BUTLER - WEISS WEDDING IN en ee AYET:, LOTH pe Spring flowers decorated"the Wain altar in the (Caurch of the Immaculate Conception for the' wedding | of Mary . Kathryn,, eldest, daughter of Mr.'and Mrs. Leo J. Weiss, . 307 'Queen Sty; and Wilfred Patrick Butler, son of C. J. _ Butle Ty. Ad Bay, Stir.» and the late Mrs. ee, el Rt Revy.n Wer Ts Corcoran, DP 2 performed the doublLe--ring ceremony and sang the nuptial mass with Mi SS, Trene bolger' at the organ,. 'Soloist was L. "Lemenchick, ¥20 sang "Ave Maria," Panis angelicus," and "Mother Beloved" during the signing of the register, The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a'flLoor-length gown. of white brocaded taffeta, styled on princess lines with long sleeves and' Sweetheart neckline, Her fingertip veil was héld' by a'cap headdress of iridescent sequins and seed pearls, and she carried a cascade bouquet of red Yuletide roses, stepnatiotis and white feathered carnations.. Miss E™izebeth Klein was maid of honor; and the bridesmaids wéré Miss Margaret and Miss Audrey Weiss, sisters of the bride. The "ttendants wore similar gowns of ' blending shades 'of 'blue chiffon with matching shoes, gloves,' and headdresses.. Miss Klein carried _ Lestra Hibberd roses and the bridesmaids punk. Ari tocrat roses with feathered carna- 'tions and stephan 1otis, Columb butler, Kingstcn,..brothcr of the bridegroom, was 'best man; and the ushers were Joseph Butler Terrace Bay, and Johan Butler, Assumption 'University, ote? brothers of the bridegroom, At che reception at Victorian Inn, the .. 'hrias's mother wore a blue printed silk dress with beige accessories and corsage of Lestra hibbera roses, For traveling the bride chose a beige 'sheath dress with turquoise and brown ' accksscries and corsage of bronze cymbidium orthids." SPEer "a wedding trip to Florida,. ane Mrs -putler will reside at Schreiber." Prior to her marriage the bride was of horior at 'parties given by Miss E. begs Mra. «. McDonald 'and Mrs. M. J, barnon; and by her associates in the office of the GO. hs Gritrin and "Sons , | Ltd. , where she was employed. d f 1 we = * 7e aroun the Town (cont'd) oe Art McCallum of Port: Arthur ais jlatdine 'wath his daughter Mrs. Ollen-Bittle. Mes, 'Sophie Janicki with son Michael arrived home Friday from Kenora where she had S Peal athe past month wisiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. S, Koziski, Around the Town (cont'd) -- Mr. Malcolm Spidell was a Wataor to Terrace Bay for the past few days and was entertained by his mny friends "who: were happy to see him looking So. well, ; ee x % * 7 p.e PROGRAM RECEIVED FR RUBINOFF CONGERE The Kiwanis Club recently received 'the complete program for the Rubinoff Concert. to be held May 23. The*following are the selections he will play. (subject to change) - 1. Tea for Two Vincent Youmans 2. (a) Dance of the Peasant Rubinoff (b) Clair de Lune Debussy {c) Hora Staccato Dinicu-Heifetz (d) Warsaw Concerto Addinsell (e) I Could Have Danced ~ 411: Night - from My Fair: 'Lady (f) Jalousie -Gade (g) The Ballad of Davy Crockett Played in 15 Characteristic Styles: 1, Crazy Otto 9, "The Bee" a-la Jack Benny 2. Carnegie Hall 10, R. oR, Train 3. Waltz a la Strauss 11. Boogie Woogie _ 4. Mambo 12, Dragnet , 5. Indian 13. Circus Gallop 6, Ireland 14. March (John P. Sausa) 7. Scotland 15. Low Down Blues 8. Israel Intermission (10 Minutes) a. Ope Rhythm George Gershwin eh) _. 4. (a) Rhapsody in Blue : (b) When Day is Done Katscher (c) Fiddlin! the Fiddle Rubinoff (a) Polonaise (Opus 53) Chopin (e) Souvenir Drdla (f) Square Dance Fiddlin! Arksansas Traveler Oh, Susanna Little Brown Jug Little Liza Jane Ragtime Annie Mocking Bird 'Coming 'Kound the Mountain Buffalo Gals» «. oh, Dem Golden Slippers Chicken Reel and many others. Soldier's Joy Red. Wing ~ OE REY ae