March 5th, 1959 Curling - Cont'd from Page 7 are asked to sign this form. Signing up..will not guarantee that you'll get on a team but it will let the Skip's*Committee. know who' is avai lable aces ost es Lobe) a ee ee SPELLING BEE -:(Cont'd from Page 1) 9°" | Students in Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 from schools in Rossport, Schreiber, Terrace, Bay, ° Coldwell, Marathon and Terrace Bay will be competing for' valuable prizes, Marathon. © walked off with most of the laurels last -- year, It is hoped that more local children and adults will turn out this year to support | their favourite contestants. There will be. |_no charge for admission, AUXILIARY MEETING (Cont'd from Page 3) shown, 1 cre Help was requested of the members for the Smorgasbord which was again under the conven~ orship of Mrs, R.Ostling, Those desiring-.. tickets for the 5:15 sitting should contact Mrs.Hodgkiss for reservations immediately. ; Mrs.H.Goodfellow introduced the speaker, Dr.A.Lavender, who spoke inspiringly on the Part the Women of the "ible played in the Easter drama, Mrs.Soughton thanked Dr, Lav~ ender, ; Mrs.Beddard led a singsongas Mrs, M, Dorman and Mrs.S.Synishin prepared to show the ladies how to colour and design Easter Eggs in traditional Ukrainian fashions. Tea and Hot Cross Buns were served by *+eKeller and her March Committee, -- IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD SET INDUSTRIAL ZONE At the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees on Feb,25th, it was decided to set up a zone within™the Improvement District, close to the town, for the location of 1, light industries such as small welding. and repair shops, etc, The area. proposed would lie parallel to the mill road and south of it, between Highway 17'and the road into the present South Camp, The area would. be read- ily accessible from the highway and railroad, would have good facilities for shops, such as electric power, etc., and could be expand- ed as required, A third-year civil engineering student has been retained for in the town on streets, curbs and other engineering pro- | blems,. Ss The Secretary-treasurer of the Board and- | his assistant will go to Atikoken in the near _ future 'to attend a meeting of District Assess . ors, This is a phase of Municipal work which | is very confused at present. The Provincial | Government and other agencies are doing their | best to try to arrive at some standard form | of procedure that will apply to:ail Municipal- ities. for assessment, Th¢é Municipal Board sits this week in Tor- | onto on the matter of.":sanging the Improve- | Ment District to Township status: We should _ know shortly as to when ovr election will be. | The Provincial Police Officers reported... | | that last month was very quiet in police work, The report of the M.0O.H., Dr. McCausland is quoted elsewhere ia this parers*> . TAT The Board said farewell to Arch Driffield, eterna meee, TERRACE BAY NEWS Page 9 who has acted as a member for four years, specializing particularly in financial matter and in the administration of the Public School, They.expressed their thanks to Mr. Driffield for his diligent and effective work «for the town, having contributed very gener- ously of his time and efforts to carry out routine administration town work and to im- prove many phases of it as well." The Board regrets very much that they are losing the services of Mr, Driffield. STORK CLUB ~ : -Born to Mr. & Mrs, J.B,Noonan on February 18th, a son. Born, on February 19th, to Mr, & Vachon, a son. Born, on February 19th, to Mr. & Mrs, Geary, a son, Born, on February 21st, to Mr, & Mrs, Ballantine, a son. Born, on February 24th, to Mr, & Mrs, Mulligan of Schreiber, twin boys. Born, on February 25th, to Mr. & Mrs,. Robt. Fournier, Schreiber, twin boys. _ Born, on February 28th, to Mr. & Mrs, Bouchard of Rossport, a daughter. Born, on March Ist. to Mr, & Mrs, Ed,Belli- vVeau, a SON. a Born,,on March 2nd, to Mr. & Mrs, Albert Bourgignon of Schreiber, .a son, Born, on March 3rd, to Mr, & mrs, Lorne McBride, a daughter. Mrs. L. SD, S. JeP. Romeo | DONNA BREARLEY TERRACE BAY TEEN QUEEN Lovely "iss Donna Brearley was crowned | "Teen' Queen of Terrace Bay for 1959" last . Friday evening in the High School Auditorium, On hand to crown the new Queen was the Queen of.last year, Miss:Sandra Phillips. Ken Ward, Recreation Director, opened the evening with a few words of explanation to those in the audience. Ken stressed that Teen Town was not just another hangout for young people,.but®a place to gather with those of their own age and learn to become good citizens and he sincerely hoped those present see the progress made by the local group. MORE DETAILS IN NEXT WEEK'S NEWS. sepia | HEALTH: "SERVICE : WM. A. STINSON D.C. CHIROPRACTOR. & NATUROPATH _Medical Arts Bldg, - 105 S, May St., = Fort William, Ont. Ph, 38812 Conducting Office Hours in 4 TERRACE PAY HOTEL | Saturday-March 7th. (8,30 A.M. to 5,30 P.M.) SCHREIBER. HOTEL. Sunday - "arch 8th (10 4.14, to 5.30 Pym) ° NOTE: Scheduled dates for each month may be obtained from above hotels, GUT YOURS TO-DAY : ' HERBS = NATURAL REMEDIES - VITAMINS onset neers Thane cen "a conn eons: ica aun sienna. aati taneaste lta nc caleceniie erttaiapee nae nie