PAGE 3 TERRACE BAY NEWS ae AUGUST 28,1798 TERRACE BAY NEWS . MEETING } NOTICE - CURLING Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ont. Published There will be»a meeting of the Executive of weekly on each Thursday. Circulation the Gerrace Bay Curling Club en Thursday, covers Terrace Bay and Schreiber, Ont. Aug. 28th at 7:30 Pe M, in the oo Club Editor ~ J.B, Beddard | + Lounge./ re] PENH : iS (0 2 News deadline for advert sentents is Hae SCHRETHER LABOUR DAY phi! "NOON BAC! RACH | MONDAY. - es "Plan to-attent the C.W.L. . a Picla: 02 : aS - . »»Day on "Theré will be a baseball Items for pubhdcatiot may be deposit= --~~ game between Schreiber and Terrace Bayat 3:00 ed in the Box at the Recreation Centre. ~~ P.Ms and a.Dance in theTown Hall from 10 P.M. Social items in Terrace Bay can be yneth 2A. sie Dance Tickets will be Fa! 00. given to. Mrs,RegsCotton and Schreiber o., , . ; news passed to Mrs,L.R.McQuaig.. The _... WOLF' CUB NEWS Office phone No. is 3747 for Direct... Both cub, packs, will soon atait, up for the Contact, Office in Post Office Bldgs... Fall. season... The Monday night~ gnoup-~the A f ve ee ees = Akela Pack-- whl start, meetings;on Monday, 18 ' "Sept.8th, The Tuesday nigt group--The Mowgli HDITORIALLY SPEAKING! 4 Pack--vll start meetings on Tuesday, Sept.9th. . Qn Tuesday ,- Sept. 2nd; the~school ~~~ ~~ Meeting~time is 6:30°P.M.~sharp!" Parénts bells. toll once more to announce. the of boys.cight years and over should) get ir touch start of another-school term, ~~ _ with MreJ.Wade- of the Akela Pack or' R.Wills 2 Between Terrace Bay and Schreiber. of" 'thelfowgli. Packit MEPy Se to have theta approximately 955° children will be en- | boys join cubs, ASISAW SAD W rolled in the schools, c srs Few people néca to be reminded ~ ~ BASEBALL =" SOFTBALL FINALS A The Salary Squad took' the Pirst two gdmes from Shift 4 in the best-out-of=five finals. Shift "4 came bak "Monday night to- stave" off, elimination with a 6-5 win over Salary in.a very good' ball game. "The: 'teams meet again | = "Wednesday night when Shift 4 have to win again oe to keep the series alive, The final game' for - avi the Championship, if necessary, willbe played on Friday, Aug.29th., BE OUT AT THE BALL PARK WEDNESDAY NIGHT--TO SEE -SOME-GOOD~PLAY==OFF "SOFT _ the world the younger generation will. ros mM MAT ~ febse toll} get_the best' possible education that. : @nTdd GAD 2 cea we edi Ss facilities will'periite' ' re a i Re ee "Let-us all make education our ~~" ae business ald year leng,. about the importance of Education and ., it would be anbigucus to say that more" emphasis is now being placed' on 'the need. for-it.However, the facts dre plain to read, The Western world is getting concerned over its educational stand- ards or the' laek of Hooa" standards. Loeally; adults, teach..~s 'and students can work as" a tear: to make certain that-in-cur -smatt-corner' of coe eae cert CLASSIFIED ADS LOST = Wheel Disc, .from "1953 Chryslerec Return to-A, Gerow, 408 Elizabeth Aves 55 Terrace Bay. WANTED TO RENT - Three Room Apt. or -- Small,House.s. Contact GezasRuszkayy Phone 3711s, Terrace be PHOTOGRAPHY - You: namie | ite Ita take you a, top quality, picture. Specializing \ ~ 'B&W or colour. mene "write J deDes eer} Splines Box 236, Schreiber, Phone 19bd FOR SALE: ~ 1935 Sonv gies ~ Good Tires and Body $35.00.-- See it at Leh Poplar Crescent or Phone 3279. NORTH CAMP SNACK BAR HOURS _ Effective August 25th, MONDAY THROUGH TO FRIDAY' 9:30 AM to 10:30AM" 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM 8:00 PM to 42230°AM™ SATURDAY. AND SUNDAY 3800 PM to 43:00 PM * 9300' PM to 12:30 AM