SUPTbaLL STANDINGS. 0 0. A pTENTTON PLEASE! ee a ol ee) On Tuesday June 17 a dusty fly---bitten Shift #2 4 ie Sea Kiwanis work party raked and seeded the area Salary 2 2 HS betwéen the wading pool and Selkirk, In order Shift #1 a 2 h to give the grass seed a fighting chance the Shift #4 ik 2 2 area was fenced off with snow fence, This will be taken down sometime later this summer after ; the grass has become established, We ask every- Beene a one, especially the children using the area, -- (based on 10Ab) to cooperate in refraining from entering or H j throwing rocks, sticks or trash into the area, oo eae a a ; on 'When complete this new section of lawn M,Osmar. Shift. #2 ié 9 "173 _ should do much to improve the appearance of neds Shift #2 ra 8 "421 the area between the Arena and the Public School, _Petrie ' Salary Lest: 5 ee, wer ae a Blom Shift #2 15 6 ~400 Lea ay ae i a een CHIMNEY CLEANING-TO-START 'SOON - a oe #2 vs ; 38h We are starting to clean chimneys in the i re i el Se Nia 379.... Townsite and tenants cooperation is requested, Ly. ° ik 4 a 6 375 Please make sure we can get at your furnace heer PR TN ha RN RIS iat 0379, and chimmey..easily... If there are any obstruc-- Me a ig tions we will be forced to leave the Se of nn ea ode BBG Oh ane Seth of chimney and furnace and the tenant will be * FISH & GAME ASSOCIATION NOTES required to pay ae same at a later date, ~~ All those who intend to take part in the '- Townsite Department, Hunter Safety Training Course are asked to 4 get their waiver forms in by the end of this re ae week,. These forms are required in order to determine how many will be taking-the course, FOR SALE Numbers enrolled will in turn determine the - 14 ft, Plywood Boat 54" beam, & 2. . amount of instruction materials needed and. wheel sling-suspension trailer, 9,8 Johnson whether the course will have to be split up Motor, $250.00 (Boat and trailer.may be pur----- into more than one section or not, The chased separately.) sopner we have this' information thé sooner ? 14 ft, Ganoe in A-1 shape - $50,00 we can order materials and set up a course 30: ft, Extention T.V, Mast, Roof stand, schedule, #2 channel antennae, 300 ft, twin lead, 8 guy A' lot of work has gone into this project wires, turnbuckles & hooks $35 ,.00.° and it's going to be a lot of fun as well nthe G, Riley, Schreiber, as educational, Let's everyone get their... phone 223, forms at The more the merrier, CREDIT UNION NOTICE - The Credit Union Office | ~ Large size G, EB, Electric range -- used meh be closed on Pear Days auty. ist. only 2 years, Will = ) ae Aa i ' : --- Phone ? STORK CLUB NEWS -- Congratulations to Mr, and - Mrs.. Ken Turner on.the birth of a-son June 2lst, and to Mr, and Mrs, Neil Bottomley, 'a son on the 24th... AN TL eae - 1951 DeLuxe baeyndtes h door Sedan, Apply Ernie Woods, phone 3647, '- "Famous James" Motorcycle in good running Barre cicero ge tT 1 ehcp area tf ake order, One cylinder. engine, Best offer, Contact TOMMY COMMON SHOW SUCCESS - Monday night, 'K, Wubbenhorst, timecard #191, Phone 56W12, Tommy~Commori; the Hames Sisters & Company, . °° = ; ' gave Terrace" Bay a first-hand sample of why" *- = % ton Truck in first class condition, they are. among Canada's most popular T.V, per--- "Please: cere Don Laporte, formers;..and Terrace Bay people especially the kids, let them know they were apprecidted,. Wanted - Home for a male kitten two months old, After a. successful 2-hour show followed by a" > - a real pet, Please phone 3514, dance the company agreed unanimously that if Bar Ret cee they are on the road again next year, Terrace will definitely be on their list,