BLOOD DONOR CLINIC AUGUST 19TH--ARE YOU ONE? The response for hlood donors for the Blood Donor Clinic to be held on August 19th was rather disappointing. Of course this was a difficult time of year with people going on holidays or already away but, with more than five hundred employees in the Mill along, -- not counting the other services throughout the town or the wives and teen-agers of the mill employees, we could manage only about 270 volunteers, ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? There is an old saying "women are the weake | er sex". This saying was never proved more : false tham in the recent canvass of Terrace Bay. Women make up more thant half the number of donors. | Probably with many, Seer the young ' single men, there is a certain amount of fear, | but once again let us stress this point... there is absolutely no reason to be afraid. The whole procedure is so simple and so pain- { less and the amount of hlood taken so small | that there is absolutely no cause to be worried. The Red Cross Personnel are compe- ; tent and their equipment is of the very best. Now let us see what the benefits are to you | Blood is immediately available absolutely free j for you or your family whenever it is required and in this day and age we are all aware of ; the tremendous importance of blood transfu- ; sions in the field of medicine..,after opera- ; tions or in the treatment of disease. In ( places where there is no blood bank available | you would pay twenty-five to fifty dollars | for a pint of blood. People who have had to go to the Lakehead for major surgery have all received blood free and this has been part of ; the reason for a speedy recovery to health, | And who can tell when you or your family might i | { | { { { | | | i 1 j | | | | ' in ee re cree co eer enen i, pe ace ee pone ane ne | need that life giving blood. ; It would be a good feeling to know that you ; have given your blood to save a life, Please remember also that Red Cross blood is frequently provided for our own Terrace Bay residents. If there is sufficient time it i is always ordered from the Red Cross in Winni- peg and is received here prepaid at no expense to the patient within forty-eight hours. Of course there are times when the patient | cannot wait forty-eight hours and, on those j emergent occasions it is necessary to call ; some. local resident who is willing to donate : blood. We are fortunate to have some people who are happy to give their time and their blood at a moment's notice, The Red Cross assists us in this respect too, by poses Doctor McCausland with a list of all donors blood types. Any person eighteen years of age to sixty- five years may give blood, A test is made first to be sure you can give, If you wish to give blood contact the Nurse at the Medical Centre in the Mill, or phone the Doctor's office 3235 between the hours of | 9-12 and 2-5 p.m. or contact Mrs.E.Cruickshank 'at 3654, ; Ed.Note: If you ever watch, as we have, the faint pink colour creep into the waxy white cheeks of a loved one as they receive a life- Vol.2, No.29 THIS IS YOUR POOL. July 23, 1959 | t giving transfusion, we feel sure you would | not hesitate for one moment to be a donor, ' WARM WEATHER INCREASES ATTENDANCE AT POOL | Warmer weather has marked a greater use i of the local wading pool. Parents are assur- | ed that every precaution is taken by the } kecreation staff for the protection and safety' of the children who use it. However, we re- | quire sensible co-operation from both parents ! and children for the continued good use of the! wading pool, FOR PARENTS! INFORMATION: The pool is emptied, cleaned and refilled at least four times each week; MORE OFTEN IF necessary. A chemical solution is mixed with the water, to kill germs and algae, | Regular checks are made each day to see { that the peol remains clean and is not misused. It takes one hour to empty the pool, FIVE ; HOURS TO REFILL IT, This means that if, dur- } ing the night, someone litters the pool, it | will take most of the next day to refill it. To date, use of the pool has been fairly | good. Let's keep it that way by following j these few simple rules:- i | i soe rt ae 1. Don't allow your child to take bottles, papers, sticks, stones, sand or other refuse into the pool OR the pool area. 2. Pan't take pets to the wading pool. ARE NOT ALLOWED, 3. Bicycles, tricycles and wagons must be kept outside the fenced area. 4. The pool is for tots; not for children who should be going to the dam. 5. Splashing, pushing and mmning are not allowed, 6, Report any misuse of the pool to the Re-- creation Office. 7. Don't be content simply to make idle com- plaints, If you are present when misuse of the pool occurs, STOP IT; then report it. Help us keep it clean and healthy for the kiddies. } JOEY' WIG GRADUATES WITH HIGH HONOURS One reads these days of the alarming nun- ber of failures both in the High Schools and in the Universities, It is indeed heartening | to hear that one: of our former Terrace Bay Students, 'Joey' Wig has completed his High School course in New Brunswick with high honours. The son of former Terrace Bay Mill Manager | Joe Wig and his wife Arlene, young Joe re- | ceived most of his education here where he | } PETS was awarded Proficiency prizes both in St. Martin's School and in High School, Making the transition to New Brunswick where there is a four-year High School course was accomplished by Joe with no set-back and he was chosen Valedictorian of his class and received special prizes, Joe now plans to attend McGill University. Always keep well to the right - except ana you intend to overtake and pass another ve- hicle. DON'T HUG THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, i