eS Page 4 Terrace Bay News ORACTORICAL - Conttde from Pg. 1 Farrell, Amy Marie Simpson, Bob Swain, Donna Billingsly of Nipigon/Red Rock; Jackie Morris, Ora Mae Harness, & Dale Willoughby of » Schreiber; Wayne 'Newell, Bonnie Jean Wilson, & Helen Dennis of Terrace Bay; Kathleen Green, Gavin Boultbee, &.Jeanette Langis of Marathon, TOWN TOPICS - Cont!d. from ba. 2 BIRTHDAY PARTY - their games and luncheon, after which they left,for home loaded with party favors,. Friday afternoon, November 14th Mrs.Marge Larson entertained on the occasion of her daughter Darlenets eleventh birthday, Fifteen wriends were on hand and many games and hula hoop contests were held and the birthday fare enjoyed before they departed with their basket of favors. e SCHREJBER NEWS ST. ANDREWS BAZAAR LAST SATURDAY - The tea & bazaar of the Evening Auxiliary of St. Andrew's United Church on Saturday afternoon, Nov, 15th, was a most successful occasion, well patronized by both Rossport & Terrace Bay. Mrs. G, McDonald received & Mrs. L. Buffet was cashier, Mrs. D, Slater was the convenor & her table servitors were Mesdames R, Gander, D. Weberg, B. Simon, L, Christie, JeG. Scott & E. Willoughby with Mrs. A. Gordon, W. Kinney; H. Hart, & Miss Diane Slater anne. Sensational anti cloak peel al eal nat RT ere eee ee amen een nis manana pga ae phone -- ON DISPLAY AT THE OK USED CAR LOT, SCHREIBER _ N dip wp en in ne tn tt Ww November 20, 1958. ST, ANDREW'S BAZAAR ~ Cont'd, replenishing. Mrs. Neil Ross & Mrs. L. Walker atténded the sewing table, Mrs. W. Clemens the baking counter, Mrs. H.Be Austen the candy, Mrs. W. Davie the novelty shop, Mrs. P. Bade the post office and Mrs. Fe Crawley the fish pond. RUBY REBEKAH LODGE TO: HOLD) BINGO Ruby Rebekah Lodge held its regular meeting November 12th with Mrs, W.Clemens N.G. and Mrs.M,Legault V.G. presiding. Minutes and correspondence were read by Mrs,A,Laine and reports heard. Mrs... Grover in her C.P.& T. report, stated that the annual Merchants! Bingo will be held in the town hall on November Zists Mrs.A.Morris_ reported the New Officers! tea will be held in the United Church Hall on November 22nd from 3-5 and re- quested all members to make candy for the occasion. ; A donation was made to prize money fund, There will be a Penny Auction at the end of the next regular meeting on Nov. 26th, At the close of this meeting degree practice was held under direction of Mrs. Laine ° the high school a The interest arevsed by the four wins Schreiber in the recent Star puzzle, '(small wins but encouraging to the en~ trants) is leading to forming sever @ page ie Ce CHEVROLET CHEVROLET TRUCKS ss VAUXHALL WATCH FOR "THE TERRIFIC CHRISTMAS USED CAR SALE COMING SOON Palpcl tailed ce ce a ict mg ante NC AeA é-