Baseball Banter (cont'd) Stew McNeill led the Giants Sunday with 2. big hits apiece....The Terrace Bay team made 4 errors on Sunday and every error was directly responsible for a run. The result was a loss when an easy win was theirs.......The number of sro Hockey Flayers and others performing in the L.b.a. is impressive. Walter Bradley, 'Montreal Royals; Bart Bradley, Allan Cup Champion Belleville Mac's; Jim Moro, Kelowna Chiefs; Hank Akervall, Jr. 0.H..., Jean Gauthier, Kingston CKLG's; Les Hunt, Seattle americans; are only a few of those in the league.....This Sunday afternoon the Port arthur ked Sox will be the guests of the Terrace Bay team. This with no question will be "The" Series. lst Game starts at 1:15 and should be an afternoon to be set aside to come out and see the team perform. Mgr. Joe -Nisby is laying 12 - 10 odds his Sox sweep" the Series. If the boys play like they did last Saturday it may just be that he'll end up in «ngelo's Spaghetti House eating his own words back or perhaps a bowl of alphabet soup seeeeeedupport of the team is definitely -- required this Sunday. See to it that you're there and show the team you're there. Weather being good, no reason for a than 500. Standings (Up to June 2) We. L. Pst. GBL. Westfort Aalbions.- 3. 1 0 x PsasRed Sox | 2 wit 667-4 Terrace Bay 2 eg »500 1 P.A. Giants 2). ae 13 F.W.East Ends J 1p 5A 250 2 Team Batting:: 4B R H Prey Hanley Ad 3 5 2454 Maurice Osmar LS 2 5 % 68S Hansen ~~ . 16 i 5 2313 Stachiw: - Ls § 4 - 308 Yollard LE ih: 3 s2t3 Marvin Osmar 2 2 3 «250 Moro 8 ob 2 4250 Ward 14 Qpceecm any 6143.5 -- -Fetrie Pe 10 2 i - 100- Fitcher's Records: Moro (2-0), Lasarge (0-1), Thrower (0-1) CORRECTION : In last week's News Jim Cumming was credited with the baseball write-up. Actually Mike Moziar is the man who supplies us with these fine write-ups. Baseball (cont'd) | e We would like to remind the fans that the 50¢ admission they pay entitles them to both games, and that the idea of the Silver Coll- ection in the early innings of the Second Game is simply to allow persons (who had forgotten) a chance to pay for their afternoon's fun. Tickets will again be sold at either end of the playing field, at the admission gates. ..You will be asked to retain your ticket stub so you may show it to the collectors when they make their rounds at the Serene of .the.second game, 'SEE YOU SUNDAY - 1:15 -- P. A. RED-SOX AkE IN TOWN Ri See BR ae CUB AND SCOUT C&MP WORK PARTY another expedition to the Whitesand Lake Camp is, being planned for Saturday, June 7. Come on fathers of Cubs and Scouts, let's see you at the camp! We leave the Fost Office at 8:30 a.m, Saturday morning. Bring a lunch, coffee will be supplied. Swe eee eae ROYAL CANADIAN HOKSE: ARTILLERY BaND @ NCERT cont'd from el The Band is being' sponsored by the Lake Superior Scottish Regiment who wish to thank the secreation Association for donating the Auditorium,and the Kimberly-Clark lulp & Taper Company for their assistance. So for an excellent concert by one of the leading Canadian Military Bands plan to be at the auditorium on Wednesday, June 11 at 8 p.m. for the adults and 4 p.m. for the children, See) Re ae ee Miss Betty Jean Heinze of Los Angeles, is visiting at present at the home of her uncle, Clarence suck. Since Easter the Sucks have had visiting, at various times Clarence's sister, Winnifred Buck from Sault Ste. Marie, 'his sister Mrs. Rae Summers from Hawk Junction, his brother Francis with his wife and daughter: from Mosher, and his ne phew Gordon Leach from London, Pie Fo He tte we ae