THUNDER-BAY MINOR HOCKEY CHMP10NSHIP Minor Hockey for the Thunder Bay , Champions chose Terrace Bay as play-off. 'ice over the past weekerid, Teams from Kenora and Fort William journeyed here to fight it out. As a result the spect- ators were treated to many games of stiff competitive hockey. From the uantams 'through to the Juveniles the games were ' keenly interesting. Leading off the play, Schreiber and 'Kenora Bantams played off Saturday for the right to meet Fort William'on the Sun- day. This became a close game. Ames of Kenora 'put his team in the lead halfway | 'through the second period and held the ' lead until the middle of the third when. M. Tookensy from Maclay got the tying counter. The overtime period which was a first goal win, didn't last too long, Cosgrove at 6:40 sho« one through McMillan 2and put the Schreiberites into the playoffs, Fort William, a heavier and more exper- ienced team, won through by six to four Sunday to take the cuo. Wolchuk, Cella and.Walters accounting for the iMiehe. goals with retaliations from wewoll, Costetl, and Tookenay.. y Terrace Bay re>rescnted this esa the playdowns in the Midget Division... - They met the Kenora Legion team. _ Kenora swept through with a decisive nine to two victory but fell short the following day to lose a close decision. to Fort William Westforts by six to four. Supremacy for the Juvenile Championship stole the show, The games were played hard, fast and cleanly. Spectators were rawn to the Lake of the Woods Indian boys whose hockey abilities were exseptional. Defeating a strong Schreiber «ggregate nine to four Saturday, they continued through on Sunday to down the Fort William Kecne a au col, ) MINOK HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP (cont'd) contenders, Despite the loyalty to their own Juveniles, the spectators were compelled to cheer the Indians on Saturday and Sunday, They were 100% behind the Lake of the Woods group and were not disappointed. The Fort William Vestenders displayed: the greatest unsportsmanship manner of the whole series. Their Senet ctouey at the 'close of the Word has been received from the Manager of the Lake of the Woods Juvenile Indian Hockey team, requesting that the appreciation of the team be made known to the people of Terrace Bay' for whe nany acts of kindness shown to them. YEE WEE WEE: HOCK:Y ¥_ FINALS weraly, Vite 28 and ce! March 31 Ahard-playing Hawk team fought back - from the brink of elimination last week. They proved overmore 'that a club with a will to win is always in contention. On Friday the Leafs went down by a 4-2 bared goals - Erickson 1, D.Falzetta 3, Leaf goals - Williams and.L. Fhillips. leferees - D. McKay and G. Newell, Tae Hawks maue it even sore convincing on Monday with a.7 - 2 win,' Hawk. goals - L. McKay 1, C.: Cavanaugh 1, dD. Falzetta ae Leaf goals - Gaulin and Thillips ineferee --- B. Harvey Keen play and fine goal tending has feat-- 'ved this series throughout. The teams are now tied, at two wins each and the final game takes place, Wednesday, april ais A eae Oa