Be pe, ; = oe SCHREIBER LADIES CURLING CLUB ELECT OFFICERS | PS" SS. "The following officers were elected at a re- ~-cent-meeting of the ladies curling club: Pres. E. Harness, lst Vice, V. Winters, 2nd Vice, N., Gray, Treasurer, P. Winters, °*sretary Frankie Cataford, Auditors T. Graham and M. Holmes, ©. card secretary 'M. Slater, Draw Committee, Nv Thrower, J. Gellert, Jean Sti: "and Tony Graham. Mavis Slater gave a report on the meeting of the North Western which she attend- ed at the Lakehead.. It was decided to raffle a hamper of groceries now and have a bingo later. Membership may be secured from either Pat Winters or Eirene Harneys and must be bought before going onthe ice. The following rinks were drawn up? Skip J. Gellert, Mona Holmes, Vickie Winters, E.. McCouan. 4 Skip N. Thrower, B.Jacomb, D.Weaver and lead yet to be named, Skip M. State>, J.Stitt, R.Swanson, F.Cataford. Skip A. Sparkes, N.Gray, J.Cornell, R, . iller. Skip A.Weibourne, E.Johnson, J.Buffett,..G._ = fi - Lemieux. 'Skip M.McOuaig': EyHarness, L.Eolimes, E. Rossi Skip F. Duggan, A.McGregor, J.Riley, I.Pegoraro. Skip P.Winters, K..Spadoni, T.Graham, S.Bade. Day spare, 1:. idkea, night spare A. Moore. Skips may be repiaced by skips or they may move up, Players must provide their own sub- stitutes and ail subs must be of same rank or lower. Spadoni trophy will be first played for in following ' schedule. Thurs. Jan, 8th 7 p.m. Duggan & McCouan -°9 p.m. Winters and welbourne. Manvi2to 2°p.m. ice 1, Thrower & Slater. - ice 2°:= Sparks end Welbourne; Tuesday Jan.13th 2:p,m. ice 1, McCuaig and Welbourne - ice 2 Gellert and Slater, Tuesday, Jan.13¢, 7 noms! Winners and Sparks 9 P.M, Dugan and T) Thursday,° January LSthea a P.Me-ice 1, Tarower and MecCuaie, 7) Pom. npDuggan and Sparks, 9.p.m. Winters and Gallert Friday, Jaz.i6th 2 p.m. ice 1, Gellert and Sparks, ice Z Slater and McCuaig. Monday January 19th 2p.m, ice 1, Thrower and Sparks, ice 2:Cellert and MoCuaig. Tuesday, Ja:n,20th 2 psm. ice 1, Slater and Sparks, 7 Pt Winters: and Thrower, 9 PiM, Duggan and Welbourne. Thursday, demnitindd 2pm. Gellert ard Wel- bourne , p.m. Duggan and Slater, 9 p.m. Win- ters' and McCuaig. Friday, Jan.23rd-2 p.m. ice 1 Gellert and Thrower, Ice 2. McCuaig and Sparks. Monday, Jan.26th 2 p.m. Ice 1, Thrower and Welbourne Tuesday, Jan.27¢h 7 p.m. Gellert and ~ .ggan 9 p.m. Winters and Slater, Thursday, Jan.29th, 7. penx Winters and Duggan. Following the meeting a social evening of cards was enjoyed with prizes won by Nettie Thrower, first and Tony Graham, second. On behalf of the members the president wished Lil Van. Koughnett happiness in her new home in Wh?.~ River and Vickie Winters presented a T.V..hamp in token of -their good »3hes. Dairy Farmers qicsticoning hired hand, "Have you amy ba drink, eat margarine: prospective d habits--smoke , é 4 «! \ i Jomvasxsy 21, l9e TERRACE BAY COMMUNITY . . CREDIT UNION Once again we have been chrough the process of ~ i} preparing for a very | 'Xmas anda happy New Year, and with | it the strain on the budget. i DID YOU HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO MEET YOUR | DECEMPER EXPENDITURZS? | We are back now to che old routine pro- |} blems, but don't be caught unprepared again this year... Save to-day fcr the | worthwhile things you. wiii need for to- morrow. See your Credit Union = help you, Office hours | 7-9 P.M, Mrs.Campbell, | ~ we can - Tues.& Friday 482 Superior Ave. KIMBERLY-CLARK =MPLOYEES -- ATTEND SAFETY DINNEP MEETINGS AT HOTEL SL. DERRACE. Early in Gecember the Hospital, Hotel, Ad- ~ ministration, Techaical Lbepartments, Warehous<« Electrical and Instrument:, Shift No.2 Steam Plant, Shift No.3 Pulp Department staffs were dinner guests at the Hotel Terrace when the Kimberly-Clark Company recognised ten years of accident-free operation, td io ' Mill Manager, R. G, Shirriff, in congrat- ulating each unit on their per rfect safety rec Stated that these records are a big factor ir the high quality and production achieved in our Mill. Guest Speaker, Mr. R. Isen,; Welfare and Safety Supervisor with Spruce: Falls Pulp:& Paper Company at Kapuskasing impressed every one with his ability to,ineclude- such topies as Greck Mythology, history aad ta recite the poems of Tennyson:anc 'Robert Service. Mr. Ison concluded by stating that aioe is the responsibility of each person, not only regarding his own. safety but the. safety of others as well. Accident prevention pro- grams have been successful whee applied to groups such as in industry but there has only been limited.success in-eiiminating aechdents throughout the commtryy im>erly-Clark's safety promotion. program awards a dirner meeting for each mill. unit five years without.a disabling injury. If every employee continues to work safely it will not be long before every unit in our Mill will receive. this award of recog- nition. SCHREIBER LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE RESULTS During.the month of December 24 lady bow- lers totalled fifty-five games, with 'over- 200! scores and. one lady 'over-300', This, is excellent bowling in any League. Keep. it up!} Team standings are as fol' QWSi- E, Niemi 25 points;-J;~Costali 24 points, E. Gray 23 points; L. Parent 20 points, E. Ross 19 points, M..Gerow 18 eS oe ¢ is, ' iSaea Tr. e473