Circulation ae Le ee mene eS nner cn ee ss sn hth es cere hs TERRACE Bay NEws Terrace Bay t Vol.2, No.9 March 5, er & Schreiber The week March 1 to 8 is "Education Week" | the individual man counts for nothing! In across Canada, This is the week each year such a society, the notion of security will during which we pause to consider one of be the goal of all, the spirit of adventure life's greatest responsibilities--the pre- will languish and the western ideal of democ- paration of our children for life; the -- racy will die of its own poison, -Russia week which has been set aside to encourage simply has to wWait.ssccoccses parents to visit the schools, talk with the To offset this tendency, the schools are | teachers and see just how'. their children moving in the direction of the gifted child.. | are progressing in him rests the survival of our nation...seee We, in this Community, are fortunate in In this world, all of our children must that we do not have to wait for a special be better educated. Research to make poor Week! to do this. The Principals of our students better and good students excel goes schools welcome visits by parents and will on constantly. In-our community there is no gladly discuss problems or explain and illus-| time for complacency or lack of vigilance. | trate educational methods being used, We must be alert that our children have the The following excerpts, taken from a best possible opportunity. seecees recent speech given by Mr. W.F. Colborne, To assure the success of our children let Principal of the Terrace Bay Public School, us make sure that they have the best education! authoritatively state the educationists that we can unstintingly give them. seseccee ideas, aaeneenaiees "Let us turn to our Day schools. Every year our elementary and Secondary schools You are cordially invited to visit the are targets for all kinds of criticism, In Terrace Bay Public School on Thursday evening a sense this is a most happy condition from March 5th, from 7:30 to 9:00 P.M, There a teacher's point of view. We have a message | will be a display of pupils! work in many of for adults if we can only get their interest. | the classrooms and at 8:15 a short filmstrip Criticism tells us that the interest is "A Report Card for Parents" will be presented, there@vsee There will also be an opportunity to chat I am not concerned that the schools are with the teachers and enjoy a cup of tea, failing in their job. Neither do I feel com placent. Our schools are actually doing a much better job than ever before. I am worried that they might be doing a part of the job too well! Perfect efficiency in a school contains a hidden evil within itself, This is what we refer to as 'Mediocrity! One writer refers to as a'cult!; I think that it is the worst danger that besets us as a nation of people today in a highly-civilized and developed society, I am afraid that our children.who, in themselves, are individuals might lose that precious quality of individualism through the urge to conform, Where educating, mer- Chandising..see. etc... are all done ona mass scale, there is a tendency to want to conform, to do what the Jones's avoid being outstanding or different, and still not be sub-standard. The quality is manifested in growing children by their ten- dency to participate in clothing fads, dancing styles etCeceeceettere is probably nothing wrong with any of these activities as such, but when a boy or girl, upon failure to fall in with the majority, is labelled by, the reSteseeceseit is a very, very dangerous symptom, It simply means that we are developing into a society of followers but not leaders, a society in which its own mediocrity is leading it inevitably to the way of life where = Nene The Principal 'and Staff of St.Martin's school urge and invite each parent to attend Open House There will be two sessions -- on | March 4th, one in the afternoon from 2.30 to 4.30 P.M. at which the filmstrip "Report Card for parents" will be presented and an evening session at 8.00 P.M. Visit the classrooms, | confer with the teachers and show truly that | | i "Education is EVERYBODY'S business," COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES IN SCHREIPER FRIDAY On Friday, March 6th at 8:00 P.M, Commence- ment Exercises will be held in the Town Hall, Awards and Diplomas will be presented and entertainment has been arranged. Parents and friends are cordially invited, | | | | 4 sae ! SPELLING BEE: FRIDAY NIGHT | On Friday, March 6th, at 8 P.M, the High | School Auditorium will be the scene of the Annual Elementary School spelling contest | sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. | | { | marathon 2 - Nipigon 1--- "arathon win thriller in overtime against Flyers on Tuesday in Terrace Bay. The Fighting Flyers tied the in regulation time with 2 seconds to go. aM ext gaffe thursday in rathon. . 7 4