7° } FOR SALE - FRIDAY -- JUNE 6TH enone ror - 1953 4ustin with a good motor, anew . ; MOOSE SOCIAL paint job and is in all around good shape ; Ma Re Tes ae a bargain at 3400 with éasy terms. Moose Members and Friends - Free admission - if Dancing 9:00 to 12:00 Music by HiFi - a Moose Hall - Terrace Bay. AROUND THE TOWN (cont'd) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zaloski have. just. returned froma ten day trip to Indianapolis where they attended the 500 mile Speedway race. Misses Marty Meek and Freda Heinrich: 'spent the week-end in Fort William where they were GHe ats, of the aetna Poroeri: nannee +! ae ae / C.WsL. NEWS, The regular meeting of the Catholic Women's League will be postponed until June 15th at 8 o'clock. | The C.W.L. Communion Sunday is Sunday, June 8th. Corpus' Christierocession 'will -be June 8th starting at 7:00 p.m. from St. Martin's «oman Catholic Church, ae ae Have you enough cards for all occasions to last you through the summer months? ' ' If not, the Local -ssociatién to the Guides 'and Brownies will be glad to order them for you by phoning Mrs: Helen Brooks at 3691, © ae ae "Dp" Company L.S.S.R. will be using the rifle 'range on the river road all day Saturday: and Sunday, June: 7, and 8, Parents are réquested to warn their - ¢hildren not to wander near the firing area, Se CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. & Mrs. RK. Fayette,, on the birth of a son May 28th, and to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, a son May 26th, ae ct ie Phone 3697. Chesterfield and chair in good i odd Six piece sectional book case' and cupboards, ~ Cheap. '- 'Yhone 3268. 1957 Ford Customline 300 Fordor Sedan, 8 cylinder, 2-tone, with automatic trans--- ., mission, big'8 tube signal seeker radio, undercoating, all new tires, like new throughout. Can be had for cash, trade or can be financed. 2, 15-irich Ford wheels and 2, 710 x 15 tires. Will sell Separately or together. + apply Ed. A. dielke, Clock #217 5 oom 16 in the Dorm, Smith Corona ee Machine. Manually operated. . 6 col. list, :7,,col. total, | ain 1 hand. total, and sub- 'total operation. |... Kepeat, clear, error, non-print, non-add ,, col. control keys. ty - Flease contact time card #149, or Ce Nicole derktish. -~ Dining room table, PPR blonde, size he oe 48" x 29" - $55. 2 Chests of drawers, torquoise Godin, eight drawers each $40 each or. two | for $75. Sealy Posturpeadic Continerthall Seed, ' (box spring and mattress, removable legs) 20 year guarantee - $125, Divan, modern, blonde, charcoal upholstery - $140,.,, Skii's , poles snd hakpess $5!) Ladies Station Wagon Coat, navy with | gray collar size 14 - $15.. " Thone 3258, House #75. Attention Fishermen! - Live Bait for Sale. Fishworms & minnows. - House 412, rhone 3350. - Fishing worms, l¢ ahh _+ phone Gary 3623..: % & #