\ Page 4 / HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ELECT NEW GEE LCERS The annual meeting and 'ised on of officers of the Terrace Bay Horticultural Society was held last Friday, November 2ist in the Recrea- tion Centre meeting room with the following results: President - Mr. ¥rank Ginn, lst. Vice- President - Mr, Willia Mantsy; 2nd Vice-Presi- dent-- Mrs,Mary Husband; Directors to serve for one year term - Mr, Angus Fraser, Mr. Roland Scowen, Mics,Alma MacDonald, together with Mr. George Maitland and Mr, John Mikus who have one year of their two year term still to serve. Directors for two years - Mr, George Parting- ton, Mrs, N, Hubelit, Mr. Harry Goodfellow, Mrs. J.Rousseau and Mrs,Marian Piuts, Auditors . ~ Mr. Vern Hopper and Mr. Don Husband, -- Reports were given on the activities carried «©? during the year with the following chairmen reporting: Annual show - Mr. R. Scowen; Jun- icr Programme - Mr, H.Goodfellow; Soil and Fertilizer - Mr. J, Shivas; Test Plots -- Mr. W,. Manteyy Membership - Mrs, M,.Pluta.; Finan- cial report and summary of the year's activities by the Secretary, Mrs, Mary Middaugh. During the past year a delegation had travell- ed to Red Rock to assist in the formation of a Society there; another delegation had gone to Marathon to give a floral arrangement demonstra-- tion and two members of the Terrace Bay Society had. judged the Marathon show this year. The shrubs and trees in the Terrace Bay Cemetaries were purchased and planted' by members of , the local Society during this past year, The future plans of the Terrace Bay Horticul- tural Society include a Garden of the Month phone eRe) eepntes Limit eR QO en_until 9 7 Ero. nm. oaturdays mace FES FOF a ot Jebei We offer you a com- "teres Ue gard SE a e : ag "s - a ' goented colognes, soaps, at ge i talcs...Sets in Lotus, 00273 350 Ie AOU ned OU dase Cosmetic Lines in LENTHERIC, EVENING | IN. PARIS AND MAX FACTOR. 5: 351 on 100.200 SHULTONS OLD SPICE, 'DESERT 'FLOWER AND FRIENDSHIPS GARDEN.: 50 75 00 TERRACE BAY NEWS Schreiber a chvistmas Tags, Seals, sitet PKG, nine E _odée. Demnisonts Deluxe Assortment-50 pieces G4 -- - meni = pa Tinsel Ribbon in 8 ft. Lengths ; ; "plete line of Yardley's| Silver, Gold, Blue and Red - - ; iC) f - Piaet! Ribbon in 21 ft. Tetiethe | Silver, Gold, _ | Economy Pak Ribbon Assorted Fresia, Red Rose, April | Colors -- Violets & Lavender, Plain Colored Tissue : -- Red, Green, Blue Smaller Size Parcel Post Pkg. Exciting Toys are still arriving daily, | including Stocking Fillers, Jon Gnagy Artist Sets, Hockey Games, & many other value packed specials for Christmas giving. al ~\ November 27, 1958 competition next summer for the Senior members; the awarding of premioms to all members and the. testing: of soil samples at Guelph for all'menders submitting samples to the Secretary. ry NOTICE RE SNOW: REMOVAL Section 43, Sub-section (9) of the High- way Traffic Act saysi- "No person shall park or leave standing any vel:icle, whether atterded or unattend ed, upon any highway (including town streets) in such a way as to interfere with the movement of other traffic: Oks the clearing gf snow. r 'Ys = not less.than Five Dollars for r first offense, plus towing charges. (Sgd) J, Wellings, Road Supt., Improvement District of Terrace Bay, NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO SPORTSMAN'S SHOW We have been advised that the Kiwanis of West Fort William are again planning to present their Annual Northwestern Ontario Sportsman!s Show, The dates set are April 22nd:- 25th, 1959 and the place will 'be the Fort William Gardens-and Curling Club. Mr. Stanley Malinoski hasbeen BOS ee manager. Mr, Malinoski was poke in Port Cont'd on v Page & Value i ASEOrters - PT. [Rae a" Oats Blue and Red 152, ee FET. | Ox PARCEL POST WRAPPING KITS Complete Kit for wrapping 3 oe or 9 6 to l 10 | small packages eae 7 ¢ 2 a mgs onto TO VS v -- es