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Terrace Bay News, 16 Oct 1958, p. 1

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TERRACE Bay NEWS. ete arene ee Wauthororized as 2nd Class- Mail ~ Post Office Dept., Ottawa ee a a ce at eo eR NR ae COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES HELD FRIDAY Last: Friday evening the graduates of the Terrace Bay High School were honour- ed at their Commencement Exercises in a quict, reserved ceremony, The mature appearance of these young. people as they accepted their diplomas and awards made one realize how quickly the years. were slipping by and that even though Terrace Bay is a -new town, the High School is now six years old. . The four high ranking students in --. the school were, Maryellen Reynolds- -- Grade 1X; Rhea Leclair,-Grade X; Myrna Crandlemire-Grade X1; and Daisy Lehto from Grade X1]. Each of these students were the winners of the Proficiency | Shield in their Grade and was the recip- ient of the Soughton Jewellers Award, - In presenting the latter awards, Mr.F. 0.Soughton stressed the ever-present coripetitior af the adult world and the need..of training ta-face such-competi- tione Reve AsLavender was the guest speak- er and, from his world of experience, se- lected what he had found to be the really important things in life--little things such as friendship and-honesty anda __ helping hand. It was a homely speech-- but one understood by all. On behalf of the High School Board, Mri J.A.Ferrier, extended a warm wel- - come to those present, In his report, Mr. D.A. Locking, Prine cipal, spoke warmly of the co-operation existing: between the entire Staff and- also the Board, He also mentioned the question of Grade X111 and the problems connected therewith. Mr, Sayles and Mr, Ward, respectively, presented the Basketball Trophy and ; Most Valuable Player Award to the Girls! Team and to Ronald Schock and Diane Beddard received' the Oratorical Cup for EeSeleSeSsA5 Competition. Diane was also the Valedictorian. and spoke sincerely and feelingly of her days in Terrace Bay High. She, maybe more than anyone else, made the audience realize how dear a school becomes to its students. At the conclusion of the Exercises Tea was served to the Graduates and Award Winners and to their parents and _friends. Mrs. W.E.Cavanaugh and Mrs. JeAsFerrier presided at the tea ser- vices placed at each end of a lace cov~- ered table adorned with a silver bowl filled with autumn toned Mums surrounded by green tapers. The lunch was prepared by the 'Catholic Woments League and was _. very attractively served by the girls of Grade X11. ~The Board and Staff are to be con- gratulated for the good taste and quiet dignity of the Exercises, Commencement is a milestone in the life of our (Conttd Page 1) Vole, No.12 _ Schreiber in the Town Hall. aa a ecenea aatee +e _ October 16, 1958. Spe en ae a ne ee er ee ee Sa JOINT "REEEKAH-ODDFELLOW INSTALLATION HELD OCTOBER 11TH The Officers of Schreiber Lodge 402 1,0.0.Fe and Ruby Rebekah Lodge 279, were installed at a joint installation which took place at 'D.D.G.M. Bro. Howard Wood, with his installing team, and DiD.President, Sr.Jean Goddard, with her in-~ stalling team, conducted the installation. - Mrs. A, Cutsey was installing Marshall .for the Rebekahs and Bro,Duncanson installing Marshall for the I.0.0.F. -- Members of the Rebekah installing team "wore bronze coloured gowns and corsages of yellow Mums, Rebekah officers installed were:;- Mrs. Vieno Clemens, N.G, Mrs, M.Legault, V.Ge Cor. Secretary, Mrs.A.Laine, Fin, Secretary Sr.H.Wallace, Treasurer, Mrs.B.Whenty» Chap- lain, MrssA.Morris, J. B, NG. Mrs.M,.Smith, X Race N. Ce. Mrs. N. Thrower, $92 Ne Ge 'Mrs, Je Buffet, R.S.V.G. Mrs.C.Weaver, L.S. VeG. Mrs, ~ R.Hiller, Musician Mrs.A. Bryson, Color Bear- er, Miss A.Grover, 0.5+Ge. Mrs, M.Slater, I.5.G. Mrs.M.Jarva. I.0.0.F.e Officers. N. G,. Mr, J.DeJohn, V.Gs Mr, P.Plummer, Corr.Secretary, Mr.H. Ermel, Fin.Secretary, Mr. C.Skinner, Treasurer, Mr. F.Grover, Chaplain Mr,A,Slater, J.P.N.G. Mr. -- V.Thompson, R.S.N.G. Mr.H,tloward, L.S.V.G. © Mr, J,Bryson, R.S.¥.G. Mr. J.Phillips, L.5.V.G. Mr, E,Legault, R.S.Supporter, Mr.R.Skinner and side guard, Mr, Bill Jones. The business of installing the officers being completed the installing team retired in a very impressive display of floor work, during which Mrs, J.Wilson rendered the following selectiorfs."Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown't and "Near the Cross", N.GeBro.DeJolin then took charge of the meeting. Sr.Smith was presented with her P.NeG Jewel by Sr.Ada Scott, Sr.Goddard with a. gift and corsage by Sr.Glemens, Sr.Goddard, Bros.Wood, Chamber, MacDonald, Owens, and Young all spoke briefly.wishing the officers é& good year. Gréetings were brought from Sister lodges in Fort William and Port Arthur, Bro.H.Ermel thanked the installing teams and everyone expressed..their pleasure in being _ witness to the VarN impressive. joint install- ation. Members and wisttorg' retired to the lower. hall at the close of the meeting to partake of refreshments prepared by sr.Mavis Slater and her Committee, Previous to the esting the Rebekahs and their Guest enjoyed a delicious.supper, pre- pared by Sr,Nettie Thrower and her Committee and served in the Anglican Church Hall, The Oddfellows were entertained at a dinner in the Schreiber Hotel, NOTICE OF. POWER SHUTDOWN Powor will be off from house 123) to 136 -on Poplar Crescent, from one P.M. to four P,M. on Friday, October 17th, aaa District of Terrace Bay)

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