a Guider, TEKRACE ed iret aii cia Page 4 Birthday - (Cont'd from Page 3) the children had their party lunch and took a. basket of favours home with them, Doris and Bob Biesenthal arrived home Sun- day from a wonderful three weeks when they flew to Phoenix, Arizona to visit Doris! parents, Mr.& Mrs.Ralph Hansford, They also spent a weekend sightseeing at the Grand Can~ yon and a trip to Tuscon, while there. Mrs.M.Dashkewytch opened the regular meet--_ ing of the Local Assoc,, to Guides and Brown- ies by reading of the Guide Prayer on Monday evening. Minutes and correspondence were read by the Secretary, Mrs,L.Downey and Mrs. P,Gombola gave the Treasurer's report. Reports were heard from various convenors, Mrs,Bea Williams announcing the Brownie Ban- quet would be on May 9th and, though tentative plans had been made for the. Guide Banquet, no date had as yet been set, An invitation had been extended to Mrs, Earle, District Commissioner to visit in Terr- ace Bay. Mrs.Earle replied indicating her wish to visit after her trip to Toronto to attend the Conference in April. Many suggest- ions on time and types of gatherings were discussed. A cheque will be sent to Mrs. Earle to help defray conference expenses. Mrs.Dashkewytch was happy to announce the receipt of a cheque from the local Kiwanis Club for Sandra Phillips toward her expenses in travelling to Toronto to officially re- ceive her Gold Cord. The local association unanimously voted a further sum be added to this amount to Sandra as their first Gold Cord Guide. Mrs.Dashkewytch also remarked on the splendid handling of the Gold.Cord Ceremony held March 11th. Sandra Phillips will carry on in the role of Acting Captain of the lst Terrace: Bay Guide Company for the present, due to the resignation of Mrs.M.Middaugh, Guide Captain. Sandra will be assisted by Mrs. L.Downey and Mrs.J.West. The Chairman reminded the Guiders present that the L.A. would pay babysitting charges necessary for Guiders to attend meetings, Several warrants have been received recently and other new Guiders commencing duties were: Mrs.B.Larson, Mrs.H.Farrell, Mrs.P.Kelly, Mrs. J.West and Mrs.L.Downey. It was motion- ed to provide uniforms for Guiders after two months attendance and the achievement of their Tenderfoot. Mrs.S.Mikus has agreed to assist in the training of new leaders and books will be ordered to assist in this training. Mrs.H. Farrell will contact all interested in attend- ing these sessions. A motion was passed to confine the Candy Sale and the soliciting of candy for same to the Mothers. of Guides and Brownies next year. The Chairman suggested for consideration that only executive meetings be held next year with just one open meeting in January, with a list of all Mothers kept for assist- ance in social functions. Also the possibil- ity of a training coordinator. At the close of the meeting Mrs.M.Mantey expressed her pleasure at having been present at this meeting when so much ground had been covered with so much that was worthwhile to COMING 34 SU UU nn MERCURIES outhustle F.F.CANADIANS Tuesday nite KIWANIS CLUB KIDDIES KARNIVAL----APRIL 4th, 1959.FULL DETAILS NEXT WEEK bat NEWS March 26, 1959 i y @ GET UNDER THE UMBRELLA!! | JOIN THE CREDIT UNION 482 Superior Ave. Terrace Bay, Ont. Office Hours 7-9 P.M. on Tuesday and Friday. DON'T LET FINAN- | t { WE ADVERTISE TO HELP. YOU, CIAL.WORRIES GET YOU DOWN! LET US PROVE TO YOU HOW YOU CAN SAVE AND PAY YOUR WAY UNDER OUR INSURED PLAN. | { KEEP YOUR CREDIT CLEAN, | INQUIRIES WELCOMED, ana RED CROSS CAMPAIGN, | To date canvassers have turned in $650 20. This is only about half of last year's total with well over half the returns in, If you | haven't been contacted as yet see one of the canvassers or drop into the Employment Office.) Let's all do our share for this very worthy | cause. You serve by giving. a a CURLING WIND-UP SET FOR MAY 2ND | Our annual wind-up banquet and dance has. | been set for May 2nd in the Moose Hall. Al- | ways an event to remember, this year's will. be! no exception. Plan on attending. i Don Whitley has been named chairman of the | nominating committee with Curly Hale assisting. him. This committee will nominate a complete | SELTZ CFofficers. Nominations will be Soy Ria ed from the floor at the meeting of course, and every club member is expected to make a | real effort to be there to elect next year's | executive. | A list of tha winners of the various events' should be ready for next week's News. Our _prize committee is hard at work lining up a good selection of prizes for these winners. SEE YOU AT THE 'SPIFL! HIGH SCHOOL NEWS ~ (By Clifford Knauff) The Terrace Bay Jr. Curling Club held their annual invitational bonsjiel on March 21 and 22, A Total of fourteen rinks entered, including rinks from Marathon, Schreiber, Nipigon and Red Rock. The Smith rink from Nipigon took the hon- ours in A event by beating Schreiber!s Tom McCuaig 10-7, The B event was won by C. Knauff's rink who defeated J.Little of Terrace} Bay 7-6, The visitors were guests at a dance on Saturday evening and were billeted in local homes. All-in-all, everyone had a good time. We would like to thank the Men's Curling Club, the ladies Curling Club, Mrs. L.Hopper and anyone who directly or indirectly helped to make our bonspeil a success. Thank You. TEEN TOWN BAKE SALE - to be held on Saturday, March 28th from 11:00 A.M. 'to 1:00 P.M. in Curling Club Lounge. Proceeds will help finance trip to Pt.Arthur for the annual Youth Conference, to win 5 to 3!!! Series now to 2 to 1 for F.F. Next game WED.MAR.25 and MAR.26.Games inTerrace On Tuesday's play the series could be tied Wed.