COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, March 16th. 9:30 A.M. Senior Sunday School x 11:00 A.M. Beginners Sunday School 2:00 P.M. Junior Sunday School 11:00 A.M, Morning Worship i Sharing the Sufferings of Christ. Evening Service The March Meeting of the Church Board will be held at the home of Mr. and) Mes J, Ferrier, 483 Saperior Avenue, $30: P.M, £30 bP FASHION NEWS Ladies! Are you interested in the latest in Spring Fashions? This spring fashion begins with color and the exotic trend turns to many new colors. Greeting the spring season with gay abandon, are daytime sheaths and evening sophisticates with slim lined and oval skirts that flow into soft silhouetts. You will see these enchanting styles and many others when you come to the Fashion Show sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Community Church, through the courtesy of the Hudson Bay Company at the High School Auditorium on Wednesday, March 26th at 8:00 pm. The Ladies! Chorus will entertain with familiar songs, Refreshments will be served. Admission: Adults 75¢ Btudents 50¢ Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy Fashions for '58, : eee INQUIRY CLASS AT ST. MARTIN'S HALL A series of lessons on the Catholic Faith 2 lessons a week, 20th lesson Monday, March 17th at 1:30 and 8:00 p.m. The Sacrament of Matrimony ~ Part 2. 21st lesson Wednesday, March 19th at 1:30 and 8:00 p.m. The Ten Commandments - One to Three. Even if you have not followed the lessons so far, it is not too late to start, EVERYBODY WELCOME Lenten devotions each Wednesday & Friday ' evening at 7:30. meee Saturday, March 15th. Cent aye yas - 3- p.Me "7-8 p.Me Sunday, March 16th. Masses --- 8:15 and 9:30 a.m, Benediction Sunday evening at 7:30. Mass during the week 8:00 a.m. Saturday at 8:30 a.m. C.W.L. News The regular monthly abt it of the Catholic Women's League was held on March 9th in St. Martin's Church Hall. Father Gallagher read the League Prayer and Mrs. Pegzy Helmink welcomed the ladies and called on the various committees. Mrs. Stella LeBlanc gave a report on the Bridge and Whist Party and thanked all who had helped. Mrs. Helmink gave a report on the Regional meeting she atterided in the Lakehead. Mrs. Rita Newell gave a report on the progress of the coming Spring Bazaar to be held on April 14th. Canvassers for each street will be getting in touch with each member so please have your apron or article ready for the White Elephant table. Mrs. Eva Connors is convening the St. Patrick's Tag Day, March 17th, and reported everything in order with the children to do the tagging, Mrs. Kay Anderson has kindly offered to convene the Boy Scout Banquet on April 26th. Mrs, Betty Cruickshank will be in charge of the Cancer Campaign. Mrs. Evelyn Falzetta and Mrs. Yolande Boudreau are to be her committee. Mrs, Alma Marcella is to canvass for St. Joseph's Orphanage memberships, This will be held to finance the organizing of Scouts and Guides at the School. Mrs. Cruickshank. reminded the members of the Federal election on March 31st and of their duty to vote and see that their name was on the voters list. The nominating committee for the forth- coming League elections are Mrs, Germaine MacMillan, Mrs. Vange Slattery and Mrs, Betty Pineault. A thank you was expressed to Mrs, Doris Legault for donating lunch cloths to the League and also to the Bridge Club for the beautiful flowers they had put on the Altar. A cheerful letter was read from Father Kelly in Japan thanking the League for the Christmas donation to help him in his work, (Cont'd on page1o)