meee ---s ___--_--____ TERRACE ; NEIL ROSS RE-ELECTED BOWLING LEAGUE PRESIDENT | The mixed bowling league held its wind-up | party on Monday evening with a dinner in the ; Anglican Church hall followed by a social ; Secretary, who were guests at the dinner . with 35 attending, evening. Neil Ross, President, was M.C., introducing Linwood Richardson, new General Secretary of the Local Y.M.C.A., and Mrs, M.E. Davis, Ass! Mr. Ross thanked the officers, Bill Furlonger, Secretary-Treas., and Bern. Whent, Recording Secretary, for their excellent support and congratulated the _ Winners of the league trophy and the run-off trophy, With amusement he also commended the team which had played in the district roll- off at Marathon (he being one of the members) saying each year they had made a gain until this year when they placed second, but rais- ing high hopes of being first next year, This team being Neil and Elsie Ross, Rod and Joyce McCuaig, Ray Niemi and Annie McGregor ' and the winners of the league scheduled games. : presented by Neil Ross. A special award was given to Art Parent for perfect attendance during the season. The team winning the play-offs were: Bill and Maybelle Furlonger, Cyril and Alice Sparkes, Reo Nagasaka and Bart Kusik whose prizes were 'ir, Richardson spoke briefly saying that he hoped to be bowling with the league next season and that much refurnishing of the alleys is being planned. Speaking of changes contemplated in the' Y he said, with the (Cont'd next column) THE FEATURES YOU WANT THE MOST: LT Ek eT cer FOR PRICES mR eS RNR Rae NS Frnt NNR BEAUTY, STYLING, EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY & LONG LIFE BAY NEWS June 4th, 1959. securing of the popular chef, Jerry Shewchuk, family and small dinner parties would be catered to. He also stated it is hoped to secure a young man to act as recreation director for the summer in a youth program and that the co-operation of the community would be asked, In a brief business meeting the officers for next year were re-elected: Neil Ross, President; Rita Swanson, Vice-President; Bill Furlonger, Sect'y, Treasurer; and Bern Whent, Recording Sect! J. J. "JIM" FORD RETIRES J.J. "Jim" Ford, of the C.P.R. Station staff, accepted his retirement on May 28th | and was honoured by fellow employees and friends in the presentation of a cheque for $170.00. This presentation was made by Alex | Furyk followed by a special gift of juice-of-! the grape, from Oliver Plummer, with humour- | ous verse attached. Supt. V. Evrett offered - the company's good wishes, and the working staff gathered in the yard office for a farewell, the various departments working, | all coming to 'say farewell, ! A turkey dinner at noon began Jim's ' puzzled afternoon and when the fellow workers! ended their presentations, members of his family took Jim to Rossport for a fish dinner' where they presented him with a handsome ' wrist watch from the following - Mrs. M. E. Davis and Mrs, E, M,. Sutherland. ; { The end of your smoke can begin a fire}! $ : Back Fence. Functional in design, beautiful in styling, iights entire working surface. All controls at your finger tips including. "Roast Ready" for perfect roasting every time --- probe in roast accurately controls cooking time, 2 Oven Timer Janel. Dependable, easy- io-use Oven timer; handy Minute Minder; 'Automatic Oven Control with Push Button Pre-Heat. AND TERMS CONTACT | (Psi, 5 { } { { ' ) Schrevber