* P Re November 27, 1958 TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario, Published weekly on each Thursday, Circulation cov- ers Terrace Bay and Schreiber, Ontario, PUBLISHER & EDITOR- J.M,Beddard Managing Editor - I,R.Marsh NewS deadline for advertisements is Noon each Mondzy, other items Tuesday Neon. Social ipems in Terrace Bay can be given to Mrs K.Cotton and Schreiber news passed to Mrs, L. McCuaig ! CLASSIFIED ADS TERRACE BAY BEAUTY PARLOR HOURS - : Xmas Eve, Dec.24th 9-5, News year's Eve ~ 9-5, Dec. - 3bats FOR SALE - Rangette in good condition, Phone 45 W, Schreiber, FOR SALE - One Booster, Antenna and Ro- tator, 300 Ft, twin-lead wire, All for $50,00,- Write Box 5, Schreiber or see Clock #489, A. Babeschuk, EDITORIAL: - Sunday afternoon in the Terrace Bay Arena, the Terrace Bay Super- iors and the Marathon Mercuries played the first game in a two game, total goat series. ' The second game is to he played in Marathon on December 11th, These games, we understand, give the teams a chance to play in actual competi- tion prior to the start of the regular North Shore League schedule, and to help the clubs financially. The winner of this series will receive the Soughton Jewelers Trophy which has been donated for annual competition, A significant inscription on the Trophy is as follows:- "May the friendly competi- tion for this trophy forge greater links of friendship between the two communities", We believe any trophy which is donated to promote good sgertsman--like competition between eny two competitors is all for the general good of sport. ee MENOR HOCKEY LEAGUE DRAW, The boys of the Minor Hockey League are selling tickets on a turkey draw, You vg" two chances - tickets .10¢. each or 02i¢ (Cont'd from page 1 - SWIMMING POOL) A scale model will then be built for pub- lic display. A campaign to raise funds for the pro- ject will get underway early in 1959, The Committee plan meetings regularly and a report on their activities will be published as available. a A true music lover is the guy who, upon hearing a soprano in the bathroom, puts his ear to the keyhole, Let us have the truth, even when it stings like a scorpion, TERRACE BAY NEWS . covered books, yy Page 3 CARD OF THANKS - Mrs,Henry Greengrass and family wish to take .this opportunity to ex- press their sincere appreciation and thanks to all who were so helpful and kind in their recent bereavement of their dear*'hushand and father, Henry R,Greengrass, Your' kind ex- pressions of sympathy will always be remem- bered by us. ANNOUNCEMENT - DELUXE FLOWER SHOP of Fort William announce that Mrs.R.Gander, Schreiber is now their appointed agent. Phone 137 M, REVISED KIMBERLY-CLARK BUS SCHEDULE Effective Monday, December lst,. Lv.Hudson & Selkirk 7.20 A.M. Ar,.Mill Entrance 7,30 AM, Lv.Hudson & Selkirk (Sun, Rkoluded) 7.40 AM. Ar,Mill Entrance (Sunday Excluded) 7.50 A.M, Iv,.Mill Entrance 8.05 A.M, Lv.Mill Entrance' (Sunday Only) 7.45 AuM, Lv,.Hudson & Selkirk 3,20 PMs Ar,Miil Entrance Phe a Sa or gig Lv. Mill Entrance 3645 PMe | Lv.Mill Entrance 4,05 PoM, Lv.Mili Entrance Shed Excluded) 5.05 P.M, ( ' Lv.Hudson & Seikirk T1,20 P.M, Ar,Mill Entrance | LEO PoaM, Lv.Mill Entrance LAS POM, A.M, Lv. Mill Entrance cL pod ALL TRIPS DAILY EXCEPT AS NCTED, THANK YOU NOTES : I wish to sincerely thank my fellow em- ployees of the Kimberly-Clark mill in Terrace Bay for the very generous contribution of money that was made to me recently, It is a great assistance to myself and my family, (Sed) J. Lalonde, Schreiber, Ont. The members of the Hospital Board and the Hospital Staff, wish to thank Mr. and Mks,. Frank Sechesky for their very welcome dona- tion of approximately one hundred hard These are an appreciated addition to the Hospital Library, STORK CLUB NEWS Born to Mr, and Mrs,Michael Dobush, a daugh- ter, on November 21st, Born to Mr, and Mrs, Doug.Caldwell, a son, on November 22nd, SCHREIBER KINSMEN ANNUAL BINGO DECEMBER 12th The Kinsmen Club of Schreiber annual Tur- key Bingo will be held in the Town Hall cn Friday, December 12th at 8.30 P.M. Admission. $1.50, Twenty Turkey Bingoes and one special Bingo, Advance Tickets on sale December 2nd, Available from any member of the Kinsmen Club, S